• 2 months ago
Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu), Sri Mulyani Indrawati, memastikan anggaran bantuan sosial (Bansos) tidak akan dilakukan pemotongan seperti anggaran-anggaran lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan Pemerintah akan melakukan penggunaan APBN sepenuhnya untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat.


00:00In the meantime, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyanindrawati ensured that social assistance budgets will not be cut like other budgets.
00:14This is because the government will fully use the APBN for the welfare of the people.
00:21The country's spending target for the year 2025 reached Rp 3,621 trillion.
00:30To optimize the country's spending, the government plans to adjust the budget of the Ministry and Institutions in 16 post-spending.
00:39Minister of Finance Sri Mulyanindrawati insisted that social assistance funds or social funds that have been running so far will not be cut even a little.
00:49The reason is that President Prabowo Subianto will focus on creating an efficient bureaucracy
00:55as well as encouraging the full use of APBN for the welfare of the people and the results can really be enjoyed by the people.
01:03We will make further adjustments to make the budget adjustments in the Ministry and Institutions that are being instructed by the President more precise.
01:19The purpose is to make the bureaucracy more efficient and the activities as well as the use of state funds, APBN, can really be directly enjoyed by the people.
01:34Sri Mulyanindrawati added that there are 16 post-spending that need to be cut budget with a variety of presentations, starting from 10% to 90%.
01:44Post-spending that will be reduced, such as 90% office writing tools, 56.9% ceremonial activities, 53.9% service trips, up to 75.9% printing and souvenir post-spending.
02:14For more information visit www.ISGlobal.org
