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Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 56 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 56 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 56 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 56 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 56 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 56 Completo HD
00:30I sent you there so you can have fun before we meet this afternoon.
03:31Muchas gracias por su tiempo.
03:32Esto sería todo.
03:34Duques, le prometemos tenerle una respuesta
03:37lo antes posible a su propuesta, ¿no?
03:39Ah, maravilloso.
03:41Estaré muy pendiente, ¿eh?
03:43Feliz día.
03:44Feliz día.
03:51¿Qué piensan?
03:53Miren, tengo una experta en el tema de exportaciones.
03:57Mi respeto.
03:58¿Y qué te extraña, ragazzo?
04:00Sé de muchas cosas.
04:02Pienso que estudiaste Relaciones Internacionales o...
04:05No, la universidad es una pérdida de tiempo.
04:08Se puede aprender más y mejor
04:11rodeándote de la gente indicada y aprendiendo a escuchar.
04:16¿Y si no llaman?
04:18Van a llamar, ragazzo, van a llamar.
04:21¿Y mientras tanto qué?
04:23Mientras tanto tú me vas a presentar
04:24a las famosísimas mujeres de la familia Obregón.
04:48Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
05:56¿Será que almorzamos hoy?
05:59¡Francisca, me toca llamarle a un especialista
06:02para ver por qué no oyes!
06:07¿Qué es esto?
06:14¿Qué es esto?
06:28¿Y esto qué es?
06:30Nada, me estoy tomando un descanso.
06:33¿Un descanso?
06:34La casa está a patas arriba.
06:36¿Cómo así que te estás tomando un descanso?
06:39A ver, mire, a mí hace mucho rato
06:41que no me pagan en esta casa,
06:43así que, pues, no tienen derecho a exigirme nada.
06:47Y te tienes que venir a acostar en el cuarto de mi cole.
06:50Me haces el favor y te levantas de ahí inmediata...
06:58¿Sabes qué?
07:00¡Te vas inmediatamente!
07:03Pues, no.
07:06Las cosas van a cambiar en esta casa,
07:08porque si no, todo mundo se va a enterar
07:10de que tú sabes dónde está
07:12escondido el señorito Enrique Lacocciuto,
07:15que tú eres su cómplice.
07:27Acabo de compartirle la foto que me enviaron del sospechoso.
07:32¿De hace cuánto?
07:34Desde apenas unos días, me dijeron.
07:38Es una zona muy concurrida, así que a trabajar.
07:41Ramírez, flanco izquierdo. Vicky, al norte.
07:43Sí, señor.
07:48Hermano, disculpe.
07:51¿Ha visto? ¿De pronto?
07:55Vale, gracias.
08:01Socio, venga.
08:04Policía Nacional, necesito interrogarlo.
08:07¡Alto! ¡Alto! ¡Policía!
08:09¡Ramírez! ¡Ramírez, chivo!
09:07Quieto, amigo, dale.
09:09Quieto, bajando el arma.
09:19¡Chivo, manos en la nuca! ¡Chivo!
09:24¿Estás bien?
09:26¿Y tú?
09:29Chivo, vamos.
09:45Hey, Gina, I'm going to give you some advice.
09:47Look, when you go to cook, you have to put on the apron.
09:50Because if you drop a drop of oil, that's very difficult to remove.
09:56And this is nothing more.
09:59You, more than anyone, know that there is not much in this house.
10:03Well, no way. Let's try.
10:09Hey, but you should have put a little salt in the rice.
10:13If you're going to keep complaining, I advise you to drink more wine.
10:16Yes, let's better drink wine, which is the only good thing here.
10:20Here, my welcome.
10:30Hello, hello.
10:31Ah, but we arrived on time.
10:34It's a shame we're already done.
10:38Gina, let me introduce you to the Duchess Lombardi.
10:45A pleasure.
10:47Gina Martelli.
10:52Are you Italian?
10:53Ah, my grandfather.
10:55Where were you born?
10:58And your lover?
10:59Your wife.
11:00Your daughter's mother.
11:05I think you invoked her with thought.
11:08Well, you're here.
11:14Look, let me introduce you to the Duchess Lombardi.
11:16She is a prosperous entrepreneur who wants to invest in the Port Consortium.
11:21Nice to meet you, Nicola Obregón.
11:23Pleasure. How nice to have you here.
11:25Well, if the Board of Shareholders approves the proposal we made to you today,
11:29you will be the representative of all the interests of the Duchess.
11:32Oh, please.
11:34Not everything is about me.
11:36You have a very nice family, just as you described it.
11:39But your sister is missing, right?
11:44I don't think she's going to see it because she's a little overwhelmed today.
11:48Her name is Catarina.
11:50They have told me wonderful things about her.
11:52But in that case, it will be another time that I meet her because I have a commitment.
11:58A pleasure.
11:59Ah, I'll walk you out, please.
12:00Oh, thank you. Ciao.
12:06We're talking, okay?
12:13Will you walk the girl up to the bedroom?
12:15Yes, yes, of course. How are you?
12:22Oh, did he fall asleep?
12:26Hey, but I'm telling you, that kid is mine.
12:32That kid is identical to a minor we've been looking for for several months.
12:35Hey, but I had that kid with my wife.
12:37His name is Joaquin and he's four years old.
12:40I see.
12:42And where is he hiding him?
12:46Where is the kid? Don't get into trouble.
12:48But what problem are you talking to me about
12:50if I'm telling you that that kid is mine?
12:52I haven't stolen him.
12:58I don't know.
12:59I don't know, I'm thinking that maybe the guy is telling the truth.
13:02That kid is not Catarina's son, brother.
13:05And if we interrogate him a little more?
13:07No, no, no.
13:08We don't have proof.
13:09We can't keep him any longer.
13:10I don't know.
13:11We have to keep investigating and also follow this lead.
13:14You never know.
13:20What about us?
13:23Well, you saw, I think, right?
13:25Yes, yes.
13:27And what do you think?
13:31Don't worry.
13:33I don't know, maybe it wasn't the right time, right?
13:35If you need to think...
13:36Excuse me.
13:37Rea, Rea, Rea, I'm busy.
13:39You had an appointment with General Mejia.
13:42Shit, yes.
13:44It's true.
13:46No, yes.
13:47Don't worry.
13:53Beautiful flowers.
15:01Hey, wait.
15:03Hey, don't touch the food.
15:05I'm listening.
15:06Oh, my God, my love.
15:13Oh, my God.
15:16Oh, my God.
15:17Oh, my God.
15:24Let's go.
15:34What are you doing at the bar?
15:36There are a lot of customers.
15:38We have to do everything.
15:40I'm going.
15:41Hey, why did you have so many problems?
15:44I need to talk to you.
15:51I have to ask you for a favor.
15:54You can't tell me you can't.
16:16What's up, Miki?
16:17Capri, how are you?
16:18How are you?
16:20Vicky, have you seen her?
16:21No, but I wanted to come.
16:26What can I get you?
16:28While I wait, a whiskey.
16:35Good evening, everyone.
16:38I hope you're having a great time.
16:40Enjoy this song that comes with a lot of love for all of you.
16:54Help me live.
16:56Loneliness is so sad.
17:00Help me live.
17:03If you have a heart.
17:07Because without you,
17:10I would miss your love.
17:14Let's welcome a great friend,
17:18a very special guest who will join us tonight.
17:21With you, Lieutenant Victoria Ibarra.
17:27Help me live.
17:30If you really love me.
17:34Help me live.
17:37If you prefer my love.
17:44This is my way of telling you yes,
17:47that I agree to marry you.
17:52Are you okay?
17:55I love you.
17:56I love you, of course.
17:57Yes, yes, to everything.
17:59If it's what you want.
18:01Yes, yes.
18:10I love you.
18:21I love you.
18:28Are you putting on perfume?
18:31I'm sorry, honey.
18:32I didn't want to wake you up.
18:34Are you leaving?
18:35Isn't it too early?
18:37I have a meeting in the port with Ania.
18:51It's just that the girl was very restless all night.
18:54I didn't sleep at all.
18:55I'm tired.
18:57Well, honey, if I get the good news I'm waiting for today,
19:01we'll be able to pay a battalion of people
19:04to lend us a hand with the girl when we need it.
19:09What time is your meeting?
19:11At ten.
19:15But I offered to go have breakfast with the Duchess.
19:21Will you help me here?
19:28Thank you, honey.
19:30To the mansion?
19:32Is that the one you like?
19:34I don't know, I thought it would be a good option.
19:37Well, I hope the Duchess likes it.
19:39I hope.
19:40That woman is going to change our lives.
19:43Well, I wish us luck.
19:47Hey, can I bring you something?
19:48No, thank you.
19:49I love you.
20:00Who got me on the microphone and I can sing,
20:02help me live.
20:03There were two lines because I was very nervous,
20:05but I swear.
20:06Shut up, Vicky.
20:08This is my way of telling you that I do accept to marry you.
20:11I can't believe it.
20:12She started screaming.
20:13Well, better said.
20:14Of course, now I'm more in love than ever.
20:16Well, and what?
20:17When is the wedding?
20:18In a month.
20:20In a month?
20:21Vicky, but how come in a month?
20:23We don't have any time, man.
20:25And now tell me,
20:26why the damn fan,
20:27why the flip-flop right now?
20:29Oh, what are you waiting for?
20:31Well, what do you mean what for?
20:32So that it gives us time to do things.
20:34But hey, let's see.
20:36Whose idea was it?
20:42Oh my God, she sings, she declares,
20:44and now she has the initiative.
20:46She's the only one I like.
20:47Finally, sir.
20:49Oh, almost not, Vicky.
20:50Oh my God, you've always been right.
20:54I mean, above all,
20:55today you are also going to give me the reason.
20:57But who are you?
20:59Where is Vicky, for God's sake?
21:02You've always been right.
21:06It's just that I wanted to thank you
21:09for always being with me.
21:11Accompanying me, supporting me.
21:13Oh, friend, but of course.
21:15You're like my sister.
21:17Always, I'll always be there.
21:20You know what I like the most?
21:23That you're finally giving me
21:25the chance to be happy.
21:27It was time, for God's sake.
21:34I hope this time it's victory.
21:36But of course it will be, friend, I trust you.
21:39I feel that with Antonio you won the lottery, you know?
21:43Of course, something bad happened,
21:45and that was left behind.
21:47And you and I are witnessing
21:49the beginning of your new life as a married lady.
21:52And happy.
21:55Oh, I get so happy for you.
21:57I love you, friend.
21:58I'm very, very happy for you, Vicky.
22:03You deserve it all, you know?
22:04Let's go check on my girl, it's time to eat.
22:07And then you and I will get ready, right?
22:10I'll be right back.
22:16Greetings from the police station,
22:18because we continue with this special coverage
22:21of the sad story of the disappearance
22:23of little Lucas Obregón,
22:25who has been kidnapped for a long time
22:27and therefore far from his family.
22:29The authorities yesterday captured a man
22:32who was allegedly seen with a child
22:35who apparently has the same characteristics as Lucas.
22:39The police have shared a photograph of the suspect
22:42with the child who is believed to be Lucas Obregón.
22:45For their part, the authorities at this time
22:47are offering a substantial reward
22:49for whoever delivers this information
22:51that leads to the whereabouts of Lucas
22:53and takes the captors to prison.
22:56They would face a sentence of up to 40 years in prison.
23:00Where is Lucas Obregón?
23:02That's what the entire Caribbean city wonders.
23:04That's why it rains, thunder, lightning.
23:07I'm not leaving until I find that answer.
23:20Mr. Dilan, they are already waiting for you in the meeting room.
23:26Good morning.
23:27Good morning.
23:29Good morning.
23:30Good morning.
23:31Very punctual.
23:33Well, yesterday we had an extraordinary meeting of shareholders
23:38and we were analyzing the proposal.
23:41And we decided to accept.
23:44We are going to be partners in your way of investing, Duquesa.
23:48How wonderful, you will not regret it.
23:51But I do have one last condition.
23:54I reserve the right to choose the president of the board.
24:01Duquesa, I think that's too much.
24:04No, I don't think it's too much
24:06considering the amount of money we are injecting.
24:10In fact, I would like the new president to be Dilan.
24:15No, no, no, Duquesa.
24:16I'm sorry, but that's totally unacceptable.
24:20I understand.
24:21You can make the decision you want, but unfortunately.
24:24Is that or nothing?
24:27But I understand perfectly.
24:29If you change your mind, I'll wait for the call.
24:31Good morning.
24:34Good morning.
24:36Excuse me, excuse me.
24:37Well, I was left without a house, without a family, without absolutely nothing.
24:42So I dedicated myself to traveling the world.
24:45And how did you get the money for all that?
24:47I wrote to a modeling agency that I had worked with before.
24:51Well, let's say they have me traveling around Europe.
24:54Oh no.
24:56Difficult, very difficult.
24:57Nobody wants to be you.
25:02Well, tell me about you.
25:03I want to know about you.
25:04I don't know anything.
25:06Why do I see you with a little shine?
25:08A little shine?
25:09In the look.
25:11Like I see you more radiant, the hair more brilliant.
25:13I don't know.
25:14I really don't know.
25:15I don't know why.
25:17I don't believe you.
25:18Shut up.
25:22I knew you were going to love it.
25:24What is this news?
25:26But with the captain.
25:28No, no, no, congratulations.
25:31I knew you were going to love the idea.
25:34How exciting.
25:35Look, when I found out that you were coming here and that you were in the city, I said,
25:38no, I have to look for her.
25:39Besides, I have to ask you a favor.
25:41Which one?
25:42So that I'm good.
25:43I want you to help me organize my wedding.
25:48Oh, say yes, please.
25:50I'm terrible.
25:53Obviously yes.
25:54I mean, what do you mean?
25:55I can already imagine with your white dress.
25:56We'll get married.
25:58I can imagine.
25:59No, I'm already imagining everything in my head because, my God, this has to be the wedding.
26:01Melissa, I'm sorry.
26:02Can you give me a moment, Lieutenant?
26:08Go ahead.
26:09Come on, come on.
26:16What's going on?
26:23The guy who appeared on the news today, he's innocent.
26:25What are you talking about?
26:26The one they caught thinking he had Lucas.
26:27He doesn't have him.
26:29How do you know?
26:31Because I know, now.
26:34Federico, do you still have that boy?
26:38Oh, stop defending him, that's it.
26:40He doesn't know where he is.
26:42We don't know anything.
26:43Stop defending him, that's enough.
26:45He doesn't know where that boy is.
26:48So you do?
26:52Look, I know that man.
26:54And he's telling the truth. He doesn't have him.
26:56How do you know him, Isabel?
26:58What's his name?
27:01I just know him as Punto.
27:03Melody, what are we doing?
27:05We're talking about a minor.
27:07We've been looking for that boy for months.
27:09If you know anything, say it now.
27:13Are you aware that I have to report you?
27:16You've already investigated me.
27:18You know I don't have him.
27:41Lieutenant. Ramirez.
27:42Yes, ma'am.
27:43We have to restart Melody's follow-up.
27:45The singer from Federation.
27:46Yes, ma'am.
27:47I want to know where she's going, who she's with.
27:50I want to know everything.
27:52Stay tuned.
27:53Yes, ma'am.
28:13Shh, shh, shh.
28:16Shh, shh, shh.
28:17Shh, shh, shh.
28:21Shh, shh, shh.
28:35For business.
28:36For everything that's coming.
28:54Hold on.
28:56Make him suffer a little.
29:28We are happy.
29:31We are going to give a lot to talk about in this city.
29:35I'm glad, I'm very glad.
29:37It's been a long time since I understood a man so much.
29:41You have very good aim.
29:43You have it all.
29:48Thank you, Ania.
29:50Can you tell Sporfa to call me as soon as she gets out of the bathroom?
29:54I'll tell her.
29:59I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
30:11You're starting to like this, boy.
30:14He deserves all the suffering of hell.
30:17Never let anger divert you from the main objective, which is much greater.
30:24We go for everything.
30:26Nicole, it's just the beginning.
30:35These numbers have not been seen in Federation for years.
30:39Well, I've been putting my hand in a few things to make the money look a little more.
30:45But here we go.
30:46No, it's definitely Dana.
30:49You changed everything in the bar since you arrived.
30:52And you changed my life.
30:57Do you want to be my partner?
31:02No, why?
31:05You deserve a percentage of these earnings.
31:08You have made them.
31:11Are you okay?
31:13Or is the confinement affecting you here for so long?
31:18You know what?
31:20I think having so much free time led me to reflect.
31:29I was spending my time on things that didn't matter.
31:35What are you doing?
31:38Here adjusting accounts.
31:40Adjusting accounts?
31:42Imagine that the events, the weddings that are being held in the bar, give a profitability.
31:47I imagine.
31:50In fact, this wedding that is scheduled, who is it?
31:53There is a scheduled wedding.
31:55Oh yeah?
31:57Who is getting married?
32:01Let the gossip go.
32:03Someone you know.
32:04Let the gossip go, girl.
32:06Well, what about you two?
32:07You've been together for so long that a couple of gossipy aunts show up.
32:11Let the gossip go.
32:12Who puts the rope around your neck?
32:14Lieutenant Vicky?
32:20With the captain?
32:22How does it fit you?
32:23How does it fit you?
32:24How does it fit you in your head that I'm not going to tell you?
32:27Are you crazy?
32:28When Brian finds out that Vicky is going to get married, he's going to go crazy.
32:30Don't you understand?
32:32I promised him.
32:33Why am I not going to tell him?
32:34And since when are you a man, baby?
32:35You can't be doing everything he asks you to do.
32:37We are friends.
32:39Yes, I am also his friend.
32:40And I love him a lot.
32:41But you and I know how impulsive he is.
32:43If he finds out about this, he's going to be an idiot.
32:45He's going to get us all in trouble, especially Vicky.
32:48And now he's with Vicky.
32:49No, it's not that I'm with Vicky.
32:51But Brian got out of her life a long time ago and forever.
32:54He has to understand.
32:55Right now he can't help but resurrect among the dead.
32:57What for?
32:58To ruin her life after it has cost him so much to remake it?
33:01You and I, as friends, we can't allow him to do one of those things.
33:04Oh, Lieutenant Vicky.
33:05Look, enough.
33:06Not a word more of this.
33:07And you better not tell Brian anything.
33:09You don't want to see me angry.
33:18Just a little.
33:44That's a very nice couple, be very happy.
33:47No, no, por ahua la fiesta.
33:49Ni por tirarmela de mosca que la caga donde se para.
33:52Si me entiende?
33:53Pero yo si quiero hacerle una pregunta.
33:55Ya ustedes decidieron cual de los dos va a renunciar.
33:59Porque el reglamento prohíbe rotundamente relaciones matrimoniales
34:03dentro de la misma comandancia.
34:05Si o no, Rami?
34:06Con esto podemos matar dos pájaros de un solo tiro.
34:09Si me entiendes?
34:10Podemos hacer fiesta de despedida de solteros
34:12y fiesta de despedida de la oficina.
34:14Si o no?
34:15We are going to win!
34:17We are going to win!
34:33We have arrived at a crucial moment in this diploma.
34:35Two of the most exquisite words I know are our jury's guest in the exam.
34:40So I hope you will not make me look bad.
34:44Where do we start, chef?
34:45Over here.
34:54What did you prepare for us, chef?
34:56Today we wanted to mix some flavors of Southeast Asia
35:01and mix it with our main flavors of our traditional Coastal cuisine.
35:07Exactly. So we wanted to exchange, in this case, mango for coconut.
36:12We are going to do it.
36:13We are going to do it.
36:14We are going to do it.
36:15We are going to do it.
36:16We are going to do it.
36:17We are going to do it.
36:18We are going to do it.
36:19We are going to do it.
36:20We are going to do it.
36:21We are going to do it.
36:22We are going to do it.
36:23We are going to do it.
36:24We are going to do it.
36:25We are going to do it.
36:26We are going to do it.
36:27We are going to do it.
36:28We are going to do it.
36:29We are going to do it.
36:30We are going to do it.
36:31We are going to do it.
36:32We are going to do it.
36:33We are going to do it.
36:34We are going to do it.
36:35We are going to do it.
36:47Are you sure?
36:48Very sure. And you?
36:52Let's go.
36:56Come here.
36:57Come here.
36:58Please come closer.
37:01It's important.
37:02Please come closer.
37:04Move it, move it, move it.
37:06Well, I wanted to tell you that I'm going to quit.
37:13That's not all.
37:15I'm going to quit too.
37:18What's going on?
37:19What are you playing?
37:20Villar, what's going on?
37:21What do you mean?
37:22It's mid-season.
37:23Don't worry.
37:24We'll forget about it tomorrow.
37:25No, no.
37:26Don't say that.
37:27No, no, no.
37:28I'm throwing perestroika here.
37:29What are you going to live off?
37:31God, please.
37:32How are you going to leave?
37:34Well, we have thought of something.
37:36We're not going to waste so much experience, so many years in this institution.
37:40But, well, later.
37:42We'll give you news about that for now.
37:44We'll be together.
37:45No, no, no.
37:46That can't be like that.
37:47You are still very young.
37:48You, for example, as you were in the institution,
37:50could set up a detective company, a private surveillance company.
37:55For example, Ramiriquí could be the doorman of a building.
37:58There's something like that.
37:59Let's give him a round of applause.
38:00I'm going to miss him.
38:03Let's go.
38:04We're going to miss him, right?
38:05We're going to miss him a lot.
38:09Before giving the results, we have a surprise.
38:15We have decided that we are going to invest in the business idea
38:21that gets the best score in this exam.
38:28Very good.
38:31And so, the best dish, the best preparation,
38:38was that of...
38:42Mariana Estibar.
38:57Well, well.
38:59The second place.
39:02How are you, Dr. Frankenstein?
39:04What? I don't understand.
39:06You have created a monster.
39:08Who? Tell me.
39:10The difference is that this time you have created him in your image and likeness.
39:14He is handsome, intelligent, ambitious, and he has anger, huh?
39:20A lot, a lot of anger.
39:22And he has a lot of respect for you.
39:25He is handsome, intelligent, ambitious, and he has anger, huh?
39:30A lot, a lot of anger.
39:32I like it. That's the cocktail I need.
39:35If you get that woman to go to jail,
39:38you deserve the prize of revenge of the year.
39:42And importantly, Ania, please take good care of Dylan
39:45because the plan depends on him.
39:47So if something happens to him, you know you'll be left with nothing.
39:50Take care of him, please.
39:51But I'm not his babysitter, Brian.
39:53And you know I trust fate.
39:56What must be, will be.
39:58Oh, relax.
40:00Let everything flow, my dear.
40:03So far, everything has gone as we planned.
40:06And you chose well.
40:08This angry ragazzo is a powerful Brian, huh?
40:12I hope so.
40:25How are you?
40:27How are you?
40:28I haven't been here in a long time.
40:31Do you want something to drink?
40:33No, no, no.
40:34I'm sure.
40:35Don't provoke me at this time.
40:37Look, I wanted to talk to you outside the house.
40:40That's why I asked you to come.
40:43Something about the port business?
40:45It's something more personal.
40:48I used to think differently,
40:50but now I see that behind every great man there is a great woman.
40:54It's completely true.
40:57It turns out that we closed the business with the port consortium
41:01and they are going to appoint me president of the board.
41:06That's great.
41:08Congratulations, you deserve it.
41:10Gina, now more than ever,
41:14I need a woman by my side to support me.
41:17But not just anyone.
41:20I need someone with a vision and experience
41:24who can handle public and social relations.
41:28Let's see, you and I know that Nicole,
41:30rather, that's not her strong point.
41:33I need you.
41:38I'm very excited that you think of me that way.
41:41Look, this is the opportunity
41:44to work hand in hand and get the family out of the water.
41:48Look, you and I can make the Obregón family
41:53become what it was before.
41:55That the last name has dignity and power again.
41:59But for that I need you to be my teacher
42:02and teach me everything you know.
42:05And well, I'll pay you whatever you want.
42:15How's everything going, lizard? Tell me.
42:17Everything is fine, everything is fine.
42:20What about you?
42:22Not very well, I feel a little uneasy, uncle.
42:25You always worry too much.
42:27Yes, I don't like to be far away.
42:29I feel like I have no control and I don't like it.
42:32Buddy, relax, everything is flowing quietly.
42:39Yeah, asshole, yeah.
42:42Something's going on, tell me.
42:45Buddy, it's going to be bad, why?
42:48I know you very well, lizard.
42:50What's going on?
42:53Well, buddy, the truth is yes.
42:56Something is going on and it has to do with Vicky.
43:12Buddy, Vicky is going to marry Antonio.
