• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Viviamo in un'epoca di evoluzioni che influenzano le nostre abitudini e il nostro modo di lavorare, per questo è necessario avere esperti di materie STEM. In Italia sono ancora pochi i giovani che si orientano in questa direzione e questo indebolisce le nostre imprese e il sistema produttivo nel suo complesso.” Ha detto Lorenzo Fontana, presidente della Camera dei deputati, durante il convegno “Materie STEM: le professioni del futuro” a Montecitorio, dove è stata inaugurata la mostra fotografica di Fondazione Bracco “Una vita da scienziata – I volti del progetto #100esperte” nel prestigioso Corridoio dei Busti della Camera dei deputati.


00:00We live in an era in which there are continuous innovations, we see them practically every day.
00:13In particular, the technical-scientific evolution is redefining the traditional economic and social assets,
00:21influencing our lifestyles and our way of working.
00:28In order to better govern these changes, it is essential to have an adequate number of experts
00:36in four scientific fields in particular, science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
00:45Although the study of these disciplines represents a formidable flywheel for innovation and development,
00:55there are still a few young people in our country who are oriented in this direction.
01:00According to the most recent data from Eurostat in Italy, the average number of graduates in STEM fields is 6.7%,
01:08while in the rest of the continent it stands between 12 and 13%.
01:13This difference has a strong impact on the labor market and on our entire economy.
01:21The beauty of knowing, the beauty of exploring, the beauty of seeing that after every discovery
01:27you understand that there is still a world to discover, and it is you who will have to discover it,
01:31because clearly our generation will reach a certain point, but then there must be those who continue this work.
01:38Understanding how incredible the universe is, or how incredible life itself is on this planet,
01:46there are still many things to discover.
01:48From a technical and scientific point of view, I think it is a spring that must stimulate everyone.
01:55Studying is not just getting a certificate to hang on the wall.
02:00It is also a personal satisfaction.
02:03It is also the beauty of not being surrounded by everything that surrounds us.
02:07We were talking about technological innovations.
02:10Well, of course, there is a lot of information,
02:12but only with deepening you can understand if something is true or not true,
02:16or if a path is right or wrong.
02:18And so this must be a spring for all of you.
02:21The beauty of knowing.
02:23Of course, you cannot be lazy, because if you want to learn, to know, to deepen,
02:29you have to make an effort, but it is an effort that is worth facing.
02:35It is worth it not only because it allows you to achieve results
02:39from a scholastic point of view, from the point of view of education,
02:42but above all for yourself, for your life,
02:45which I think is the most beautiful thing and the thing you should respect the most.
