• last month
Beck reviews a video of Tom Harlock reacting to Amberlynn and other clips. When Amberlynn took offense to Tom, Beck was conditioned to know that it would be in their best interest to unsubscribe from Tom or no allowance this week. Becky said there was a lot of deceptive click bait titles and thumbnails being made to get more views. We find out that Krystle cut off Amberlynn and mentioning Krystle to Amberlynn was a touchy subject. Beck shares that Amberlynn felt uncomfortable in her own home while living with Eric and Rickie, and not just because of the discomfort she implemented upon herself, but because of the ghostly presence in the home. Beck wonders at which point Amberlynn changed, we can only assume it was when Destiny ran away, the attention and money probably contributed to her behaviour after that. Beck confirms that Amberlynn would blame things on others to make herself look better in the moment, like with the 20pc chicken nuggets she had Destiny lie about. Becky wasn’t aware that Krystle’s family dog Monkey was overweight, thinking it was only Twinkie, but in all fairness, Monkey wasn’t Amberlynn’s dog, Monkey belonged to Krystle’s family. Beck feels that Amberlynn did indeed buy love from Beck, Destiny, Eric, Rickie, Hannah, Rafe, and anyone else along the way. Apparently, Amberlynn picked out her own gifts from Beck because she didn’t like to rely on Becky’s choices in gifts. With some research, we find out that Amberlynn did not join Destiny and Dana on their first date. Beck’s different now.
