• last month
Paloma Gallardo, de 16 años, y Josué Salvatierra, de 14 años, fueron encontrados muertos y con signos de violencia bajo un puente. Ambos eran compañeros en la escuela número 63 y habían desaparecido el jueves pasado tras salir juntos al gimnasio. La policía está trabajando en diferentes hipótesis mientras se espera el resultado de la autopsia. La noticia ha conmocionado a la comunidad de Florencio Varela.


00:00This is a fact that we will try to clear up right away, but it would indicate that both Paloma Gallardo, who is 16 years old and who we saw in the image,
00:10like Josué Salvatierra, who is 14 years old and who were schoolmates, number 63, we see the image of Josué on the screen, and the image of Paloma.
00:21At the time of being found, as you well reported, under a bridge and with signs of having received a beating, they would be handcuffed.
00:31Handcuffed. Well, be careful with that.
00:34This must be prudent because the police are working on different hypotheses from what the part of the morgue indicates,
00:46but the information I have is that they would have found them handcuffed.
00:50Well, be careful with this. Let's accommodate the information.
00:53On Thursday, two young people went to the gym together, 14 and 16 years old.
00:59The family thought they had run away.
01:02They did not understand the situation.
01:04They thought they had run away or something had happened.
01:08They started to spend the hours, they were not located on the phone.
01:11They had not taken much with them, they were going to the gym.
01:14Well, now, in the early hours, we come to the sad news that they were under the bridge, apparently beaten.
01:23That they would have been beaten to death, now yes.
01:25We hear Sergio, Sergio.
01:27Yes, yes, I hear you perfectly.
01:29Yes, how are you?
01:30Well, the sad news is that it started on Thursday, 30, during the 19 and 30 hours,
01:37these two boys would have disappeared from a square near San Antonio Street in the neighborhood of Bosque.
01:46These boys would apparently have gone, they always went to a gym,
01:52but the parents noticed that they did not arrive at 9 at night,
01:56they found out that they never got to the gym.
02:00And since then, the search began for these two young people, 16 and 14 years old.
02:06The truth is that, well, this news that impacted yesterday,
02:11these boys were found by a key witness who was passing through the place,
02:16murdered directly.
02:19The truth is that it is news that moved everyone.
02:22Florencio Varela, now all the neighbors are here together.
02:25Was the family close there?
02:27The family could not be present.
02:29The family could not directly be in the place because, well, it is a very sad moment for them.
02:35They are still waiting for the autopsy because this was yesterday, recently, at 5 p.m.
02:43At 5 p.m. the two bodies of these young people would have been found.
