• 2 months ago
New UK cycling laws being introduced this month introduce further penalties. Ten offences to tackle antisocial cycling have been proposed.


00:00New UK cycling laws being introduced this month introduce further penalties.
00:05Ten offences to tackle antisocial cycling have been proposed.
00:09However, these laws raise serious concerns as two new offences,
00:13dangerous cycling and failing to stop at a school crossing patrol, are being downgraded.
00:19These can now be dealt with by taking a 30-minute e-learning course through the National Driver Offender Restraining Scheme for a fee of £100.
00:27Instead of cyclists receiving points on their driving record or a fine,
00:32the Home Office looks to amend Schedule 3 of the RTOA 1988 in January 2025,
00:40which also means penalties for ten new offences for dangerous riding.
00:44These include cycling on a road dangerously, cycling without due care and attention,
00:50not using lights after dark, failure to stop at a school crossing patrol,
00:55holding onto a vehicle while in motion for a tow, using lamps that cause undue dazzle or discomfort to others,
01:03cycling in Royal Parks without following directions and cycling in a manner that endangers others in Royal Parks.
01:11While the announcement assures the Order will not produce an undue focus on cycling offences,
01:17almost all new offences outlined in initial proposals apply specifically to cyclists.
