• last month
Familiares del empresario Canadiense, Eric Belhumeur de 52 años de edad, denunciaron el atropello del que ha sido víctima tras su detención por parte de agentes de la Dirección Central de Policía de Turismo (Politur) y miembros de la Dirección General de Migración, tras su apresamiento, por razones aun desconocidas, en la comunidad de Friusa, Bávaro en la provincia La Altagracia.


00:00Hello, good morning. I am Maria Monjica, the partner of Eri Beliumer, who is going through an incredible situation.
00:07These cases are still happening in the Dominican Republic.
00:10Eri Beliumer was arrested on January 10 by the police of Politur, here in Friusa Bávaro, and the police of Trata de Personas.
00:22They approached him in a very, very strange way.
00:24Behind his business, they went and asked the employees for him, for the owner of the vehicle.
00:29Not directly his name, but the owner of the vehicle.
00:31And when he went, from the back, where there are no cameras, they went and told him that this vehicle had a broken glass.
00:40And he explained to them that it was an accident, that he had asked for it from Shanghai, and that it had not arrived yet.
00:46They asked for his passport, he gave it to them, and they told him that this passport did not have a stamp.
00:54And he told them, the stamp is in the old one, because he entered here in 2019.
00:58And they told him, let's look for him.
01:02They told him no, they took him.
01:03They took him through here, through Politur, through Politur de Friusa, where there is no record that he passed through there.
01:09Then they took him to Verón, to a medical center, where a doctor made a paper that everything was fine.
01:14But without checking it.
01:15And from there they gave it to a person, who transported him to the fair, to the migration of the fair.
01:22From there there was no one to receive us, because they arrived very late at night.
01:26And they took him on vacation to Lejaina.
01:31They took him on vacation to Lejaina.
01:33They took his phone away.
01:34He tells me that they interrogated him the following Saturday.
01:37And they asked him what it was, what it was.
01:39And he told me this, this, this.
01:40And nothing.
01:41They kept his phone.
01:43We did not know where he was, because we were not informed.
01:46On Monday, the 13th, my sister and I found him.
01:50Looking, asking, investigating, using some contacts that he does not know.
01:55They told us, well, because of the situation, he must be in such and such place.
01:58And that's how we found him.
02:02Then, from there, on Wednesday, they gave his phone to him.
02:06Because he was demanded that everyone else had their phones.
02:08Well, perfect.
02:10There is a person who works in immigration, who could give the name, but ...
02:15He told him that he had to leave the country.
02:19He tells him, okay, let him go.
02:22The person demands from us to buy a flight.
02:25We tell him that it's okay, that he gives us a little time to buy it.
02:28Then, when they start demanding that it must be the weekend, that he has to go on the weekend,
02:33that is, he had to leave the country on the 18th or 19th.
02:40We do not buy the flight because we talk to people and they told us that it is illegal.
02:44They do not buy any flight.
02:46In that, on the 18th, on the 19th, they went to look for him at 5 in the afternoon.
02:53And they brought him to the Punta Cana airport with a bought flight that no one knows who bought it.
02:58Guarded by an immigration person.
03:00I have photos and I have videos of him saying that he does not want to go, that they are forcing him.
03:06He could not leave the country because the passport had been reported as stolen.
03:16Then they came back and brought him here, to Politur de Friusa.
03:24They came back and brought him here, to Politur de Friusa.
03:26There he was until January 21, when two people went to look for him at 5 in the afternoon and took him.
03:35Well, from then on, on the 24th, now, there was a hearing,
03:45on Thursday the 24th in San Cristobal, where the judge gave him freedom.
03:49And they have not wanted to accept or accept that order from the judge.
03:54They have the sentence in their hands and say no.
03:58Yesterday the lawyer spent four hours with the immigration director.
04:06They did not stay at all.
04:08There is a meeting on Wednesday now.
04:10Yesterday they handcuffed him and took him to the office of Colonel Delgado Reyes,
04:15so that he could sign some documents to make him an express passport and send him to Canada.
04:24He did not sign because everything is illegal.
04:27Everything that is happening.
04:29Those are the facts that I can say.
04:33They still have him in their power, they do not release him, they do not say anything.
04:37They arrested him without an order.
04:39There is no extradition order.
04:41His embassy says it has nothing to do with that.
04:44Nothing to do with that, because they told him that his embassy was looking for him.
04:47We have kept in touch with his embassy, even he called his embassy in Canada,
04:51and they told him that they are not looking for him and that they have no knowledge of what is happening.
