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'The Way Home' Cast Answers Burning Season 3 Questions About Colton Reveal, Time Travel Twists and More: 'Throw Everybody Off'


00:00Was it always part of the long game to go back and discover Colton and give us this idea that,
00:06you know, maybe he could still be alive? Was that always part of the part of the plan?
00:11You know, from what I understand, there was always like, you know, at least like a five-year kind of
00:18like vibe of a plan to make sure that we could get to a certain place to explain enough. But
00:24at the same time, it's like, look, you always see our show and you can like,
00:28again, their minds, the way that our showrunners, our writers, our creators think.
00:35I mean, it can really genuinely go anywhere, but yeah.
00:40It's also interesting to see how much the writers set up in season one for this season.
00:46But at the same time, how much they've been responsive to us, to the audience,
00:53to the time and the world, and how they've managed to keep the show like always evolving
01:01to what it needs to be. But at the same time, if you go back and watch season one right before
01:07the finale this season, your mind is going to explode. They were thinking about things
01:12so far in advance, things that we all looked at the script and did happily without questioning,
01:19without thinking how important it would be this season. And it is such a well-laid plan.
01:26But I'm just really impressed how much they've been able to like, you know,
01:30write to our strengths and listen to how we feel about the story. And I feel like we can
01:35go to them about anything. And it's a really beautiful relationship in that way.
01:41Which again, you don't always get. You don't have like an open door all the time where they say,
01:47no, we want your input. We want your ideas. Evan has, you know, several times come up with ideas
01:53along the way. I just love you. I love my Sadie Bean and I'm so proud of her.
02:00We all love each other.
02:07It's so clearly a labor of love. The whole show was clearly a labor of love.
02:11They're very willing to listen and find a really, even better way to incorporate the
02:17things, little ideas that we have that just make it like chef's kiss.
02:21When they told me like the idea of how they saw things going for Alice this season,
02:25it was probably like, it was shortly after we found out that we got renewed.
02:30I was like, that is everything that I hoped would happen. And way more. Like some of the
02:35things that, that just shocked me were like, I was, I was really hoping I'd get to go back and
02:41meet, you know, younger Dell and younger Colton, but, but then all the, all the extra pieces were
02:47just like even that much more exciting. And, and I liked watching the show to see what
02:52people are doing when I'm not there. It's so much fun.
02:56It's so different when you read it on the page. It's also so cool to see the audiences
03:01going back and watching from season one and getting all the extra little Easter eggs.
03:05I've never been part of a show that like that, that is like that, that rewards repeat viewing.
03:10And yeah, it's great.
03:11And putting frames next to each other and like, just like the way that they've managed to reference
03:16the show itself. It's just, it's, it's really smart.
03:18It really is.
03:19And there's a, there's a really interesting, like a combination of sort of like our show is like on
03:25Friday night and it's like appointment viewing and it's not all streamed all at the same time.
03:29It's not, so people can't really binge it. They have to wait a week.
03:32And so they're going to do all their theorizing and everything, but the past episodes and past
03:38seasons are because of where we are in history are available via streaming.
03:42So it's a combination of both appointment viewing and streaming.
03:46So it's cool.
03:46We get to do your homework.
03:50Well, and also where, when it airs in the States, as opposed to when it airs in Canada,
03:55it's like, it's, it's a constant sort of like,
03:59hype job where you're just like, don't forget. Yeah, here we are. And, and there's like our,
04:04our fans, our audience are so incredible and they're just like, so like down for the ride,
04:13you know? It's yeah.
04:14Paying attention.
04:15I feel like the audience thinks that Del knows more about the pond than she's letting on.
04:19I think we all think that.
04:20Right, we all think that.
04:21Will we explore that a little bit more as the season goes along? Because like you said,
04:25she doesn't want anybody messing with her memories. So it seems like we're poking holes
04:29into this perfect relationship that she had with Colton.
04:32That's her struggle. I mean, that's a big part of the struggle is like,
04:35you know, do you want to know those things? That, which, why I love that scene so much
04:41between you and Andy is just like, I don't know if I want that tainted. I don't know,
04:46like, and I don't know if I personally would either. You know what I mean? It's like,
04:50let me have my, my vision of that. So I have some sense of closure, but I think she's also,
04:57she's also a, a free spirit. She's also somebody who wants to know, you know, that,
05:04that depth and the origin, you know, I think it's, it's, it's a fine line.
05:08It's a really fine line because she does have that adventurous, you know, spirit.
