• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Le materie STEM sono fondamentali, anche se sono proprio materie da cui i giovani rifuggono preferendo altri indirizzi di studio, e questo vale sia per le ragazze che per i maschi. Invece abbiamo davanti un futuro di tecnologia. Se oggi non ci occupiamo delle materie STEM, saremo tagliati fuori dalle conquiste della tecnologia e di tutte le scienze ad essa connesse.” Questo il commento di Amalia Ercoli Finzi, ingegnere aerospaziale, intervenuta al convegno “Materie STEM: le professioni del futuro” a Montecitorio, dove è stata inaugurata “Una vita da scienziata – I volti del progetto #100esperte”, la mostra fotografica di Fondazione Bracco.


00:00What is the future of STEM subjects?
00:04STEM subjects are fundamental, and not only for girls,
00:08even if they are subjects from which young people flee.
00:12And this is true for both girls and boys.
00:15In general, at this time, they prefer other studies.
00:20Instead, the future is a future of technology.
00:24And if we don't do it now, if we don't deal with STEM subjects now,
00:28we will be cut off from what will be the achievements of technology
00:33and all these sciences that are connected with technology.
00:38And so we will be only users, without understanding how they work.
00:43This means that women in particular could not enter the decision-making areas,
00:49which are fundamental, because they only see if they are in command positions,
00:55so that they can make decisions that will influence the future.
00:59Aerospace, and therefore all applications of aerospace,
01:02as well as space missions, as well as all applications,
01:06is a future that has a purpose, a double purpose.
01:10One, to satisfy oneself, one's own knowledge,
01:13the desire for knowledge, which is what attracts us,
01:17and then to do good for humanity.
01:19And this should be, should inspire the action of all people of humanity.
