• last month
00:00Let's go. Let's play this. Here's this Nico Harrison
00:04Saying that no one knew about this trade including Jason kid and I left kid on there because Jason kid looks like this is the
00:12Absolute last place he ever wants to be in his life is sitting at this press conference after getting rid of Luca
00:18Here we go, and I'd like to give Rob Polanco a lot of credit
00:21You know trades you guys have been around here trades don't happen at the smallest level without stuff getting out
00:27And Rob, and I were able to have you know really intense
00:31Conversations over the course of you know three or four weeks that started out as a coffee that you know was more
00:38Hey, would you ever I don't know what I let me think of you know and it
00:43Builds upon that and you know we kept it between us. We had to we had to keep it tight
00:49J kid didn't know about it
00:51But Jake kid and I are aligned and we talk about archetypes
00:54And we talk about the culture that we want to create so I know it look the type of players that that
00:59He likes without actually talking to him
01:02Hey, would you like you know so I know that and and Jake kid coached him when they won a championship
01:06So so I think when you're aligned with your coach like that. I know the type of players that he likes
01:12And so I felt good about it it making sense to where we're trying to go
01:18Yeah, listen just so we're clear everyone has
01:23Bosses right and you have to
01:26Listen to your boss, and you have to do what your boss wants right in life, or you're gonna have problems
01:31I can tell you firsthand
01:33And I think that Jason kid was in that position of like these people are my
01:39Bosses that you I think there's ownership involved. I think Nico obviously has a relationship with
01:46Polinka that goes way back. They're like lovers
01:49They've been you know friends forever, and I think they were able to manipulate the scene the media the outsiders the crush and
01:58Get the deal done listen
02:01Everyone knows how great he is Luca. It is it is what it is. They made the deal. It's done get over it
02:07Let's see how it plays out
