• last week
Hinduja Brothers shared a heartfelt story about their mother, highlighting her deep spirituality and strong beliefs. He recalled how she lovingly took care of cows at their home, treating them with great care and devotion. However, one day, municipal authorities came and told them that keeping cows at home was not allowed. This deeply saddened their mother, as she couldn’t understand why something so pure and natural was restricted. Speaking about the Hinduja family's values, the brothers emphasized the strong unity among them. Gopichand Hinduja reflected on how their family has now reached its fourth generation and expressed his hope that this bond will continue. He believes it is the responsibility of the elders to take care of everyone and keep the family together. They also shared their prayers for everyone’s good health and happiness, stressing that true joy comes from doing things that make others happy. Life is uncertain, and death is inevitable, so there’s no need to constantly worry about the future. Instead, they believe in living each day with kindness and positivity, making a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

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