• 2 months ago
PLUS: The actor talks alien conspiracy theories, his social media sabbatical, and what fans will love most about The Recruit season 2


00:00Now it's the sit down with Noah Centineo.
00:02Hi, Noah.
00:04I have a bone to pick with you, mister.
00:06The first season of The Recruit was in,
00:08check notes, 2022.
00:11Never leave us hanging like that again.
00:13I know, I'm sorry.
00:15Without giving too much away,
00:17what do you think everyone will like the most
00:19about season two?
00:20Yo Teo, without a doubt.
00:21He is the propulsive element to this entire season.
00:26I think this season moves so fast.
00:30Once it starts to the very end,
00:31it just doesn't let go of you.
00:33And I think that's exciting.
00:35And I think that there's so much more action in this season
00:38and that's really exciting.
00:39And I think, yeah,
00:41I think if you like the first season of The Recruit,
00:43the second season is all the best qualities
00:47of the first season, but injected with adrenaline.
00:50Especially after playing this character
00:52and speaking to actual real life CIA lawyers,
00:55what's one crazy conspiracy theory
00:57that you kind of believe?
00:59I think aliens is highly probable, you know?
01:02I think, I think what?
01:03In the entire universe that we know and don't know,
01:07there's not other intelligent life.
01:10I think that's crazy.
01:11We love you in rom-coms, including your XO Kitty cameo.
01:15Is dropping back kind of like going home?
01:17Yeah, I mean, coming out and doing XO Kitty,
01:21like kind of reprising Peter, it's scary, right?
01:24It's a daunting thing, right?
01:26Because you have this character
01:28that has made an impact and you really get,
01:31I'm like, I was like afraid to take Peter out of the box
01:34and kind of reopen that.
01:37But I love Anna so much.
01:39And I think like, she's just so talented
01:41and what she does on XO Kitty is fantastic.
01:44And when Matt Kaplan called me and said,
01:47hey, we're looking, I know you're shooting in South Korea,
01:49we're shooting XO Kitty at the same time.
01:51Would you be interested?
01:52And I said, I said, yeah, yeah, I think I would be,
01:56and anything for Anna.
01:59Hollywood can be chaos,
02:01especially after starring in so many beloved projects
02:04like you have, but we don't really see you
02:06in gossipy headlines or paparazzi photos.
02:09What's your strategy from staying away from all the noise
02:11and protecting your private life?
02:13They don't care about me.
02:14Like, I'm telling you, I'm telling you.
02:19I walk, I go walk up and they see me
02:21and they're like, ah, just let him in.
02:23I'm serious, it's phenomenal.
02:25It's so good.
02:27Hold on, because I looked at your Instagram posts
02:28and people were like, whatever made you post like this,
02:31please post more.
02:32Oh, well, I certainly am trying to post more.
02:36I don't know, I took a sabbatical, you know,
02:40and I'm ready to come back on social media, you know,
02:45and especially gearing up for the next year.
02:48It's a big year, it's an exciting year,
02:50but I appreciate that.
02:51I am a fairly private person
02:54and I try, I don't really step out that often anyway, so.
02:58Not to rush it, but you've got a big birthday
03:01coming up next year, the big 3-0.
03:03What's on your bucket list that you need to get done
03:05before you turn 30?
03:07I'll probably quit acting.
03:09No, I'm just kidding.
03:11I would like to do a rom-com, you know, before I turn 30.
03:16I'd like to do another one of those, for sure.
03:19Okay, this is your time to shine.
03:21I'm gonna put 10 seconds on the clock.
03:23Tell everyone why they should check out
03:25season two of The Recruit.
03:26Ready? Go.
03:27Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
03:30The Recruit season two is coming out
03:32on Netflix January 30th.
03:34I hope you watch it and enjoy it.
03:36Noah, thank you so much for joining us today.
03:38Thank you so much, your energy is incredible.
