• le mois dernier
On s'attendait à un duel Mathieu van der Poel - Wout Van Aert ce dimanche sur les Championnats du Monde de cyclo-cross... mais ce duel n'a pas eu lieu. En effet, le Néerlandais a très vite mis fin au suspense, attaquant dès le départ, alors que le Belge démarrait en 4e ligne et a été victime d'un incident dans les premiers hectomètres. C'est donc Mathieu van der Poel qui a été sacré sur ce cross de Liévin, son 7e titre mondial. Un record, puisque MVDP égale le record d'Eric De Vlaeminck ! Van Aert a lui pris la seconde place, loin derrière son rival de toujours, tandis que Thibau Nys s'est emparé de la médaille de bronze.

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00:00I know I've got to be right now, cause I can't pick much longer, man I've been waiting all night now, that's how long I've been on ya.
00:12I need you right now, I need you right now.
00:21Let's get lost tonight, you could be my black cape monster tonight, play secretary on the balls tonight.
00:30So Matthew Van Der Poel goes through the start area, up at the straight, underneath the finishing gantry here.
00:38A 7 minute 40 lap won by Matthew Van Der Poel behind him.
00:43Corner sliding out around Sweet, oh and that right hand turn, he came in hot, he slid away from underneath.
00:50It's not a fair fight, it certainly isn't.
00:52Van Aert gets back in the ring as well, he's making his way, he's not quite made it.
00:58The stringer is the rider he's going to catch up to first.
01:01It's only a matter of 5 or 6 bike lengths as they come down.
01:05Van Aert goes on the side of the course here, oh this is going to get the shouts from the crowd.
01:15And Nieuwenhuis has to respond to this, he will want to defend that silver medal.
01:20And it has been left to him, all of the Belgians just.
01:28This time Thibaut Nice, the rider who gets the first bike change.
01:32It was the opposite on the far side, on pit number 2, pit number 1.
01:36Nice takes the bike first, Nieuwenhuis.
01:39In Lieven, the elite men's race, the battle between Wout van Aert and Matthew Van Der Poel.
01:45We would have liked them side by side, but they have delivered yet again.
01:49This rivalry that goes all the way back through their careers when they first appeared onto the scene as youngsters.
01:57This is the moment for Matthew Van Der Poel.
02:02Equalling the record of Erik de Vlaminck.
02:06He can now say he is a 7 times world cyclocross champion.
02:13Simply splendid.
02:16The king is here, Matthew Van Der Poel.
02:21The Wizard of Cross takes 7 world titles.
02:26Absolutely phenomenal, once again.
02:51You can be my black cape monster tonight.
02:53Play secretary on the boss tonight.
