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Melissa Roxburgh Reveals 1 Time She Was 'Spooked' While Filming 'Hunting Party':
'Moment of Panic'


00:00I've seen the first four episodes and you know it can get quite dark so I'm very curious was there
00:03ever any moment where you were actually like as you were filming kind of like spooked out or you
00:08know? The only time I was actually spooked out was episode four when I'm in the chair um I don't know
00:14how much you've seen but I'm yeah I'm in yeah so I get kidnapped and I'm in his chair being held as
00:21hostage and they put duct tape over my mouth and it wasn't scary necessarily other than I couldn't
00:28breathe but we were rolling and so I had like a freak out it was because you can't yell cut you
00:36can't yell for help you can't really do anything but I couldn't breathe um so yeah I definitely
00:42had a moment there of panic but as far as the killers go I think the only time I was ever like
00:48ooh I don't want to see that is um episode nine it is it's dark it's gross yeah well jumping off
00:58that because I did have a question just about the emotional aspect of filming something so dark like
01:03how do you kind of protect your mental health in between filming and just kind of not taking
01:07you know work home with you because it can get quite heavy I imagine yeah I think we we work such
01:13long days on set that by the time we are able to go home you kind of just leave it yeah and I don't
01:20I don't know if it's a choice or you just do it but on your drive home you're just like I'm tired
01:25I'm gonna go have a nice bath and go to bed so that's that's all I'm thinking about thankfully
01:31and I also wanted to ask you about the physical aspects of because this is very physical you're
01:34kind of like getting into fights you're like in the you know in the field so what was that like
01:39for you did you have to prepare more did you have to adjust or was it just very serious yeah I was
01:44super out of shape going into filming so it was definitely an adjustment um it's also really hard
01:49to go to the gym when you're doing those long days uh so sorry um so uh we had a tech advisor
01:59helping with all the gun stuff because we did want to make sure that a lot of that was as correct as
02:02it could be um but as far as like running through the woods and stuff I mean the only
02:08embarrassing moment was I told everyone I'm a runner which I am and I was like this next shot's
02:16gonna be no problem and it was me running through the woods and within five seconds I've fallen on
02:21my butt and really hurt my back so are you okay I'm okay I'm okay yeah but no um yeah we had help
02:28we had a lot of help so
