Greetings Everybody!
Welcome to another edition of learning badminton with Abhijeet Naimpally.
Today, we learn to master drop shots – another trick up your sleeve.
Drop shots are mostly played from the rear court to the front court area.
These could be either straight or cross-court drop shots.
The slower drop shot in this case is between the front service line and the net.
More than the straight drop shots, the diagonal drop shot are quite tricky to defend.
The idea to hit the shuttle at the highest point in the air.
For drills to master the inch-perfect drop shot, visit
Or check our YouTube channel @ZelusAcademy for more.
#LearningBadminton #LearningBadmintonOnline #AbhijeetNaimpally #Zelus #DropShot #ZelusAcademy
Welcome to another edition of learning badminton with Abhijeet Naimpally.
Today, we learn to master drop shots – another trick up your sleeve.
Drop shots are mostly played from the rear court to the front court area.
These could be either straight or cross-court drop shots.
The slower drop shot in this case is between the front service line and the net.
More than the straight drop shots, the diagonal drop shot are quite tricky to defend.
The idea to hit the shuttle at the highest point in the air.
For drills to master the inch-perfect drop shot, visit
Or check our YouTube channel @ZelusAcademy for more.
#LearningBadminton #LearningBadmintonOnline #AbhijeetNaimpally #Zelus #DropShot #ZelusAcademy