• 2 months ago
A focus on St Anne's Catholic Primary School, Streetly.
00:00I'm Trish Johnston, I'm the headteacher at St Anne's Primary School in Streetley.
00:05I've been headteacher here now for seven years and it's a wonderful school to be part of.
00:15When I came to the school there was lots of things that needed some work which didn't
00:20involve the teaching and learning that was always of a very high standard here but a
00:25lot of the fabric of the building, the classrooms, the equipment and resources, so we've worked
00:32very hard, myself and the governors, over the last seven years to attract over a million
00:37pounds worth of investment into school which included the building of a new classroom.
00:43So we now finally, after 50 years of school being open, have enough classrooms for every
00:49year group which we're very proud of.
00:53Over the last few months we've been very busy at school. In October we had our Catholic
00:59Schools Inspection which is on a five year cycle, very similar to Ofsted, and we were
01:06thrilled and delighted that our rating went from being a good Catholic school to an outstanding
01:12Catholic school. Although we don't really put a lot of stead by one word, single judgements,
01:19it was lovely to have recognised the amount of work the children do, how the children
01:25are as people and particularly the effort and the experience and the wonderful dedication
01:32of the staff at St Anne's. So that took us through October and we have been waiting for
01:38an Ofsted inspection since 2013. Under the old framework school had been judged as outstanding
01:46and obviously lots and lots of changes have happened since. Over the last seven years
01:51we've worked really hard on our curriculum, our enrichment, making sure we've got a broad
01:56and balanced curriculum with children having access to music, to art, to PE, French on
02:03a weekly basis. Our outcomes in English and Maths are outstanding, it always puts us in
02:11the top 5% of the schools in the country, but it's equally important to us that our
02:18children get that broad and balanced curriculum. So Ofsted came in to us, they called us on
02:24the first day back after Christmas and came in and we had a two day inspection and again
02:31we were really thrilled that they recognised what was happening in school. They called
02:36it an inspirational school where our children go on to flourish and for us that's the most
02:43important thing, is what we do for our children. Not the judgements that come, but that it
02:48was recognised that the children themselves achieved so much, but actually again that's
02:54down to the wonderful dedication of the staff and the amount of commitment they have to
02:59the children. And we were really pleased as well I think with one other comment in there
03:04mentioned that St Anne's is truly a family school where everybody has their say and that
03:11was really important to us. The governors were equally commended for their wonderful
03:17contribution to the life of St Anne's, offering challenge to myself as a head teacher as rightly
03:23they should and ensuring the direction of Travellers St Anne's is always looking to
03:29develop, to make things better and we have no complacency here.
