• 2 months ago
Deen aur Khawateen - Topic: Mah e Shaban ul Moazzam Ki Fazilat

Host: Dr. Syeda Nida Naseem Kazmi

Guest: Aalima Safa Fatima, Alima Aliya Shariq, Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi

#DeenAurKhawateen #IslamicInformation #aryqtv

Is a live program which is based on lady's scholar's concept. In which the female host and guests arrived and discuss the daily life issues in the light of Quraan & Sunnah. Entertain live calls as well and answer the questions of live caller.

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00:00The work of this Messiah, the women of the religion,
00:06how good is this chain of religion and women.
00:15I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:18In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:20All praise is due to Allah, Who has guided us to this,
00:23and we would not have been guided had Allah not guided us.
00:29O Allah, send peace and blessings upon our Master and Master Muhammad,
00:33as many as there are in the knowledge of Allah.
00:36May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:39Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, ladies and gentlemen.
00:45This is a special edition of ARYQ TV,
00:49entitled, The Religion and the Women.
00:54The basic purpose of The Religion and the Women is to enlighten the delicate class
01:00with the manifestations of the religion of Islam,
01:04so that the teachings of the pure Shariah of Islam can be spread in every home.
01:11And so that our sisters, mothers, daughters, daughters,
01:15the basic unit of the family, that is, the women of the family,
01:18learn the religion and learn it so that it can be practiced.
01:23Sir, we are talking about the topic that we have been discussing since yesterday,
01:27which is the importance of the month of Sha'ban.
01:31Regarding the month of Sha'ban, we spoke yesterday that
01:34the month of Sha'ban is a month of greatness.
01:39It is a month of excellence. It is the month of the Prophet.
01:42It is the month of prayer. It is the month of the Qur'an.
01:45It is the month of the Qibla.
01:47And in this month, according to the verse of Durood, it is revealed.
01:51In this month, the verse of Fardiyat is revealed.
01:57And this is the month in which the descendants of powerful personalities are born.
02:03And this is the month for which the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says,
02:12that between Rajab and Ramadan, there is a month
02:17that most people are heedless of.
02:21And in this blessed month, people's deeds are presented in the court of Allah.
02:28And Amma Asha says, Siddiqa Tayyabah Tahira, may Allah be pleased with her,
02:33that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasts a lot in this month.
02:36And the Prophet himself says,
02:37that I want that when my deeds are presented in the court of Allah,
02:43then I fast.
02:44Therefore, he fasts a lot.
02:46Now, what is the message that Allah has given for the sisters?
02:48That the sisters should make arrangements for their Qaza days.
02:52That the sisters should recite Durood in this month.
02:57And try to recite Durood 10 times, 20 times, 15 times,
03:01as many times as you can easily and happily.
03:05In this month, you have to also make arrangements for the Qaza of Salat.
03:09And the method of Qaza-e-Umri has been told.
03:11How to maintain the register, how to make arrangements for it.
03:15Today, we have talked about another thing.
03:18That in this blessed month, which is its Nisb,
03:22the night of forgiveness and salvation comes.
03:25And the sisters, especially, in the form of the Jama'at or otherwise,
03:29we will talk about its details today.
03:31The Prophet makes arrangements for the Salat-e-Tasbih.
03:35Which the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
03:39taught his uncle, Hazrat Syedna Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him.
03:44In terms of its excellence, it was said that the Prophet said that daily,
03:49or on Friday, or once a month, or once a year,
03:52or at least once in a lifetime, it should be recited.
03:55Today, we are going to discuss its details.
03:59God willing.
04:00The scholars who are present with us,
04:03they both speak very well, who are the first guest scholars.
04:07God willing, they are eloquent, they are eloquent.
04:11They are passionate about serving the religion.
04:14We pray for them.
04:16Alima Safa Fatima, we greet you.
04:19Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
04:21Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
04:23How are you, sister?
04:23May Allah's blessings be upon you.
04:25We pray to Allah that in your knowledge, in your deeds,
04:28and in your sincerity, may He grant you blessings.
04:31And the other guest scholars who are present,
04:34we pray for them as well.
04:36May Allah grant you blessings in your knowledge as well.
04:39Alima Alia Shariq.
04:42Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
04:43Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
04:45How are you?
04:46Praise be to Allah.
04:46May Allah keep you safe.
04:48May Allah grant you blessings in your knowledge.
04:50You are a permanent member of our program.
04:53We are all your fans.
04:55We are all your students.
04:56You are our mentor.
04:57You teach us.
04:58God willing, Faiz Bakhsh, Faiz Gustar, Faiz Rasa,
05:02Sheikhul Hadith, Ustazul Ulema,
05:05Mufti Muhammad Ahsan Naveed Khan Niazi,
05:09On Beeper, our guide directly greets you.
05:13Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
05:14Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
05:18How are you?
05:18Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
05:20Praise be to Allah.
05:21May Allah keep you safe.
05:26With your permission, may I start with the questions?
05:28Start with Bismillah.
05:30In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
05:32My name is Alima Safa Fatima.
05:35Please tell us about Salat-ul-Tasbeeh and its Shari'ah.
05:41In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
05:42Salat-ul-Tasbeeh is a Nafl Salat.
05:46The commandment of Nafl is that
05:49a person should perform additional acts of worship
05:52in order to gain the nearness of Allah, the Lord of Glory.
06:01One of those is Salat-ul-Tasbeeh.
06:04Regarding this, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
06:07taught Hazrat Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him,
06:10and its importance has been mentioned in the Hadith itself.
06:14The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that
06:17should I not grant you, should I not forgive you,
06:21and should I not be kind to you?
06:24Meaning, should I not be kind to you?
06:25This means that mentioning kindness,
06:27granting and forgiving,
06:29is itself indicating that
06:32the statement of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
06:36is certainly of great importance.
06:38After this, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
06:42explained the method of Salat-ul-Tasbeeh
06:44and declared it as a means of forgiving sins.
06:48He said that this Salat becomes a means of removing the next and previous sins.
06:52Similarly, he also said that
06:55if you are able to do it daily, then do it daily,
06:58and if you are not able to do it daily, then do it at least once a week,
07:01or once a month,
07:03and if you are not able to do it with anyone, then do it at least once a year,
07:06and if you are not able to do this much,
07:07then do this Salat at least once in your life.
07:11These are all things,
07:13and similarly, in this Salat, the repetition of many Tasbeehs
07:16shows the superiority and importance of this Salat.
07:21And one should certainly try to arrange for these Salats.
07:27If there is any obligation in your responsibility,
07:29then, of course, the priority is given to the duty,
07:32but if there is so much time,
07:35that you can fulfill the duty, and you can also perform Nawafil,
07:38then you should certainly arrange for it,
07:40and you should certainly attain its blessings.
07:43Because our obligations
07:45become a means of forgiving sins,
07:47they become a means of forgiveness,
07:48and similarly,
07:50the lack of beauty in our obligations,
07:54in terms of worship,
07:56the lack of happiness and pleasure,
07:58they become a means of forgiveness.
08:01This is the reason, that the obligations are considered to be real,
08:04that is, the obligations are the real capital,
08:06and they have to be arranged for.
08:08But if there is a lack of beauty in worship,
08:12and if there is no happiness and pleasure,
08:15then these Nawafil can become a means of forgiveness.
08:18Although, the obligatory Salat is important in its place,
08:21but in this way, through these Nawafil,
08:23some of the shortcomings that remain, can be fulfilled.
08:27And Allah is certainly a means of attaining nearness to the Lord of Glory.
08:30In fact, it is a means of expressing the love of God.
08:33Because we have to perform the obligatory and obligatory worship in any case,
08:37but the Nawafil will be performed
08:38in a way that will express the love of Allah the Lord of Glory.
08:41You have to do something special, right?
08:43Yes, of course.
08:43There are requirements of love.
08:44So, that is why it should be arranged,
08:46and we should also try to attain excellence.
08:48Subhanallah, Mashallah, Barakallah.
08:50I will give your name,
08:52and the scholar, Alia Shariq, will explain the method of this.
08:57Salat-ul-Tazvi is a Nawafil Salat, as its excellence has just been explained.
09:00Just as we normally perform Salat, it is performed in the same way.
09:04Due to being a Nawafil,
09:06if we wish, we can perform two rak'ahs,
09:08or if we wish, we can perform four rak'ahs.
09:09When we perform four rak'ahs together,
09:12then when we sit after two rak'ahs,
09:16then after Tashahud, we will also perform Durud Sharif and Adarya-e-Mathura.
09:20Similarly, when we stand for the third rak'ah,
09:23then we will also perform Fana.
09:25In Salat-ul-Tazvi, there is an addition,
09:27like before Surah Fatiha,
09:31after Qirat, in Ruku, after standing in Ruku,
09:34i.e. in a coma,
09:35in both the prostrations,
09:37in Jalsa, i.e. when one sits between both the prostrations,
09:40in these, there is an addition of Tazbihs.
09:43Every Tazbih is recited 10 times,
09:45except the Tazbih before Surah Fatiha,
09:47which is recited 15 times.
09:49In this way, in one rak'ah, 75, i.e. 75 times are recited,
09:53and after 4 rak'ahs, the total number of 300 is completed.
09:57Now, those Tazbihs are,
09:58Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar.
10:03i.e. that being is pure,
10:04and all the praises of Allah are for Him alone,
10:08and there is no God other than Allah,
10:10and He is very great.
10:11Similarly, if someone wants to add to these words,
10:14then, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi l-Aliyyi l-Azeem can be added.
10:20In short, Salat is the mention of Allah,
10:23and especially in Salat-ul-Tazbih,
10:24the repetition of the Oneness of Allah is recited.
10:28Therefore, whenever the opportunity arises,
10:31we should make use of this Salat.
10:34Subhanallah, Mashallah, Barakallah.
10:37We are fortunate that we have with us our Ustaz.
10:43Let's go to him.
10:44And the excellence of Huzoor's Salat-ul-Tazbih,
10:47its Shariah and its method.
10:49Please speak in this regard.
10:51In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
10:53Muhammadun wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barakahu wa sallam.
10:56Salat is Salat, Subhanallah.
10:58Salat, whether it is Fard or Nafl, what is the difference between the two?
11:02Fard is Fard, and it is obligatory.
11:05But apart from Fard, Nawafil has also been encouraged extensively.
11:11The term Nawafil has been used to mean
11:14that the one who recites Nawafil in an extensive manner
11:18is like someone knocking on the door.
11:20When he repeatedly knocks on the door, it opens.
11:23Man dhaqqa baabal kareemi in fatah.
11:26When the door of Kareem is repeatedly knocked on, it opens.
11:30So, the one who recites Nawafil in an extensive manner
11:33is like someone knocking on the door of Allah.
11:38So, the door of acceptance opens.
11:40So, we should take care of Nawafil,
11:42especially those Nawafil which are mentioned in the Hadith-e-Tayyabah.
11:46And this Salat-ul-Tasbih is also mentioned in the Hadith-e-Tayyabah.
11:50There are more than one narration in the Sunan-e-Abi Dawood
11:53in which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
11:56has given the instruction of Salat-ul-Tasbih.
12:01Salat-ul-Tasbih is called Salat-ul-Tasbih because
12:06the words of the beginning of the third Kalimah,
12:09Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar,
12:12are repeated in abundance.
12:15This is why it is called Salat-ul-Tasbih.
12:19And the Imams of the religion have also written books on it.
12:23Some people have commented on its narrations in the Hadith-e-Tayyabah,
12:27but the Imams of the Hadith-e-Tayyabah,
12:30i.e. the Nuqad Imams, have written books on it.
12:35They have written complete books on the status and status of Salat-ul-Tasbih
12:40to show that it is a strong narration.
12:43They have written books on its importance,
12:45its superiority, and its method.
12:48There are many books on its superiority.
12:50There is a book on its superiority,
12:54and there is a book on its inferiority.
12:56The benefits of the Hadith-e-Tayyabah are in their own place.
12:59The benefits of the Hadith-e-Tayyabah
13:02and the integrity of the Salafis were similar.
13:06There are many Muhaddiths like Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak,
13:09there are Muhaddiths, jurists, Sufis, Mujahids,
13:12there are men of every art.
13:14Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak's teacher, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Rabbad,
13:19used to say that whoever wants to enter paradise,
13:24should hold on to Salat-ul-Tasbih firmly.
13:27And he himself used to take care of it in the same way.
13:30Sheikh Abu Usman Hayri, may Allah have mercy on him,
13:32was a great Sufi saint, he was from Allah.
13:35He is mentioned in the Akabir.
13:37Many great Imams mention him.
13:40He used to say that, let me share my own experience,
13:43that I have never seen anything more than Salat-ul-Tasbih
13:46to remove or alleviate problems.
13:51This Salat is the reason for the forgiveness of sins,
13:55and the reason for avoiding calamities,
13:58and the reason for planting trees in paradise.
14:01And the biggest thing is that it is the source of Allah's pleasure.
14:04Therefore, Salat-ul-Tasbih should be taken care of.
14:07Subhan Allah, Mashallah, Barak Allah.
14:10We are taking a break now.
14:13And we request you to keep your lips sealed with the Durood-e-Paak.
14:19In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
14:21Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
14:23Your well-being is first and foremost in religion and women.
14:26Today, we are discussing the importance of Salat-ul-Tasbih.
14:31We will also welcome you in details.
14:36And we have with us our scholars,
14:39Scholar Safa Fatima and Scholar Alia Shariq.
14:43On Beeper, Mufti Sahab is with us today as well.
14:48I am your translator, Scholar Safa Fatima.
14:51And tell me, when should Salat-ul-Tasbih be performed?
14:56See, apart from the appointed time,
14:58you can perform this Salat whenever you want, day or night.
15:02You can perform it at any time, but not at the appointed time.
15:07It is better to perform this Salat at the appointed time,
15:12so that you have a good time to perform this Salat with peace and tranquillity.
15:19Otherwise, since this Salat will not be performed at the appointed time,
15:22there are three appointed times,
15:23in which the obligatory and voluntary prayers cannot be performed.
15:27And after the end of Fajr prayer,
15:30i.e. after the sunrise, no Salat can be performed at this time.
15:36Similarly, the time before Zuhr, which is also known as Dahwa-e-Kubra,
15:39and also known as the time of Zawal,
15:42this Salat will not be performed at that time as well.
15:44And since the obligatory and voluntary prayers are not performed at this time,
15:47this Salat will also not be performed.
15:49Similarly, the 20 minutes before Maghrib,
15:51at that time also, this Salat, i.e. Salat-ul-Tasbih will not be performed.
15:56Apart from this, as far as Nawafil is concerned,
15:58some additional times have also been stated,
16:00that the Nawafil should not be performed at the appointed time.
16:04For example, when the time of Fajr prayer starts,
16:07apart from the Sunnah of Fajr, Nawafil should not be performed.
16:12And after that, the obligatory prayers are performed.
16:14So, the obligatory prayers are performed before Fajr,
16:15and after the obligatory prayers of Fajr,
16:17when the time of Fajr prayer starts,
16:18then the Salat-ul-Tasbih will not be performed.
16:21So much so that the appointed time, which will come after this,
16:23will also pass, and after that we can perform it.
16:25Similarly, in the Asr prayer, if there is space before the Asr prayer,
16:30then at that time, with the Sunnahs, or even if you do not read the Sunnahs,
16:34then you can arrange for the Salat-ul-Tasbih.
16:36After that, the obligatory prayers will be performed.
16:38And after the obligatory prayers of Asr,
16:40the Salat-ul-Tasbih cannot be performed,
16:41because even after the obligatory prayers of Asr,
16:43reading Nawafil is prohibited.
16:45Apart from this, you can read it at any time you want,
16:47but select a time, in which you can perform this worship with complete concentration.
16:52Jainam, thank you very much.
16:53I will now turn to you, Alima Alia Shariq, and tell us,
16:56that in the Salat-ul-Tasbih, how will the Tasbih be counted?
17:01And if you forget to read the Tasbih in any order,
17:05or if there is an excess in the number, then what will be the order?
17:10In the Salat-ul-Tasbih, the best way to count the number of Tasbih is to count it in the heart.
17:18And to count the number of 300, it is important that you perform the Salat with full concentration.
17:23Because if you lose focus, it is possible that you will forget the number.
17:28Therefore, perform the Salat with full concentration and concentration.
17:32And if it is difficult for someone to do this,
17:35that is, to do the counting imaginatively,
17:38then she will do the counting with her fingers, that is, with the pores of her hand.
17:43And she will do it in such a way, that wherever the hands are placed,
17:45they should be placed in the same way, only pressing the pores.
17:48In this way, three Tasbihs of one finger and fifteen Tasbihs of the whole hand will be counted,
17:53but no action will be taken.
17:55Because the jurists have clarified this,
17:59that you will not do the counting while performing the Salat.
18:04And if someone does the counting while performing the action,
18:07then this is against the Sunnah.
18:09In any case, the Salat will be performed.
18:11May I include the caller? You have permission.
18:12Peace be upon you. I am including the caller in the program.
18:15Peace be upon you. How are you?
18:16I am fine, dear sister. What is your name? And how are you?
18:20Sister, my question is that the Qazza Salat is performed,
18:24does it consist of four Qazza Salat or two Qazza Salat?
18:32Okay. Is there any other question?
18:37Okay. Please complete your question, Alima.
18:40In the same way, if there is any deficiency in the Tasbihs or something is left,
18:44then you will complete those Tasbihs with a continuous Rukun.
18:48For example, the duties like Qiyam, Rukuh, Sujood,
18:52if there is any deficiency in the Tasbihs,
18:55for example, if there is a deficiency in Qiyam,
18:56then you can complete it in Rukuh.
18:59And you will complete the 300.
19:02But the Qauma, which is when we stand after Rukuh,
19:06or Jalsa, which is between two prostrations,
19:09we will not do any additional Tasbih in that.
19:12Because the time period of standing in that is very short.
19:16That is, the deficiency in the Tasbihs of the other Arkaans,
19:20we can do that apart from Qauma and Jalsa.
19:23And if there is any deficiency of Qauma and Jalsa,
19:26then we can complete it in all the remaining Arkaans.
19:30In short, if there is any deficiency,
19:32then apart from Qauma and Jalsa,
19:34we will complete that quantity in all the Arkaans.
19:37Hmm. Okay.
19:40Mufti sahab, will you comment on this or should I ask more questions?
19:43Yes, just come to the next questions.
19:46Tell me, in some places, for women,
19:49Alim-e-Saffah Fatimah Salat-e-Tasbih Jama'at is organized.
19:53What is its order?
19:55And if the sisters of the Jama'at are getting it read somewhere,
19:58that is, some people keep it in their homes,
20:01that after a certain Salat, we have an organization,
20:03or there is an organization at night,
20:05then what will be its method after this call?
20:07Assalamu Alaikum.
20:09Assalamu Alaikum.
20:10Yes, sister, what is your name and what question do you want to ask?
20:14Yes, my name is Marvi.
20:16My question is that my child is four years old and he drinks milk.
20:21Someone told me that this is a serious sin,
20:23that he was drinking milk for so long.
20:25Is this really a sin?
20:28Okay, sister, your question will be included.
20:31Complete the question.
20:32Yes, if the women of the Salat-e-Tasbih or Nafl Jama'at get it done,
20:36then there is a disagreement among the jurists regarding this.
20:39There are different opinions.
20:40Some have called it unlawful,
20:41some have called it a criminal offence,
20:43and some have called it a criminal offence.
20:46And the Imam-e-Azam's statement in this regard is that
20:49it is a criminal offence to get women of the Salat-e-Tasbih Jama'at done.
20:54And if we talk about the jurists who believe that
20:57it is permissible to get women of the Salat-e-Tasbih Jama'at done,
20:59then the method will be that
21:01the Imam will stand in the middle of the first row of the women,
21:05and not in the front row.
21:07That is, the women who are becoming Imams will not stand in the front row.
21:10In fact, they will stand in the middle row.
21:13The rest is that the number of Tasbihs is increased,
21:17and the recitation is not on the Muqtadi except for the Imam.
21:21That is, only the Imam recites.
21:23And just as it is in the men's Jama'at,
21:24similarly, in the women's Jama'at,
21:26if the women are getting their Imams done,
21:29then they will recite,
21:30but among the women present, there is no recitation.
21:33The Qur'an will not recite.
21:34But the extra Tasbihs of the Salat-e-Tasbih will be recited,
21:38just as the Imam will recite.
21:39Similarly, the women who are present behind them,
21:42they will also arrange these Tasbihs.
21:45I will say one thing here,
21:47because there is already a disagreement in this matter,
21:49and if you look at the importance of Nawafil,
21:53or especially this Nawaz,
21:55which is not paid much attention to,
21:57then the Tasbihs come out of the mind.
22:00So, the best way is to arrange it individually in your home,
22:06so that you can pay attention to Allah and offer Salat with happiness.
22:09Yes, Jannab, a very good message.
22:11I will come to you in a moment.
22:13And if the Sajdah-e-Sahab is obligatory in the Salat-e-Tasbih,
22:17then will the Tasbih be recited in it or not?
22:21If the Sajdah-e-Sahab is obligatory in the Salat-e-Tasbih,
22:24then the Tasbihs will not be recited in the Sajdah.
22:27Because the Tasbihs of the Salat-e-Tasbih
22:29have to be recited in the Salat,
22:31and the 300 Tasbihs have to be recited in the Salat.
22:35But when we do the Sajdah-e-Sahab,
22:37we leave the Salat,
22:38because we do the Sajdah-e-Sahab after we have done the Salam.
22:42Therefore, when the Sajdah-e-Sahab is done,
22:44then the Tasbihs will not be recited in it.
22:46Hazrat Abdullah bin Mubarak was asked by Allah Almighty,
22:50that if we do the Sajdah,
22:52will the Tasbihs be recited in it?
22:54He did not say that the 300 Tasbihs
22:57will be recited in it.
22:58However, if there is any deficiency in the Tasbihs,
23:01then you will definitely receive the blessings of Allah Almighty.
23:06Although it will not be followed in the right way,
23:09but we should expect from Allah Almighty
23:11that He will definitely reward us for it.
23:14SubhanAllah. Mashallah.
23:16Murshid sahab, we will come to you.
23:18And will you comment on the questions that have been asked?
23:22I would like to say something about the Nawafil Jama'at.
23:25The Nawafil Jama'at is also for men.
23:29The jurists have written that for men,
23:33the meaning of Tada'i is to call people.
23:38So, if more than three people are called for Tada'i,
23:42then the Nawafil Jama'at is also for men.
23:45There is a difference in the Qiraat.
23:47The Qiraat for men is Tanzeehi or Tehreemi.
23:51Some people believe in Tehreemi,
23:53while some people believe in Tanzeehi.
23:56And since the jurists do not agree with this,
24:00that is why there is a difference between Tanzeehi and Tehreemi.
24:03So, the men's Jama'at is also for men.
24:06There is a difference in the Qiraat.
24:07Whether you take Tehreemi or Tanzeehi,
24:09there is a difference in the Qiraat.
24:12So, in the men's Jama'at,
24:14the best thing is that the Nawafil Jama'at is for men.
24:19Whether you are in the mosque or at home,
24:23the best thing is that the Nawafil Jama'at is for men.
24:24But in some places, where the mosques have Shab-e-Dari,
24:28the Nawafil Jama'at is there.
24:31So, some of our scholars encourage people to offer their prayers here.
24:36The reason for this is that there is Shab-e-Dari in the mosque
24:41and people are worshipping there.
24:42And at that time, it was announced that
24:44the Salat-e-Tasbih will be offered and the Nafl will be offered.
24:48So, at that time, if it is said to offer Salat-e-Tasbih on your own,
24:51then some people offer Salat-e-Tasbih.
24:52And some people go to the side and sit together.
24:54They sit together and go to the outside scene
24:57or sit together at the Wudhu Khana and start gossiping.
25:01Especially the youngsters, the teenagers.
25:05So, it is said that instead of going to the side and gossiping,
25:11if someone has taken care of the Jama'at,
25:14then those people should also join.
25:15So, those who are experts in recitation of Tanzeeh,
25:18according to them, it will only be Makrooh-e-Tanzeeh.
25:20Salat will be offered and recitation of Tanzeeh is not a sin.
25:26Makrooh-e-Tanzeeh is disliked, but it is not a sin.
25:31So, when this is happening in the mosque,
25:34encouraging people to offer Salat-e-Tanzeeh there is a different matter.
25:37Otherwise, it is better for men to offer Salat-e-Tanzeeh on their own.
25:45And where there are no sensible people,
25:49then the Jama'at should not be taken care of,
25:51but should offer Salat-e-Tanzeeh on their own.
25:53Because I have seen in some places,
25:55that all the people present in the mosque are serious
26:00and they follow whatever is explained to them.
26:02So, there is no need for the Jama'at to be taken care of.
26:07So, instead of the Jama'at, they should be told to offer Salat-e-Tanzeeh on their own.
26:12So, they should offer Salat-e-Tanzeeh on their own.
26:14Thank you very much, Mufti sahab.
26:16We will take a break now. Please continue reciting the Durood.
26:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
26:22Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
26:24Janab-ud-Din and ladies, we are talking about Salat-e-Tanzeeh.
26:32In terms of its importance, what is the method?
26:36If there is a mistake or a mistake is made,
26:41then what is the punishment for it?
26:43Mufti sahab is with us.
26:45Mufti sahab, can I ask questions from the callers?
26:47Yes, please.
26:48I have asked a question and she is asking,
26:52should Qaza Salat be offered in two rak'ahs or four rak'ahs at the same time?
26:58The obligatory Salat that you are offering,
27:01the Qaza Salat that you are offering,
27:02you have to offer it in the same way as your Qaza Salat was offered.
27:05That is, the Salat that is in two rak'ahs,
27:08you will offer two rak'ahs for that.
27:09For example, if it was two rak'ahs for Fajr, you will offer two rak'ahs.
27:12The Salat that is in four rak'ahs,
27:13like Zuhr, Asr, Isha, you will offer four rak'ahs for that.
27:16And the Salat that is in three rak'ahs, like Maghrib,
27:19you will offer three rak'ahs for that.
27:22This is an order, if you are not on a journey,
27:26you are not travelling,
27:27you are not on a regular journey and your Salat has been offered,
27:30then you will offer its Qaza Salat in this way.
27:33And if you are on a journey,
27:35you are on a regular journey and your Salat has been offered,
27:37then because there is Qasr Salat in the journey,
27:40you will offer its Qaza Salat in the form of Qasr Salat.
27:43That is, the four rak'ahs,
27:45you will offer two rak'ahs for its Qaza Salat.
27:48It does not matter if you are offering its Qaza Salat
27:50on a journey or at home.
27:54The real trust is in the condition in which the Salat was offered.
27:59If the Salat was offered on a journey,
28:01then it is fine, you will offer two rak'ahs for it, like Qasr Salat.
28:05Because it was your duty, it was a compulsory Qasr,
28:08then you will offer its Qaza Salat in the form of Qasr Salat.
28:11And if the Salat was offered on a journey,
28:13and you were not in a condition to offer it on a journey,
28:16then it was your duty to offer four rak'ahs for it,
28:18so you will offer its Qaza Salat.
28:20So, you will offer four rak'ahs for its Qaza Salat.
28:22And along with Isha, Vitr Salat will also be offered,
28:25because Vitr is a compulsory Salat.
28:27It is a compulsory Qaza Salat,
28:29and it is not the Qaza Salat of Sunnah and Nawafil.
28:33A sister asks,
28:34Mr. Gupti, she has a child, and he has reached the age of four years.
28:39So, please explain to her the limits of her freedom.
28:41Yes, what she said, that she is still feeding him,
28:44it is not right to do this.
28:45The two-year period is fixed.
28:49It is not permissible to feed him after two years.
28:52It is a sin.
28:53It has been four years,
28:54so she should get him released immediately.
28:59Whoever has told her that it is a severe sin,
29:01she should be told that it is a sin and it is not permissible to do this.
29:05And for the proof of his freedom, it is a two-and-a-half-year period.
29:09If a child is fed within the two-and-a-half-year period,
29:14then it will prove his freedom.
29:16As for the rest of the period,
29:18that is, how long can he be fed,
29:20that period is two years.
29:23It is not permissible to feed him for more than two years.
29:27Tell me, is there a question that I should include?
29:30Yes, I was looking at it in the previous questions.
29:33A sister had asked a question that if a Nawafil is reciting,
29:38in order to give a gift to the Holy Prophet,
29:41that is, in order to give a reward,
29:43if he wants to recite the Durood-e-Taj,
29:46then can he recite the Durood-e-Taj, sister or not?
29:49The answer to this is that in the individual Nawafils,
29:52it is allowed to recite prayers.
29:56In fact, apart from Maasoor, prayers are also recited.
30:00When the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
30:02explained the method of Namaz,
30:04in the end he said that when he explained the method of Tashahud,
30:09he taught and then said that after Durood,
30:12you can ask for whatever prayer you want.
30:14So, the jurists deduced from this that
30:18if an individual Nawafil is reciting,
30:20then he can also recite long prayers.
30:23So, Durood-e-Taj is also Durood,
30:25and although it is long, but since it is an individual Nawafil,
30:29so if someone recites Durood-e-Taj in an individual Nawafil,
30:32then the Nawafil will be recited and in this case there is no problem.
30:36Because the prayer itself is allowed,
30:40it is not necessary to be Maasoor.
30:42It is better that the prayer should be Maasoor.
30:46Some jurists also say that Maasoor should be Maasoor.
30:50But some jurists directly argue with the Hadith
30:52that when the government itself has allowed the prayer to be good,
30:56then they say that any prayer can be asked for.
30:59And some jurists say that even if it is not Maasoor,
31:02it should not be similar to Kalam-e-Nas.
31:05That is, it should not be like the common things that are said in the world,
31:09long things, it should not be like this.
31:11If there is a prayer that is really asked for by Allah,
31:14then it can be asked for.
31:17So, looking at all these situations,
31:20if a woman wants to recite Durood-e-Taj in an individual Nawafil,
31:24then she can recite it.
31:26There is no problem with this.
31:27And the other thing is that the Nawafil give gifts to Prophet Muhammad.
31:33So, giving Nawafil means that
31:35they will give their reward to Prophet Muhammad.
31:41Nawafil are recited for Allah.
31:43Namaz, worship is done for Allah.
31:47Whether it is Fard, Nafl or Sunnah,
31:51it is done for Allah.
31:52We recite it for Allah and we can give its reward to anyone.
31:56This is why some people in Sunnah also say that
31:59when they make intentions, some people ask
32:02that in Sunnah, it is said that Sunnah is for Prophet Muhammad.
32:07So, it should not be said like this.
32:09Sunnah is not being recited for Prophet Muhammad.
32:12Sunnah is being recited for Allah as Fard is being recited for Allah.
32:15So, it is being recited for Prophet Muhammad.
32:19So, if you want to say that you love Prophet Muhammad
32:23and you want to express your love for him
32:26or you have a passion for him,
32:29then you can say that Sunnah is being recited for Prophet Muhammad.
32:33So, it will be right that Sunnah is being recited for Prophet Muhammad.
32:39So, it is right to say it like this,
32:42but it should not be said that Sunnah is for Prophet Muhammad.
32:45Sunnah is not being recited for Prophet Muhammad.
32:46Sunnah is being recited for Allah
32:50as Fard is being recited for Allah
32:52and Nafl is being recited for Allah.
32:55So, there is no harm in giving its reward.
32:57Fard can be done, Sunnah can be done,
33:00Nafl can be done, there is no harm in giving its reward.
33:04If a sister does not understand the method
33:07and some sisters forget it or have a problem with understanding,
33:12then what will be said to them
33:15if they are going to keep a pamphlet while performing Salat and Tazbeeh?
33:21They should not keep a pamphlet like this.
33:24Then, their eyes will be on the pamphlet.
33:25No, the purpose of keeping a pamphlet is to keep an eye on the pamphlet.
33:30This is a pamphlet, Qur'an-e-Majeed, Furqan-e-Ameer.
33:33Reading by looking at the Qur'an.
33:36By the way, there is a difference in the opinion of Ahmad.
33:39Some Ahmads do not believe that reading the Qur'an by looking at it
33:43is a form of Mufsid-e-Salat.
33:44According to them, it is permissible.
33:47But according to Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ali,
33:49Salat is not correct.
33:51They call it Mufsid-e-Salat to read by looking at the Qur'an.
33:55So, when it is forbidden to read by looking at the Qur'an,
33:59to read by looking at the Musaf-e-Sharif,
34:01then it is a matter of keeping your own pamphlet and looking at it.
34:07So, you should not look at the pamphlet like this.
34:08But I am not saying that Salat is a form of Mufsid-e-Salat.
34:12Salat is not permissible by just looking at the pamphlet.
34:16It is a matter of keeping one's eyes on the Qur'an.
34:21And if you look at the Qur'an and read it,
34:24then it is not permissible by just looking at the Qur'an.
34:28But reading by looking at the Qur'an is not permissible.
34:30I am not saying reading, I am saying reading.
34:33Reading by looking at the Qur'an is not permissible.
35:07If you have really committed an injustice,
35:09then you should avoid the curse of the oppressed.
35:13Ittaqee daawatal mazloom,
35:14fainna laysa bainaha wa bainallahi hijab.
35:17In the Hadith of the Prophet, he said,
35:19avoid the curse of the oppressed.
35:21There is no veil between him and Allah.
35:24So, if you have committed an injustice,
35:26and he has said this in the future,
35:27then you should ask for forgiveness from him.
35:28You should repent to Allah and ask for forgiveness from him.
35:31And if he is asking for forgiveness with a sincere heart,
35:33then you should forgive him.
35:35And if you have not committed an injustice,
35:38then he is feeling that it is an injustice.
35:42Sometimes there is no injustice,
35:43but he did not listen to what was being said.
35:46So, it was not necessary to listen to what was being said.
35:48But now he has assumed that it is an injustice,
35:51and he has started commenting on it.
35:53There is no command on such assumptions.
35:55There is no such command.
35:55Okay, with your permission, I will include the message.
35:59Yes, what message did Alima Safa Fatima give?
36:01In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
36:02Allah said,
36:03I have not created the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me.
36:05It was created for worship,
36:07through obligatory prayers and voluntary prayers.
36:09Try to attain the purpose of life as much as possible.
36:13Alima Alia Shariq.
36:15The meaning of the blessed hadith is that
36:17it is for everyone to acquire knowledge.
36:19So, it is very easy to acquire religious knowledge now,
36:22whether it is through the internet or through online classes.
36:25Knowledge is a very good ornament.
36:27The more it is possible,
36:29one should make use of it.
36:30Yes, as women,
36:32it is a matter of knowledge.
36:33It is better to make use of knowledge
36:36than to go to other jewellery stores.
36:41I wish all the sisters would understand this ornament.
36:44And, Mufti sahib, what message would you like to give?
36:47The message is that there should be a taste and interest in worship.
36:51Some people, as you can see,
36:53they pay a lot of attention to worldly things,
36:58but they take worship very lightly.
37:00Okay, your responsibilities,
37:03your needs, your desires,
37:05they are also your responsibilities.
37:06Allah has not kept them, they have to be fulfilled.
37:08But, in any case, they are Muslims.
37:09And, Muslims should also take care of their worship.
37:12And, similarly, the students who are dependent on knowledge,
37:15sometimes they are lazy in their worship.
37:18So, they should not be lazy in their worship.
37:20Worship also has its own protocol.
37:22It should be maintained and worship should be taken care of.
37:25MashaAllah, MashaAllah.
37:26Thank you very much, Mufti sahib.
37:27I am thankful to both of you for your knowledge.
37:30And, that is all for today.
37:32I pray to Allah the Almighty
37:34that in the month of Shaban-ul-Muazzam,
37:36may He enable us to take good care of our worship.
37:42May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
37:57May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
