• 2 months ago
Francisca revela detalles de su tercer embarazo (EXCLUSIVA)


00:00We are pregnant!
00:10How does it feel to be a mom?
00:12How do I feel?
00:13For the third time?
00:14Yes, for the third time.
00:15I feel very fortunate, I feel very blessed,
00:19that God will reward me as I have always wanted,
00:22like a big family.
00:24This baby came a little fast, I think,
00:28but we are very anxious, very happy as a family,
00:32because yes, this would be like the golden closing,
00:37because now, third, and now,
00:39there is no more cover to keep me.
00:42The whole house is Team Girl, Team Girl, Team Girl.
00:45Everyone thinks and wants it to be a baby,
00:48but still, at the end of the day,
00:50what we want is a healthy baby,
00:52a baby that will complete our family.
00:54But well, if God wants, if I hear the collective energy that there is,
00:58send us the baby, please.
01:00Well, very happy.
01:01Francisco is very happy because he comes from a big family,
01:05they are five brothers,
01:06so for him to have a big family is also like,
01:09yes, it's like very,
01:11I mean, very close to how he lived and how he always dreamed it,
01:16so he was very, very happy.
01:18He is also waiting for his baby with madness,
01:20but well, soon we will know what it is.
01:22My mom is also happy,
01:24because she is here with us,
01:26so she is living more than ever that grandmother stage,
01:29and, I mean, my children have her here, everything,
01:32I mean, she, happiness does not fall on her chest.
01:35And well, Gennaro is also very happy,
01:38he is waiting, he says his little brother,
01:41from there he does not say little brother or anything,
01:43for him he is convinced that it is a girl,
01:46so let's see if God is telling us something through him,
01:50who knows, but hey.
01:52And Franco, who is little, is just turning one year old,
01:54so he doesn't even know what's going on,
01:56he won't even realize when his brother or sister arrives.
01:59That is the most important thing,
02:01that I feel that I have a very strong circle of support,
02:04and that makes me be at peace,
02:06which is my mother, my husband,
02:08I have a lot of help,
02:10I have a lot of people who want to help me,
02:12and I know I'm not going to do it alone,
02:14so the process, you know, of having two,
02:17I have two, one of three years and one of 11 months,
02:20and yes, it is a bit laborious,
02:24but at the end of the day,
02:26I have always understood, as a mother,
02:28that they are just stages, everything happens,
02:30and it happens very fast,
02:32so I try to enjoy it as much as I can,
02:34but I am blessed,
02:36I cannot complain because I have a lot of help, really.
02:39This opportunity, I have felt nausea a lot,
02:43it's not like I've vomited or anything,
02:45I've had more nausea than in my previous pregnancies,
02:48I'm so hungry that it doesn't go away, really,
02:51it makes me sad, sometimes I sit down to eat in front of Francesca,
02:54and I say, oh, you have to stop,
02:56I mean, I can eat the whole table,
02:58and it's like a bottomless well,
03:01I say, now, out of shame, and I stop eating,
03:03but not because I'm not hungry anymore,
03:06I hadn't felt that in my life,
03:08a lot of hunger and a lot, a lot of sleep,
03:11but with sleep, no one can help me,
03:14because sleep for me is a very distant dream.
03:19Of course, this pregnancy is very special,
03:22and also, although it wasn't like we were looking for it
03:27with our previous children,
03:29which is like, in a way, like a surprise,
03:32it's very special because it's the closure of us as a family,
03:36I mean, this one is coming to complete our family,
03:39and I'm very happy because I'm excited to see the woman
03:43that I'm going to become,
03:45one with the first child is a person,
03:47with the second is another woman,
03:49so I'm anxious to see this woman,
03:51who is going to live the dream of completing her family as such,
03:55and I feel fulfilled, I feel happy, I feel content.
04:01Previously, when I was pregnant,
04:03people kind of suspect with a lot of anticipation,
04:06like they think, no one has stopped me,
04:09like they say, no one has listened to me,
04:11because Franco is very young, so it's like, no,
04:13maybe he ate too much in December,
04:15but no, you can't get pregnant,
04:17I mean, everyone is going to be like,
04:19how fast, girl, but,
04:21but well, it doesn't matter,
04:23that's how God wanted it, that's how it's perfect,
04:27and nothing, the great endings,
04:29as a family, with God ahead,
04:31everything is going to be fine in this pregnancy,
04:33we are going to be complete and alive.
