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Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 55 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 55 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 55 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 55 Completo HD
00:32Espero que te guste lo que te dicen
00:35no encontré muchas cosas en la cocina entonces me fui a la tienda ya conocía otros vecinos y bueno
00:47Entonces fuiste a la tienda en qué momento bueno
00:53Está más profunda y no quise despertarte gracias
01:03Que tanto hicimos ayer nos amamos
01:09Vicky mucho tiempo todos estos meses
01:13intenté intente
01:17Pero no no fue posible
01:19quise olvidarte
01:21intente rehacer mi vida con carly
01:25Esto es muy fuerte vicky
01:28Es muy fuerte yo te amo y tú
01:37Yo he sido tan raro pasado tantas cosas tantas tantas
01:45Estos meses no han sido nada fáciles para mí entonces tú lo sabe
01:51Y si yo muy duros después de la muerte de brian
01:57Yo pensé que no iba a volver a conectar con nadie más
02:01Irónico pero pensé que no iba a volver a confiar en nadie más
02:10Y en mí
02:13Confías en mí
02:18Pero esa no es la pregunta
02:22La pregunta es si después de todo lo que ha pasado
02:24Pasado de todo el daño que te he causado de alguna manera tú confías en mí
02:36Totalmente sí
02:39Completamente estoy listo para todo lo que sé contigo mi amor
02:47Por ser tan comprensivo
02:50Yo soy lista quiero intentarlo todo contigo
02:57Entonces vamos a hacerlo juntos
03:10Gracias gracias gracias
04:00Y eso
04:03Me van a hacer una entrevista de trabajo en la capital buenísimo porque no me habías contado justo me llamaron ahorita
04:11a esta hora sí quienes así son
04:15de acuerdo de los los canadienses me contrataron para hacerles una asesoría hace como dos meses
04:22Bueno es que bueno ya trabajaba con muchas empresas después de que saliste del puerto no me acuerdo
04:29La única para no dejarla caer
04:43Sin ti nosotras no hubiésemos podido en serio
04:53Desea mi suerte
04:58Si es que no no la quería despertar
05:05Ya mi amor
05:13Oigan yo casi nunca hago este tipo de cosas pero esta ocasión es especial
05:18Yo soy abuela
05:21Miren que precioso
05:24Gracias por lo que me toca eso lo digo más por el papá que por la mamá
05:37Como ven estamos todos enamorados
05:48Está muy hermoso creo que la tenemos que llevar ya cierto ya si estamos cerca
06:06Vamos a cuidar muy bien
06:09Hay que linda estás
06:15Gracias hermosa o la princesa como estás de guapa
06:23Voy a ir voy a ir a pagar
06:26Quédate con ella y aprovecho para preguntar por la salida de mar ya vengo por ustedes
06:35Tiene sangre
07:01No da fe de
07:04Marica mi prenda favorita o sea la idea de planchar la ropa no está a buscarla
07:09compa no pero es que si sabes que yo no soy bueno para esto además esa plancha calienta demasiado algo te voy a decir por
07:15favor no vamos a quedar pero aléjate de mis prendas de vestir a no te lo garantizo
07:21es una promesa no vuelvo a tocar nada tuyo feliz
07:25cambiando de tema hablando de la nena
07:32Últimamente la visto como muy
07:35Amable contigo con muy cariñosa que va que viene no
07:41yo ya perdí todas las oportunidades con ella
07:44a lo bien
07:46Dios mío
07:48por fin una oportunidad para nosotros los pobres así tú crees que tiene su oportunidad no sabías
07:56La nena yo
07:59Deja que me gane la lotería para que la tengo aquí
08:01Apretadito tú sabes que lo que menos le importa a la plata
08:06Ella es una mujer espectacular
08:09Es generosa es bondadosa
08:12Es una mujer con todas las letras bien puestas y va a llegar lejos a la cima porque yo lo he visto
08:18Lo único que espero es que cuando esté allá
08:22Se acuerde de nosotros no se olvide de nosotros la nena puede llegar a donde sea que ya nos olvida de nosotros
08:28nos olvida de mí
08:36Lo estas con alguien en este momento disimula
09:13No son de la vida
09:19Saben dirán parece que se van de viaje y toda la película de viaje creo para que veas tú
09:27Sabemos que hay muchas mujeres que están en la misma situación de catering que tienen a sus hijos desaparecidos y es por eso que creamos
09:34la fundación lucas obregón para que allí encuentren apoyo y consejo
09:40recibimos donaciones de todo tipo que serán utilizadas para ayudar a las mujeres que no encuentran a sus hijos
09:57Wow todo eso en el primer día
10:06Te dije que lo de la entrevista
10:08iba a funcionar como vimos a la gente con esa plata contratamos un investigador privado y encontramos a lucas
10:15hay que hay que tomar las cosas con calma catering porque no nos podemos gastar todo ese dinero en
10:22buscar a lucas como así
10:24no fue para eso que creamos la fundación
10:26en parte sí
10:28pero también tenemos que ayudar a una gran cantidad de mujeres que están en la misma situación que tú y para eso se requiere
10:34muchísimo dinero
10:36cuánta plata
10:39Yo diría que por lo menos el triple
10:43catering nos tienen que ver comprometidas con esta causa y para eso tenemos que montar una oficina
10:50tú deberías ser la imagen de la fundación porque pues tú vas a traer más gente y por supuesto más plata
10:57a ti no te interesa que recuperemos a mi hijo verdad
11:01te voy a devolver la pregunta
11:04tú has pasado por una gran cantidad de eventos traumáticos
11:10Está segura que estás preparada para ser mamá
11:38Mira tú vete esto
11:41Con cuidado que está caliente
11:43Este frío no siento nada
11:45Tranquilo el resultado para salir bien así tú no vomitar
11:52Qué crees que te van a decir
11:59Quiero que me digan que soy un idiota por desconfiar de mi mujer
12:05Y que obviamente
12:08Que obviamente es mi hija
12:12Es para lo mismo el señor dylan cuadrado me acompaña por favor
12:54I'm already lo que pasa que
12:57lo que pasa es que no este curso final me tiene de las que ya sabemos ya
13:04Bueno pues ya estoy mejor para que sepas si ya te van a dar salida si
13:16Tibhar que pasa que es lo que tienes tú estás bien
13:21Hola sí sí sí sí amor sí porque es porque está rarísimo
13:28Amor mira
13:31pase lo que pase
13:33o lo que haya pasado no importa yo quiero que tú sepas que tú eres lo más importante en mi vida
13:39y que por encima de ti y de nuestro hijo no hay nadie más
13:44Y tú porque me dices todo eso
13:49Porque es la verdad
13:54Dale te llamo luego
14:01Algún día tenemos que hablar de lo que pasó no crees
14:08En serio
14:13Pues yo no sé tú pero si sentí cosas muy bonitas
14:16La maría no tengo ni idea de lo que pasó
14:20Qué lastima
14:23Fue tan bonito
14:25Para mí solamente pegó con una amiga
14:27Sabes que yo tengo mi pareja tengo un niño recién nacido yo estoy completamente enamorado de todo eso ya lo sé todo
14:37Y entonces no te importa que yo esté enamorado de marisol
14:43Te parece chistoso
14:46A mí no me parece chistoso yo me siento mal
14:49siento con un toro aquí que yo sé no se siento que me estoy jodiendo
14:52yo yo hablo con marisol
14:56Entre nosotros no pasó nada estivo
15:02Como así entonces porque amanecimos juntos
15:10Tú nunca has dormido con una amiga o no nunca
15:13Menos en cuero jamás mira lo que pasó fue que tú te emborrachaste
15:17si te emborrachaste te vomitaste encima entonces pues yo te llegué a que te durmieras y me quedé para
15:23Para ver que no te pasará nada ya no pasó nada más y los pantalones tú te los quitaste
15:36Para mí me gusta así
15:39Ah me gustas de verdad de verdad verdad
15:53I see what I see what
15:59But don't forget
16:05Yo lo yo lo bueno
16:18Was a full of puta mierda
17:33Esta niña como que le gusta mucho dormir
17:35Just like his mom.
17:38Oh, that's a bad reputation, Vicky.
17:40I didn't sleep that much either.
17:42Look, Girasol, I can't count the number of times
17:46I caught you sleeping at the station.
17:48You're exaggerating.
17:49That's not true, Vicky.
17:51It's a lie.
17:52It's a lie?
17:54And even if it were true,
17:56well, now I can't sleep all that much that you say
17:59because I'm not this creature's mom.
18:01Yes, of course.
18:02They say that moms don't sleep at all, right, honey?
18:04Uh-huh, uh-huh.
18:05You'll see.
18:06You'll see.
18:07But speaking of sleeping, we're going to bed.
18:09What are you doing?
18:10No, let her sleep.
18:13Oh, Mary, who knows?
18:15Is she comfortable there?
18:18No, no, no.
18:19Oh, no, no, Vicky, no.
18:20I don't want to bother her.
18:21I don't want to bother her.
18:22Bother her?
18:23You're very uncomfortable.
18:24I've already told you that you're uncomfortable.
18:25It was good.
18:26Let's see, a newborn baby needs a comfortable,
18:28quiet, serene place.
18:30A place where you can feel the warmth of home.
18:34You and I can do it.
18:36At least until Esti arrives.
18:40Are you sure?
18:44I want to make up for the time I've wasted with you.
18:50Well, okay.
18:52Yes, yes.
18:55What do you say?
18:56Will you stay with Grandma?
18:57We'll stay here.
19:00She loves Grandma's house.
19:02Hey, what's this?
19:05Look, a new watch.
19:08Yes, it's new.
19:09Wow, but it makes me look like a man, doesn't it?
19:13Yes, and like a well-known man.
19:15I didn't know.
19:16Why does this watch look so familiar to me?
19:18I have no idea.
19:19Do you have anything to tell me?
19:21No, no, no.
19:23It can't be Antonio.
19:24What are you talking about?
19:25I don't see anything.
19:26That's for the girl.
19:28They're together.
19:29Tell me, tell me, tell me.
19:31That's Antonio.
19:32I don't understand why you brought me all the way here.
19:37Don't worry, we're almost there.
19:40Do you want me to introduce myself?
19:42Dylan, calm down.
19:44I'm sure my friend will suit you perfectly and he'll help you with everything that's happening to you.
19:58Let's go.
20:24Hi guys, how are you?
20:26Dana and Dylan.
20:28I'm Ania.
20:29Nice to meet you.
20:31Come in, they're waiting for you.
20:35Excuse me?
20:36Yes, come in, of course.
20:51I'd like to...
20:52Yes, please.
20:56Would you like something to drink?
20:59A glass of wine?
21:00Wonderful, I'll get it for you.
21:02Would you like something to drink?
21:04I'm sorry, but can I have the strongest one you have?
21:07Of course.
21:15How are you?
21:23My name is Brian O'Connor.
21:36What happened to that coffee?
21:38You look like a turtle.
21:39Are you old or what?
21:41I'm falling asleep.
21:57I'm sorry.
22:03All I'm asking is a little more patience.
22:06I can't be more patient, I need money.
22:10Hey, I don't have all that money.
22:12But please, calm down.
22:15You know, if I had it, I would have given it to you.
22:18It's not possible that you have run out of anything.
22:20Oh, let's see.
22:21How long have you known me, Tony?
22:23Why would I have to lie to you?
22:25Enough to not trust you.
22:29Look, I already know where I'm going to get the money.
22:32All I need is time.
22:35Soon you will know.
22:36Just calm down.
22:38Give me time, hey.
22:40Do you forget that I can ruin your life completely
22:43if I happen to open my mouth, huh?
22:45No, believe me, I haven't forgotten.
22:48I'm going to raise that money.
22:50I promise you.
22:51But calm down, please.
22:53I need that money right now.
23:07Damn, finally.
23:10Shut up, what's wrong with you?
23:12Lately you've been slow.
23:14I'm sleeping here.
23:24No, no, ma'am.
23:26I'm leaving.
23:58It's time.
24:14Well, Nicole, right?
24:19Time like an idiot defending a murderer.
24:29Look, I still...
24:31I still don't understand very well
24:33what was the need to kiss her.
24:38But you were right.
24:42That family is capable of anything.
24:47And forgive me for the blow.
24:49Although you deserved it.
24:50No, no, I'm sorry for what, Nico?
24:52It was part of the plan.
24:58It wasn't Nicole.
25:00It was Gina.
25:02How do you know that?
25:03Raimundo told me.
25:11When did I get into this mess?
25:14Come on.
25:17No, and besides, I'm sure,
25:19I'm sure everyone knew.
25:20I'm sure everyone knew that daughter wasn't mine.
25:26Is she yours?
25:27No, no, I don't know.
25:29And I'm very sorry.
25:30Everything that's happened to you, your daughter,
25:32everything that people have done to you.
25:35But I need you here because I have a plan.
25:37And I want us to do justice.
25:39For you and for my brother.
25:47Fuck you.
25:50Fuck you.
25:51They won't see me again.
25:52No, no, no.
25:53No, no, no.
25:54The best way is to tell them the truth.
25:55Tell them it's a game and you can win.
25:57Come here.
25:58Listen to me.
25:59Do you think this is a game?
26:02Dude, look.
26:03I can't see them again.
26:05You are the key piece in this plan.
26:08This is the only chance I have to get revenge on Gina.
26:11Because I'm in the house.
26:13And I need you, Vila.
26:15Trust me.
26:21How did you two meet?
26:23At work.
26:24We could say that Brian was my intern.
26:28I can't imagine Brian following orders from anyone.
26:31Of course.
26:32At the time we were already partners.
26:34And also lovers.
26:37And why did you break up?
26:39We had a...
26:41a business problem.
26:43Brian took full responsibility and went to jail.
26:47And he did that for me even though we were nothing.
26:50That's why now that he needs help,
26:52I came to give him a hand because I owe him one.
26:58Brian would do anything for the people he loves.
27:01I'm in debt to him, for example.
27:03Without his help, my career would be nothing right now.
27:06He's a very good person.
27:07A little crazy, yes, but a very good person.
27:10And are you still interested in Brian?
27:12Let's see.
27:13There is always a possibility that something will happen.
27:16I wanted to know how big the lieutenant's ghost is.
27:23Pretty big.
27:25I would say so.
27:29For today's test, you will prepare a surprise menu.
27:32You will choose one of these cards
27:34and everyone will prepare the recipe that is written there.
27:38Any volunteers?
27:47Solterito de queso, anticuchos, and pisco sour.
27:50Peruvian cuisine, miss.
27:53Who's next?
27:54Peruvian cuisine.
27:55We're going to work in pairs
27:56and this time I'll let you choose who you want to work with.
28:07What about you?
28:08Do you already have a partner?
28:11Well, I don't know.
28:12I'll take care of the anticuchos.
28:17After all, Cabo, mine are the cuchas.
28:22Well, that's because you haven't tried sardines yet.
28:28Okay, okay.
28:29No more lame jokes, okay?
28:31Are we going to pass the exam?
28:32Yes, everything is fine.
28:33Fresh, fresh.
28:43You have to buy the tickets for tomorrow early in the morning.
28:47No, Adana.
28:48I don't know if she wants to give me back.
28:52And what Vinicio proposed to you?
28:55I don't think I'm interested in that.
28:58So what are you going to do?
29:04Or go.
29:06Somewhere where I can't be found,
29:08where I can't be found.
29:09Somewhere where I can't be found, where I can't be fucked.
29:14I'm going to miss you.
29:17But I'm glad to see that you are not letting yourself be carried away by what is happening.
29:21Look, I appreciate Brian.
29:23But at the same time, it makes me very sad to see how he is going crazy for revenge.
29:27And you know, I don't want to see you like that.
29:29You are different.
29:31Why do you say that?
29:32Well, because you wouldn't go that far.
29:35But you are a good person, Dylan.
29:36You have a beautiful heart.
29:37And what has it served me to be a good person?
29:41That's why Nicole took advantage of me.
29:43Don't let yourself be poisoned.
29:44Those obregones are rotten.
29:47They fuck any good person who gets close to them.
29:50Yes, but life itself is going to take care of charging them.
29:52You don't have to get your hands dirty.
29:55I don't know, Ana.
29:57I don't know, I feel like I have to do something.
30:01That can't stay that way.
30:02No, no, Dylan.
30:04Please, I'm asking you.
30:05Don't do anything.
30:07Look, if you don't agree with Ignacio's plan, why did you tell me to come?
30:13Because when I saw you together, I realized it was a terrible idea to bring you here.
30:17Your lives are different.
30:19But look, now you have another chance to choose.
30:22Choose well, Dylan.
30:24The path to revenge is not the only way out.
30:37I'm sorry.
30:59I'm convinced that I'm going to win.
31:02I said yes.
31:04I said yes.
31:05I'm going to invite you to the round.
31:10Lieutenant, good morning.
31:11Lieutenant, good morning.
31:14They're kind of weird, aren't they?
31:16No, no, no.
31:17Why, Lieutenant?
31:18We're eating normally.
31:20Let's see, were they talking bad about me or what?
31:24What's going on, Ramirez?
31:25Speak up.
31:28Well, it's just that...
31:30I'm looking at you.
31:32It's just that we made a bet, Lieutenant.
31:33A bet on what?
31:36Well, a bet...
31:38Since we all thought that between you and the Captain there was still something.
31:44And what was the idea?
31:46Of all of us, Lieutenant.
31:48Of Pérez.
31:50Let's see if you understand me.
31:52Because my Captain...
31:54Oh, well, how well they work.
31:56Very well.
32:04There it is.
32:13I had to tell you to...
32:15Well, to avoid gossip.
32:17And Pérez has been very interested.
32:20Well, for your information, I confirm
32:23that the Lieutenant and I are together.
32:31I told you, right?
32:32The house wins.
32:33Well, Pérez, that's it.
32:34Listen to me for a second, listen to me.
32:36Let's see, what happens is that the Captain and I didn't want to say anything
32:39because we don't want our relationship to affect the work environment.
32:43So I hope we all continue to work as usual.
32:46Where the Captain commands, the sailor does not command.
32:48Yes or no?
32:49But give a kiss.
32:50Take a kiss there.
32:56Love demonstrations outside the station.
32:59Go to work, go to work.
33:00Go to work, seriously.
33:02Let's go, let's go.
33:04I'm going to distribute the tickets, so pay attention.
33:09Look, I've been thinking all night and...
33:11Before answering me, I have to show you something.
33:13Take it.
33:15We know that there are many women who are in the same situation as Katherine,
33:19who have their children missing.
33:21And that is why we created the Lucas Obregón Foundation.
33:24Do you think it's fair?
33:26Don't you think people should know the truth?
33:27We have the support of my beloved husband.
33:32But between us, we have given ourselves a lot of strength and a lot of love
33:36to get ahead.
33:39Dylan, if you leave, Nico will be the victim.
33:43A mother abandoned by her husband, the father of her daughter.
33:46No one is going to know that that daughter is not yours.
33:49You will be the villain.
33:51And she will accommodate history with a better life.
33:53No, I don't give a shit.
33:54I don't give a shit.
33:56Let her say what she wants and invent a thousand stories if she wants.
34:03In the end, that's not going to change who I am.
34:06Much less what I'm worth.
34:08And that, no one takes it away from me.
34:14And don't think about the girl.
34:17Do you think she deserves to believe that her father abandoned her?
34:20Don't you think she deserves something better?
34:22To live deceived, hating you,
34:24and the worst, surrounded by that fucking family of shit.
34:30Dylan, she doesn't deserve that.
34:33Do it for her.
34:36Think about it, okay?
36:07You almost didn't make it.
36:14Did you bring the money?
36:16I brought something that I think might help you.
36:32And what am I supposed to do with this?
36:35Sell it, pawn it, whatever is necessary.
36:37It's the only thing I have.
36:39And why didn't you sell it and pawn it yourself?
36:41I need the money.
36:43Don't you understand that the police are looking for me, Gina?
36:45Gina Martelli doesn't step into a pawnshop.
36:48Besides, that could leave them in the dark.
36:51What will people say?
36:53I don't give a shit what people think.
36:55I need that money.
36:58I also need to get out of the country.
37:00I've found someone who will prevent the police from catching me.
37:05But it's worth a lot more than this.
37:08Please, you have to be patient.
37:12I need that money now.
37:13I need that money now.
37:17Otherwise, I'm going to publish everything I know.
37:22I know exactly what could happen.
37:25But you know very well that that amount of money is not that easy.
37:29I need time.
37:31A few days.
37:35In a few days,
37:38people will know that Raymundo had nothing to do with Sony's death.
37:43Because he was with me at a party.
37:46And they will know that you are the real culprit.
37:51You've gone crazy.
37:53Where do you get that from?
37:57I have photos and videos
38:01that show Raymundo with me at a party that night.
38:05People will find out what kind of person you are.
38:08Someone who is capable of incriminating third parties,
38:10his daughter and his husband.
38:13It's crap.
38:16I need the money now.
38:30Hello, my love.
38:33Hello, my cutie.
38:43You are one of the most beautiful women in the universe.
38:46I miss you a lot.
38:48I miss you a lot too, my love.
38:51Everything is fine around here.
38:53I notice that you are a little happy. What's going on?
38:56Life is about to change.
39:00And that?
39:02They made me a dream proposal.
39:04And I'll have time to tell you.
39:07I'm going back there today.
39:09Oh, really?
39:10I want you to come. I want to hug you.
39:12I miss you a lot. Really.
39:14Yes, I love you a lot.
39:16I send you many, many kisses.
39:18I'll let you know when I'm on the plane.
39:20Okay, bye.
39:21I love you too. Bye.
39:24Oh, my God.
39:27Who the hell threw him at Mom?
39:38Are you sure what you're going to do?
39:41Very sure.
40:06Mr. Dylan, they are already waiting for you in the meeting room.
40:08Excuse me.
40:13How are you?
40:15Long time no see.
40:17Let me introduce you to the Duchess Beatrice Lombardo.
40:20Duchess, it is an honor to have her among us.
40:23Welcome to our land.
40:25Thank you, very kind.
40:27We were just reviewing your profile on social media and your resume.
40:30And they are impeccable.
40:32It is a pleasure to have you here, among us.
40:36Please sit down.
40:38Very kind, for your words.
40:42Now, ladies and gentlemen.
40:44Let's start with the topic that brings us together.
40:46Well, we have a proposal that,
40:48taking into account the current situation of the consortium,
40:51will sound very attractive to all the shareholders' meetings.
40:55Tell us what it is.
40:57We came to propose a partnership.
41:02Well, next,
41:04you will see a preview of what we have come to show you.
41:07That's right.
41:10Let's get to work.
42:10I'll send you there so you can entertain yourself before seeing us this afternoon.
43:13They just called.
43:14There is information about Catherine Obregón's son.
43:16It seems that there is a guy who has him in the Playa Blanca sector.
43:18A guy with Afro.
43:20What do you order?
43:21What do you order, Captain?
43:23No, let's go.
43:24Let's go, Lieutenant.
43:25Let's go, let's go.
43:27Find me one more patrol, please, to accompany us.
