Love Island All Stars S02 Ep 21 full hd
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00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10It's decision time at the recoupling, but the big question is, will Curtis recouple with Ekansu or Danielle?
00:40I'm going to go with my heart and with my gut.
00:52The person I'm going to couple up with is...
01:22I'm going to go with my gut.
01:36He needs to sort his head out.
01:43Are you shocked?
01:48What chapter have I in this?
01:54I thought you were going to pick Danielle.
01:57I told you that from day one. I fucked up not telling you the truth and I'm sorry. I should have said my emotions straight away.
02:05I'm going to go with my gut.
02:12The next boy to choose is Scott.
02:29I'm going to couple up with this girl because she's a beautiful girl inside and out. I think everyone will agree.
02:34She radiates positivity. She looks after me a lot. I probably don't say thank you enough for all the peppermint teas, the headstrokes on demand.
02:45It's been mega.
02:54I'm really grateful to have shared this experience with you so far.
03:03The next girl I'd like to couple up with is Tina.
03:33The last to choose is Ron.
03:51This girl, since walking into this villa, has held herself like an absolute angel.
03:58She's followed her heart with every decision she's made.
04:02And I think that your time in this villa has not been fair.
04:07And I don't agree with it, but you've still carried yourself incredibly well.
04:17And I think you're such a beautiful person, sweet, and you deserve to be loved wholeheartedly.
04:24And I've really enjoyed chatting to you, getting to know you, and I'd love to continue that.
04:29That was lovely, Ron.
04:33So the girl I would like to couple up with is Danielle.
04:57That was the cutest thing I've ever heard.
05:23I'm really happy for you. I'm so glad we don't have to share bed anymore.
05:30That's embarrassing.
05:31No, it's not.
05:33He's a fucking idiot.
05:38I'm confused.
05:40Why did you pick me?
05:42I've genuinely loved getting to know you and, like, being around you.
05:46And I think you're an amazing person. I think you're beautiful. I think you're sexy.
05:49You've got so much about you.
05:52And just go with my heart and my gut.
05:55And, yes, I didn't handle the situations of the whole Danielle coming in.
06:02I should have just said to you straight away, look, it has confused me and I want to be upmost and honest with you.
06:09And I didn't. I sort of just said what you wanted to hear.
06:14I shouldn't have done that.
06:17I have put everything into you because what I have with you overpowers everything.
06:22So I was kind of disappointed if it can take one night of you.
06:27It actually wasn't so much that. It was more, I'm a truthful man.
06:31I just didn't think I'd actually let go of how things had been reacted for in the other situations.
06:36Like, how are we going to solve this?
06:39What would you do different?
06:40Be completely honest. And if someone comes in and turns my head, I'll be honest with you.
06:45Now, I've taken a bloody big risk, I feel, choosing you.
06:48The last word you said to me is you never want to see me again.
06:51Yeah. You can still go and see her if you want.
06:54I'm not saying that, but what I'm saying is I've made a really hard decision and, like, gone with you.
07:01Do you actually want me?
07:03I wouldn't have chose you if I didn't want you.
07:07As much as I'm still angry and still hurt and I'm, you know, not one to quickly change how I feel,
07:13I still feel upset with you.
07:15I do appreciate you picking me.
07:18It has, a little bit, made me feel reassured.
07:22I understand you can't just switch like that, but I just...
07:26I would have been heartbroken if you left.
07:30I'm trying to make you feel like a princess.
07:32Well, I will make you feel like a princess.
07:34A queen.
07:35A queen.
07:37You look lovely in this dress as well.
07:39I don't know what to do with you guys.
07:43What are you... See, I don't know what you're thinking.
07:45I'm thinking I want to kiss you.
07:49I'm just holding back and giving you space.
07:52I'm thinking how romantic it is.
07:56I'm thinking how I can trust you again.
08:02Is that a hint?
08:07You can see in Ekan's face she's, like, buzzing.
08:09Yeah, yeah.
08:10She's buzzing about it.
08:11She absolutely does.
08:12After saying, I'm never going to speak to him again.
08:14I know. I can't be bothered with it.
08:16Probably just not even talk about it, because I'd sleep, whatever.
08:19I think he's got away so lightly in this, from the boys,
08:23and, I think, the girls.
08:25Like, she stood up there with smart,
08:27but it looks like she's been part of a game that's lasted 48 hours.
08:30And I think it's mad.
08:32How are you?
08:33I don't know, he was just...
08:34He wouldn't even look me in the eye around there.
08:36They're weirdos.
08:39That was such a lovely speech.
08:41Did you like it?
08:43I was mumbling. I nearly cried, I think.
08:45No, I couldn't even look at you. He was looking at me the whole time.
08:49Babe, that was so cute, and that was really from your heart.
08:51And the thing is, I always knew you was, like, this deep down.
08:54Want me to draw him up?
08:56Tell me, babe.
08:57Tell me, babe.
09:03I cried, um...
09:06..when you said about me showing you how a relationship should be.
09:11Because that's so sweet.
09:15But, yeah, thank you for doing that for me.
09:17It's all right, I got you.
09:19Every step of the way, you know that.
09:22You mean the world.
09:24It's just a start.
09:25I know.
09:26Something very good.
09:30Danielle's had her heart broken.
09:32If you need to mend a broken heart, please,
09:35and I can't emphasise this enough,
09:37immediately seek advice from a professional ballroom dancer.
09:41Danielle, you're free for a quick chat.
09:43The world can make it quick.
09:50I just want to apologise to you,
09:52because I feel like I've made you feel awful,
09:56and I feel like...
09:58I just feel like I've made you feel like shit, in a way,
10:01and I've put you in a very awkward and bad position.
10:06So, I really want to apologise to you about that,
10:09and you obviously do not deserve to be in that position whatsoever,
10:13and it is because of my behalf.
10:16So, I am sorry about that,
10:18and there is something really there with me and Ekan.
10:21And that is where I am just going to focus all my energy and everything.
10:25I just want... You probably know that already.
10:27Yeah, I mean, you've made it very clear now.
10:30But I just wanted to tell you that,
10:33because I just... I don't know.
10:35I just feel bad for you.
10:37You are a lovely and amazing girl.
10:39Look, listen, Curtis.
10:41You could have come out of the whole situation
10:44and just been so honest.
10:45I know, I know. I've handled it all wrong.
10:47It takes two seconds... I know. just say, I'm closed off with Ekan.
10:53And you led that on for, like, three days.
10:57I just... I didn't know, and I handled the whole situation incorrectly.
11:03I did. Yeah.
11:04So, I'm sorry.
11:05It's fine.
11:06That's all I wanted to just say to you.
11:09Hopefully, you and Ron can...
11:11Maybe something can spark there, I don't know.
11:14Fine, I don't need your advice, to be honest.
11:17With my romance. I accept that.
11:19I accept that completely. With my romantic life.
11:21I accept that.
11:22But you are an amazing person. I know, thank you.
11:24You really, really are.
11:25And you're genuinely a lovely, lovely girl.
11:27Yeah. I know.
11:28You really are. Thank you.
11:29See you. Sorry.
11:35For Curtis, I didn't really want to waste my breath
11:38on the whole situation.
11:39I think he's absolutely miles off it.
11:41Yesterday, he was telling Ekan he's sorry for leading her on.
11:44He's basically saying the same thing to me today.
11:47I think he has no idea what he's looking for.
11:50Scott wanted help with his recoupling speech,
11:53so I cut out loads of pointless words,
11:55stripped it right back, cos less is more.
11:58That's my golden rule for success,
12:00and personally, I think I nailed it.
12:02What did you think of his speech?
12:04I feel like it could have been a little bit more.
12:06I always sometimes do have a little bit of doubt
12:08of whether what happened last time is going to happen again.
12:11There's no doubt that he likes you.
12:13I just feel like you deserve more than what he's able to give you.
12:18It's not like I'm asking for... I don't want to...
12:20There's not a lot... He has changed. I can feel it changing him.
12:23Even the way that he is with me, like, I can feel it.
12:26But then there is... I just have that doubt sometimes
12:29that I'm not enough for him.
12:30I hate that, though, because you are enough.
12:32Oh, my God, don't get upset.
12:34I feel like you need to make sure that you're on the same page,
12:38because I feel like I just worry for you.
12:41I'm going to end up falling for him,
12:43and then he's not going to be able to give you what you want.
12:46That's why I worry about it.
12:48How are you feeling?
12:49Just... I do get a little bit frustrated,
12:51cos I see all you boys just free-flowing from the heart.
12:54Yeah. I can tell the difference in... Yeah.
12:57..the way you were speaking compared to others,
12:59cos I think a lot of us were saying about how we're progressing
13:03and the feeling's getting stronger every day.
13:05Yeah, but you are progressing.
13:07Do you know what, bro? I can't lie.
13:09I can't lie, OK? She's right.
13:10Like, I couldn't say that I've gone any deeper,
13:12and that frustrates me, because I wish I could, do you know what I mean?
13:16Why do you think that, just the way you are as a person?
13:19I just think I'm just truthful.
13:21I just don't want you to waste any more time
13:23on waiting for him to decide whether you're the one or not.
13:26You're too special for that.
13:28Who knows if any of us are the one for anyone?
13:31And I think you... It's been long enough now.
13:33Exactly, it's been long enough.
13:34You've just been coupled up for, what, two weeks? Yeah.
13:36You do deserve someone that's sure.
13:38Yeah, I know, I know. I know that. I know.
13:41And I don't... And he's not sure.
13:44I don't want to question shit.
13:48I don't know. I love you.
13:50I love you too, Mummy.
14:12In the recoupling, Omar chose Catherine,
14:14and he wants to make his feelings clear,
14:16because Omar refuses to play games,
14:19which makes him a wonderful person,
14:21and a terrible PE teacher.
14:25Step into my office.
14:27Your office? Yeah.
14:30You know what? I'll happily take a seat in your office.
14:35How are you? I'm good, how are you?
14:37I'm good.
14:38Happy with the decision? Yeah.
14:40I'm finally coupled up with you.
14:42Obviously, I know your journey in here hasn't been easy.
14:45It hasn't been easy.
14:46But, like, obviously, my decision today was based off our date.
14:50Yeah. I'm definitely attracted to you.
14:52Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
14:54And the spark that we had from when we had that conversation,
14:57I definitely want it to continue.
14:59Do you know what I'm trying to say? Yeah.
15:01So, for me, it's just about being consistent
15:03and also being as honest and open as possible.
15:06You also know I'm attracted to you.
15:08And I feel like you actually have good qualities.
15:11Like, from what I've seen, like, the small little stuff, you know...
15:15Gentlemen. Gentlemen.
15:18You OK? Yeah, yeah.
15:23I wanted to chat to you.
15:25I'm not probably the best..., like, saying about my feelings.
15:31There's so much pressure in front of everyone.
15:33I just think it would be easier if I just speak more
15:36what I want to say now than, like, in front of people, you know?
15:39You're, like, exactly what I've probably wanted in a girl
15:43for, like, the last few years.
15:45You haven't, like, you've given me everything I've wanted.
15:49Like, I'm more.
15:51And, like, I didn't expect to find or, like, have that in someone,
15:55you know?
15:56Like, I haven't felt anything like this for, like, ages.
16:01Like, I don't know, I think I gave up a little bit on believing in it,
16:05you know? Mm-hm.
16:07And you have made me believe in it all again.
16:09Oh, babe! What? That's so lovely.
16:12I don't know, like, without saying anything,
16:14you just, like, I feel comfortable and I trust you.
16:17Like, even when I don't want to speak, I just want to be round you.
16:20Yeah. You know, you're my person in here.
16:22Like, I do see something happening on the outside of you.
16:25I can't wait for the outside of you.
16:27We're going to have so much fun.
16:29Who would have thought?
16:31Never. Never!
16:34You have got all of me. You've got all of me.
16:53You all right?
16:55I don't know. I think sometimes I do have, like, a bit of doubt.
16:59A lot of it stems, obviously, from last time.
17:01And, like, whether it's, like...
17:04..enough, I guess, for you.
17:06Like, or if there is something missing, I don't know.
17:09I think I just need to, like...
17:12..know whether there is actually a progression in this.
17:15It's knowing that there is that something more that's going to...
17:18Like, you know, that's...
17:20Well, I don't know. You know what I mean?
17:22I'll be honest with you, like, I wanted to speak to you earlier,
17:25and obviously the recoupling thing came, and then...
17:28I just felt like when I was choosing my words...
17:33..everything I said was the truth and facts.
17:36And you are a beautiful soul inside and out.
17:39You do look after me, you do all these little things for me,
17:42and I am so grateful to have shared this journey with you.
17:46But the fact something is holding me back,
17:49like, I'm going to that next level.
17:51And I think...
17:54..last time I had this, like, panic, I think it was too early.
17:58And this time, like, I want it to be you because you are so amazing.
18:03And I'm not just saying this, like, you actually are, like,
18:06I can't... There's not one bad thing I can say about you.
18:09And I want it to be you because you are so good for me.
18:12And I'm more looking at myself going, like,
18:15I'm so frustrated, but when I see all the other boys up there
18:18and they're just speaking from the heart and so freely,
18:21I think you deserve that. Yeah, I do.
18:23You do deserve that, and...
18:26..and I want to be able to give you that, but I can't do it
18:29if I don't fully feel it. Just come.
18:31And it's getting to the point now where I don't feel
18:34like I can give you any more, and I think you, like, fully deserve that.
18:40I do. You do. And I just...
18:43It's fine. I mean, I'm just glad you told me.
18:45I could kiss you in bed, I could cuddle you all day,
18:48but that's the only level I seem to go to.
18:51And I'm so sorry because... No, it's fine. don't deserve that.
18:55It's all right. It's all good. Thanks for being honest.
19:01I'm so sorry, T. It's all right. I'm going to head, though.
19:04Cos if you're going to leave me, please don't do it slow
19:09And don't leave me here bleeding, lying on the floor
19:14I just feel so stupid.
19:17I don't know, I wanted to trust in it, you know?
19:19Like, I just wanted to trust that it was going to be like...
19:21That I would maybe get it, get what I wanted,
19:23because that's the signs I was getting, like, by things he was saying.
19:29But it's just not.
19:33I don't know.
19:35It's done. We're done.
19:37We're done. We're done? We're done.
19:39What? Yeah, just like that. What? Yeah.
19:43Tina, what did he say?
19:46It wasn't enough.
19:51Fine. No. Fine.
19:53Oh, man. What's going on?
19:56You all right, mate? Go on.
19:59You deserve so much more.
20:02I never said it to Mona.
20:04Well, I know it's bad to me now, and it's like...
20:06I was like... I just feel stupid for, like, being like,
20:09maybe it is different, but it clearly wasn't.
20:13It just wasn't. Yeah.
20:15He's just said to me now that he can't go any further than me
20:17with just kissing and cuddling.
20:20He said that? Yeah.
20:22He was like, I could kiss and cuddle you all day,
20:23but I can't see it going any further than that.
20:26Whatever. At least now I know it's done.
20:29Moving forward.
20:31I love you. I'm sorry. It's not easy.
20:34I fucking hate men. I fucking hate them all.
20:36I didn't really get a chance to say it.
20:38I think, like, obviously we've got to leave it here,
20:40but I just said I can't give you any more than this.
20:42I think you've dealt with it in the best way possible.
20:44Yeah, do you know what I mean?
20:45And I think the girls will have no reason to...
20:47Yeah, they can't. Yeah, they can't.
20:48Yeah, even up front.
20:49I just hope now she doesn't get riled up by the girls.
20:51We've got to cover their shit.
20:52I've been honest with her transparently along the way.
20:54I just hope, like, we can still be OK.
20:57You've been real, bro. Yep.
20:59It's just a shame when someone gets hurt, innit?
21:01Yeah, she was definitely, obviously, a lot more in deep than you were.
21:05Like, you can't control that. That was out of your control.
21:07Do you know what it is? It's easy to hear but hard to accept.
21:12What else have I... What else have I missed?
21:15It's been two seconds. What else have I missed?
21:18What's happened?
21:22Are you joking?
21:23Are you joking?!
21:25He can go then?
21:27Because who's going to tell him to leave?
21:29What's his reason?
21:31What's his reason?
21:33Speak to me. No, Gina, speak to me.
21:35It's not there.
21:36It's not there?
21:37It's not there.
21:38It's not there for him.
21:40Right, so what is there for him?
21:42I don't know, babe.
21:43I don't think he should be here.
21:45Who's going to tell him then?
21:47Is anyone going to tell him?
21:49Is anyone going to tell any of these geezers that they're not men?
21:51Like, stop going round in fucking circles.
21:53Are you joking?
21:54I'm not.
21:55No, I'm being serious.
21:56Leave them, mate.
21:57You've had two fucking blinding birds
21:59and you've said there's something missing for both of them.
22:01What do you want?
22:02So is anyone going to tell him?
22:03Because I will.
22:04I mean, I'm...
22:05Elma, come and tell me.
22:08Come and tell me.
22:09Come here.
22:10Come here then.
22:11Tell me.
22:12Because I don't understand.
22:13What is missing from Tina?
22:14I don't understand what's missing from India-Arabia.
22:15Like, if you're not happy, Scott, then go home, babe,
22:17because you could have done all of this at home.
22:19Listen, I will go home.
22:20But I don't understand.
22:21She's crying.
22:22India was crying, babe.
22:23It's unfair.
22:24Elma, I knew India for four days.
22:25No, you didn't.
22:26You've known her for nine years.
22:27No, but in a romantic way, I knew her for four days.
22:29And Tina is amazing.
22:30Nothing wrong with her.
22:31But if something's not there, I can't be...
22:33Yeah, but what is it?
22:34I will go tomorrow, Elma.
22:35But what is it that you're looking for, Scott?
22:37Because Tina's given you everything.
22:38I will go tomorrow, happily.
22:39Well, so what was that speech about then, babe?
22:41Everything I said was factual.
22:44She has been amazing for me.
22:45She has done those things for me.
22:46But I never once said I could see where this is going
22:49or anything else.
22:50You don't need to listen to any of that shit.
22:55When you're not feeling something, you ain't feeling something.
22:58Yeah, but why has it took 11 days?
23:00You can't put a name on feeling.
23:01I've always kept it here, but I knew that it had to go up and down
23:04and I couldn't go there, so I've been straight up about it.
23:07Like, I've never...
23:08You all want honesty until we're honest.
23:10No, no, it's not about that.
23:12It's not about that at all.
23:13It's about the fact that he's fucking borderline led her on
23:16for the last 10 days.
23:17He hasn't.
23:18He hasn't.
23:19I think not being...
23:20Because he's tried.
23:21He's tried to do what you're saying to do and he's not feeling it.
23:24So how can you argue with how he's feeling now
23:26when he's not feeling it?
23:27No, Albs, you're just trying to stick up for Tina, aren't you?
23:30Do you know what I mean?
23:31But at the end of the day, it's not...
23:32You are her friend, but at the end of the day,
23:34it's not Scott's fault if he can't feel it like that
23:36and he needs to communicate with...
23:37I just think it's a fuck-up and I think everyone's...
23:39It's not that.
23:40No, it's not, it's not.
23:41I feel like it's a gut feeling, like, you know,
23:43if you don't feel it, you can't force it.
23:45You know, you can't pinpoint what's missing
23:47because you don't know what's missing.
23:49You're upset as well because we've sent people home
23:51thinking that him and Tina had a connection.
23:53Yeah, 100%.
23:54That's why you're upset as well, I get it.
23:55100% because I genuinely, from my heart,
23:56thought that that was going to give you the kick up the arse
23:58that you needed to realise that, actually, she's fucking blind
24:00and you're not going to meet her birthday, Tina.
24:02I wish it did. I wish it did.
24:03I've given the opportunity so many times to fucking say it.
24:06Do you know what I mean?
24:07And I said from the fucking beginning,
24:08I'm not one to fucking rush into fucking anything, trust me,
24:11but what I'm annoyed about is Ivers wasted two fucking weeks
24:15being loyal as fuck to him.
24:17I think he also felt really guilty in the fact that
24:20he meant every single word he said in that speech,
24:22but it wasn't, you know, stuff.
24:25Fucking hell.
24:29Don't worry, son, I've got your back.
24:36I think everyone just needs to go to bed.
24:39Yeah, I think sleep is needed.
24:41I guess you never know
24:44Someone you think you know
24:46Can't see the knife when you're too close
24:49Too close
24:52It scars forever when
24:54Someone you call to fend
24:58Bro, this night has been fucking ridiculous.
25:01I had to get out
25:03You let your sweet sense in us
25:06And fed them lies for dinner
25:10I definitely think I'll have a conversation with him tomorrow, but...
25:13No, I'm done. I'm done. When I'm done, I'm done.
25:15I had to get out
25:17You let your sweet sense in us
25:20And fed them lies for dinner
25:23All right, guys.
25:24All right, guys.
25:25Love you all.
25:26I had to get out
25:28Used to drive you crazy for me
25:30Crazy for me
25:32Oh, don't worry.
25:35I'm good at speaking.
25:38Good night, guys.
25:40Good night, guys.
25:44This is one of my favorite parts of my day.
25:46This is my favorite part of the day.
26:08It was never the same
26:10Wasn't you?
26:21Last night, Scott and Tina broke up.
26:23But good news, Curtis and Ekansu made up.
26:26Yes, it's your classic on again, off again.
26:29On again, then off again.
26:31On again.
26:32Oh, God, she's kicking off again.
26:36Good morning, guys.
26:38Tina, how are you feeling, babe?
26:40I know.
26:42Nice to be back in bed.
26:44Did you have a cuddle?
26:46I got bored waiting for you to get your shit together
26:50You really thought I'd be there at your beck and call forever
26:55Hey, Rob.
26:56Morning, guys.
26:58Thinking I would be your safety net
27:01How are you, Scott?
27:02Yeah, I'm all right.
27:03Yeah, I'm all right.
27:04I'm sorry about Tina, not me.
27:06We should all aim to have a really nice day today.
27:09That's always the aim.
27:10But things go tits up.
27:19It's not you.
27:21It's really not you.
27:26I'm just not going to get sucked into all the drama.
27:29I won't have my integrity questioned by anyone.
27:31Because I've been honest all the way through.
27:33Wait, that's what annoys me so much.
27:35He's sitting there saying, oh, yeah, I'm worried about Tina.
27:37You don't give a fuck about Tina's feelings.
27:40You're saying what sounds right.
27:42Is he searching for perfection?
27:43No one's perfect.
27:52Who did this?
27:55I mean, these coffees aren't going to prove anything, by the way.
28:02For thinking I would be a safety net
28:10With the break-up still raw, Tina's talking things through with Curtis.
28:15I feel like it's all just, like, been a lie, like, since, like...
28:23I just made it all the way, like, someone else just came in
28:25and then it was, like, something to do...
28:27Cos it's to do with me.
28:28It ain't anything to do with you.
28:30Scott just ain't the right person for you.
28:32Yeah, and that's fine.
28:33Like, he hasn't been honest.
28:35Whether it's with himself, with me, what?
28:37You're obviously going to feel shit, but you are a very cool person.
28:42You genuinely are.
28:44So, don't...
28:45There's nothing at all, genuinely.
28:47Well, I can't see anything messing with you.
28:49So, don't. You're awesome.
28:56Still not ready to talk to me, T?
28:59I don't really want to talk to you right now.
29:01No? OK.
29:04I just wanted to speak about last night.
29:06Us boys came defensive of Scott
29:08because we didn't probably know the whole situation.
29:12Can you understand why it would be frustrating for me, though?
29:15And why it would... I mean, it was...
29:17Hearing what Tina's saying now, yeah.
29:22I just think it's a liberty, because we sent her home, Kaz.
29:26We sent her home.
29:27I know that's why, like, a lot was in your head,
29:29because Kaz is your mate,
29:30and it felt like you'd done her wrong at the time.
29:32She's like, for me, I'm riddled in guilt that I've took away something,
29:35because it's annoying me,
29:36and I felt like no-one backed the whole thing last night,
29:39but everyone's fault here.
29:40And it's just fucking annoying, because that is the truth.
29:44He did the same thing to India. He's done it to Tina twice now.
29:47Like, sitting there, like, oh, I'm happy to go home.
29:49Go home then, babe.
29:50Can I speak to you two? Yeah, come here.
29:52You all right?
29:53Yeah, I'm just annoyed, Scott.
29:55What are you annoyed about?
29:57Quite a lot, to be honest.
30:01I'm just frustrated.
30:02When we had to choose, me and Luca had to choose
30:05who to send home out of the four,
30:06we ran with that decision based on the fact
30:08that you were still getting on completely fine again,
30:10and we still had to send three people home.
30:12It was like, you already had that in your head,
30:14that there was something missing.
30:15You knew that, because that was why the whole thing
30:17kicked off on Vegas night.
30:18I've tried to be honest straightaway, like, from the get-go,
30:21to the point where, when I felt like something wasn't quite there,
30:24and I was thinking, get on with her really well,
30:26is she the one?
30:27I told the boys, and then, obviously,
30:29it came out in a way that I didn't want it to come out,
30:31but then I sat down with Gabby, I sat down with everyone,
30:34I said, listen...
30:35I even sat down with Tina, I looked her in the eye,
30:37I said, listen, I just want to be straight with you,
30:39I really like spending time with you,
30:40but I'm just not fully in it.
30:41So she knew, at that point, she could have quite easily gone,
30:44you know what, I deserve more than that.
30:45Every night, when we were kissing in bed and stuff,
30:48I just didn't have that extra bit,
30:51and I could...
30:52It would be so easy for me, to sit here,
30:54and stay with her the whole way through,
30:56and have this, like, fairytale experience in there,
30:58and just cruise.
30:59But for the love I have experienced,
31:01that's the insanity for me to go, let's pull the plug here.
31:04You know I'm real.
31:05And it hurts me so much, Elmer, when...
31:07I can't believe that you don't see me.
31:10No, because I feel like I'm being blindsided by you, Scott.
31:13God knows how Tina fucking feels.
31:14What are you looking for, Scott?
31:16I'm looking for that spark,
31:18and I understand everyone's frustrations, I really do,
31:20but just let me fix it with her.
31:21Yeah, of course.
31:22I'm not going to not let you fix it with her.
31:24Well, listen, I'll leave you guys to it, man,
31:26but I'm sorry, Elmer.
31:28Don't apologise. Apologise to Tina.
31:36Fuck me.
31:39How's it been this morning with Arthur,
31:42everything last night, all right?
31:44Yeah, I'm just staying clear of him today.
31:48Obviously I had a chat with him.
31:49Did you speak to him?
31:50I did have a chat with him, yeah.
31:52How was it?
31:53Shocking, to be honest.
31:54I feel like I wasn't in the mood to speak to him as well.
31:57He was just there, head down,
31:59giving me some speech about how he's sorry,
32:02and all of this crap,
32:04and then was trying to give me relationship advice for me and you.
32:08He was...
32:09I said, yeah, I don't need advice from you, thank you.
32:12And I know with, like, us and stuff,
32:14like, I know we've only known each other for a couple of days,
32:18We've always just gravitated towards each other anyway,
32:20and I'm annoyed that I don't want you to think
32:22that you're second option or anything like that,
32:24because that's not the case.
32:26It was based on one conversation I had
32:28before I had the chance to still...
32:31I take everything on face value.
32:33I don't, like...
32:34You know how laid-back I am in here anyways.
32:36Like, it's been good chatting to you,
32:38and it's like I'm happy that we're in a couple.
32:40Yeah, me too.
32:41I'm happy that we're chatting to each other.
32:43Yeah, last night was the most relaxed I felt
32:45about being in a couple.
32:47Yeah, and whether it becomes deeper and we become, like,
32:50and feelings get involved,
32:51and, like, this is our sort of, like, journey together,
32:53then great.
32:54Yeah, it'll just be easy, it'll flow with us.
32:56It's nice.
32:57You don't know, we might fall in love
32:59and then break up in two weeks.
33:01Who knows?
33:02Fall in love, yeah?
33:03It's a big word to throw around, you know?
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34:12It's been a difficult day for Scott
34:14and right now he's wrestling with his emotions.
34:19Luca, can I borrow you?
34:21I need you.
34:33What's up, brother?
34:34What's up, mate?
34:36I'm going to have to go, you know, bro.
34:40Oh, man.
34:42Have you thought about it?
34:46Like, properly?
34:47Yeah, yeah.
34:48I just wanted to tell you first.
34:51I've always been a bit of a snob.
34:54I'm not a snob.
34:55I'm not a snob.
34:56I'm not a snob.
34:57I'm not a snob.
34:58I'm not a snob.
34:59I'm not a snob.
35:00I'm not a snob.
35:01I'm not a snob.
35:02I'm not a snob.
35:03I'm not a snob.
35:04I just want to be honest.
35:10But like why?
35:11Because I can't force connections, you know?
35:15And I just feel like I've come here
35:17and done everything that I wanted to do.
35:20And anything else from here, bro,
35:23I wouldn't be myself, do you know what I mean?
35:28And I just want to be,
35:30I've got to be true to myself, bro.
35:33But I know you're going to smash it, and I'm just buzzing that you've got what you've got with Grace.
35:38Yeah, I know, but...
35:41Like, out of everyone in here, I trust you the most, don't I?
35:43Yeah, well, that's why I've come to tell you first, bro.
35:46So what now?
35:48I'm going to tell the guys, and then I'm going to pack up, bro.
36:17Guys, can I have you all round here for a minute?
36:20Guys, Scott's calling us.
36:24Oh, is he leaving?
36:29I think I know what this is.
36:31I know what it is as well.
36:33Oh, fuck.
36:35I think Scott's leaving cos Luca was crying.
36:39Oh, I'm on.
36:40Oh, Scott.
36:47It's not you, it's your special girl.
36:50Oh, this is heavy, man.
36:54I don't want this to be sad, guys,
36:56cos I've had the best time ever, but...
37:02I've made the decision to leave, man.
37:05I just think it's the right time, but I've had the best time ever.
37:09I don't want everyone to be sad, man.
37:11I'm in a good place by it.
37:16Every single one of you is amazing.
37:18I know we've had our little rows in here, but we're a family
37:21and I don't hold anything against anyone or blame anyone.
37:24It's just my thing.
37:30Yeah, I'm at peace with it, man.
37:32I love you so much.
37:34So sorry, Tim.
37:36I'm so sorry.
37:51I didn't want to be the guy to upset anyone in here.
37:54And I'll keep my head held high
37:56because I know I've just been honest and truthful.
37:59I don't think that they'd understand
38:06I'm just going to miss him so much.
38:09I just know how genuine and honest and how amazing Scott is
38:14and I'm just gutted.
38:25Do you think you should speak to him?
38:27I'm going to speak to him, baby.
38:29You all right? I'm so sorry.
38:31So sorry.
38:36So sorry.
38:40Sit here.
38:45Told you everything with you wasn't fake, man.
38:48That was, er...
38:50I'm not going to get a better connection than that with someone in here.
38:53I just don't want to force anything else.
38:55And I don't want you to think for one minute
38:57there's anything wrong with you or anything.
38:59You've been amazing, man, but I've still got my own shit to do.
39:02I just don't want to fast-track things or force things or anything.
39:05Do you know what I mean?
39:07You're going to be all right.
39:10Oh, and every bombshell that comes in, you give them a fair chance.
39:13Give them a good go.
39:22You don't change, you just be you.
39:40Do you know what it is, Scott?
39:42You see, even, like, me being here in a short space of time with you around,
39:45I can just tell, like, the genuine, like, brotherhood.
39:48Yeah, man.
39:50Do you know what? He's been a massive character.
39:52I feel like, personally, I've learnt so much from him.
39:55He's a proper top, top, top person.
39:58I'm at that point in my life, boys, where I can't mess about.
40:01The next one's got to be the one, do you know what I mean?
40:03Yeah. You'll find your wife this year.
40:05Yeah, I haven't got a job yet, I believe.
40:08It's been a selfless decision, when he's leaving,
40:10because he's like, I want Tina to have a proper experience in here now.
40:14To achieve something you never had, you have to do something you've never done.
40:17Curtis, stay away from Tina.
40:37How could you just let me go?
40:45I love yous all to bits, man.
40:47And I'll never get an experience like this again.
40:50And you, you're the man of the house now.
40:54Love you, man. Love you.
40:57Right, love yous all, guys.
41:00Love yous all. Love you all.
41:03You were truly something
41:06The way you left with ease
41:09It couldn't have been that hard for you
41:12To lose someone like me
41:15To lose someone like me
41:25Yes, Scott, come here. Oh, yeah.
41:27What happened? Are you all right?
41:29I don't know what's happened, if I'm honest. You don't know?
41:32It all happened so quickly. Really fast. Yeah.
41:35I just think I kind of did everything I wanted to do in there.
41:38I found two connections, which I think is like winning the lottery in there.
41:41Yeah. I felt like if I had to start again with a new connection,
41:44I'd be losing myself and I wouldn't be true to myself, so...
41:47So what was it about Tina that was missing then?
41:49Because at one point it seemed like it was going all right.
41:52She's amazing, like, honestly, like, such a sweetheart.
41:55And she brought a side of me that not many people can, do you know what I mean?
41:58Like, I was so, like, affectionate with her,
42:00I just didn't get that extra bit where I think, you just want that,
42:03do you know what I mean? I'm a little bit older now. Yeah.
42:06I have to be real and I felt like I navigated it in the most honest way possible
42:09and it still wasn't good enough in there.
42:11It was like everybody had an opinion.
42:13I got to the point where I went, if I can't be as honest as I possibly can
42:16and it still not be right, then I just don't know how to be in there.
42:19Yeah. The last time I did this show,
42:22I had that instant connection with someone
42:24and it made everything so much easier. Yeah.
42:27Yeah. Could that have maybe been the downfall then?
42:30Having your first experience, hitting it off straight away with Cady pretty much
42:33and then coming in here, maybe expecting the same and it not happening?
42:36Yeah, I think I took it for granted the first time round.
42:38To find someone you've got, like, I mean, I call it fireworks.
42:41I had a connection with Tina, but it wasn't fireworks.
42:43And, yeah, it feels like the right decision.
42:46From day one, the public obviously coupled you up with India.
42:49How did you feel about that?
42:50Yeah, I was happy, man, because I've always fancied India.
42:53India was, she's a beautiful girl. Yeah.
42:56It still didn't feel as natural as I would have wanted it to.
42:59Right. I had two great chances
43:01and I'm happy with what I got from those experiences.
43:04That's fair enough.
43:05Vegas night, though.
43:06You and Luca, he kind of threw you under the bus a little bit?
43:08Yeah, well, to be honest, it was just like brotherly banter
43:10that just went completely wrong.
43:11Like, me and him are so close now
43:13and I think I kind of unknowingly triggered him a little bit.
43:16Yeah. But we didn't know each other's boundaries at that point.
43:18But I love him to bits. He's like my little brother in there, so...
43:20Yeah, so it's all squashed now. Yeah.
43:22So what happens next?
43:23What happens next?
43:24Oh, man, I can't wait to see my dog.
43:26Dog visits, important.
43:27Yeah, my dog.
43:28Going back into my little cocoon for a bit.
43:30Reckon you will check in on India at all, being back?
43:33Oh, I'll check in on India. Yeah.
43:34Like, I'll make sure she's all right and that we're all right.
43:37But I don't think that's going to be a thing.
43:39Not romantically? No, I don't think so.
43:41Back to the friendship?
43:42Yeah, back to the friendship, back in a friend zone.
43:44Yeah, that's all right.
43:45But, yeah, you never know.
43:46Like, obviously, I'd like to catch up with Tina at some point.
43:51Is that going to be weird, watching her in there now,
43:53that you're going to be outside if she makes a new connection?
43:56No, do you know what?
43:57I really want her to make a connection and that she deserves it,
44:00but we'll just see, man. You never know.
44:02I'm just... I'm really content with where I'm at and my decision,
44:06and, yeah, I just feel at peace.
44:08Well, we have loved watching you, Scott.
44:10Thank you so much, and I wish you all the best for the future.
44:13Thank you for having me. Pleasure. You've been amazing.
44:17Tomorrow night...
44:21..the heart rate challenge gets red hot.
44:34Oh, my days.
44:37I don't know what just happened.