00:00the end cover true that's kind of nice it looks pretty bad there was like barely any difference
00:06between those two pictures okay i don't know i didn't get idea it's okay sometimes you don't
00:15even have to get it just watch it just watch it consume our content we made it for you just watch
00:26yes and the crazy thing used saw blade okay we're gonna cut that in half
00:33for i don't know why they're doing this but so far now it's chopsticks
00:43it's tweezers yeah more tweezers i prefer chopsticks
00:47uh-huh okay wow wow all right three screws in a row can give you
00:59can give you big screw
01:02screw in the screw that's that's all right i guess nice little wire cutter yeah yeah no easy
01:07to make easy peasy mate mate so wow okay some wow that's kind of clever you know your saw will
01:22handle it by this magnet and it's pretty good so there's no it has to be straight isn't it yeah
01:27that's good that's good that's good that's good uh use a climb for for a yeah adjustable wrench nice
01:34okay and spark plug for glass cutter glass cutter yes it's good work we tested when we take one small
01:44small pieces and throw it in the car wind and yeah and it explodes right it's cool that's it's
01:52possible i did this uh i'm not sure if it's a good way to to make sure you make your uh yeah
02:00you make your drill really dirty looking no no it's better to buy the special tool for it i'll
02:06give to someone else yeah i don't recommend it all right but cute little wire cutter
02:16wow that was pretty satisfying oh the music
02:20okay okay oh ah okay it's kind of nice it's a fast way to stack them up yeah but i'm trying to
02:30understand how it will be on the construction oh oh that's kind of satisfying looking
02:36i don't know why you do it but why you did it not everything has to have a meaning not everything
02:43not everything has to have a purpose
02:47sounds nice i'm a stoic
02:51okay so use your watering can to water cement
02:57on your bricks between your brakes because bricks are basically plants what yeah
03:06i didn't get it okay so what plumbers tape i didn't know plumbers had a specific tape
03:13no it's had yeah this thing to you know to predict some leaking water leaking ah
03:19that makes sense so i think so i know there's a plumber's crack i just didn't know there was
03:27a plumber's tape yeah you can't they're ruining your plum plumbers
03:35this is going pretty fast
03:37wow so we got some yellow tape here ah so now you can keep your brush clean what's the point
03:41of even having it then i don't know
03:48ah stopper okay mess up your drill it's good
03:54oh just to extend it ah okay that's what happens when you have short arms
04:00arms and when you
04:05okay wow my my brain couldn't work with everything that's happened so it's going
04:11pretty fast yeah it's okay it's okay we'll get there i'm trying to focus use your full
04:17brain capacity and special made uh when you can unscrew it after if you use justice
04:24that's a nice tool okay i believe you approved nice just move me don't ask any that's cool
04:35it's a strip machine
04:40you can use it to bind things with a heat gun nice nice glue and sawdust
04:47to like a putty or you know i think ah so to fill in holes nice okay
04:56even though they use a different color anyway so but you know fighting for us you can use
05:06everything to mix it with the glue and put in the cover true that's kind of nice
05:11yeah i guess i guess whoa okay soldering what are we doing here
05:19what ah that's awesome that's awesome so no way it's gonna work screw you don't think so
05:27maybe it does okay i think we have to test sorry i interrupt you no that's okay i completely forgot
05:35don't worry
05:41okay how are we going to get the the perfect shape of the the cylinder now
05:45ah math yeah wow that's pretty good whatever what was wrong i need to bend it you gotta bend it
05:57uh-huh to get a nice attachment to your
06:02so it stays in there better i don't i feel like that didn't hold very well though i don't know
06:08i think it's fine they didn't hide it well but
06:14but i think the hockey self oh it's it's the same thing but we saw people
06:20okay yes thank you for showing us again i appreciate it yeah now we know for sure yeah
06:27but as i said i did it a while before yeah okay yeah yeah
06:35that was nice that's cool that's that's yeah multiplier wrench yeah wrench nice
06:43even that tiny one yeah i think it's nice yeah i think it's testable even yeah
06:50okay well you can only use that once
06:53yeah but now in the end i mean you could use it once on like a couple times on the same size but
06:58you couldn't really use it anymore and the bolt shouldn't be that tight you know what's the reason
07:05the plastic just go yeah okay to make a stick
07:13wooden stick for connecting what okay so they're just drum drum rolls or no uh not drum rolls what
07:20do they have in between to connect things uh the the wooden thing yeah the wooden peg i don't know
07:26how to do ah yeah okay write us in the comment yeah i'm gonna look it up or you guys just tell me
07:33save me some time that's neat what i like that a lot that's cool nice
07:41what our organization black and brown wow nice so perfect alignment
07:50just like my chakras
07:56okay we're ruining a bottle we're filling it with but there is a hole is that almond milk
08:03uh it's a paint right ah it's glue glue for what i mean to glue something to something else
08:14you just need to figure it out why how you're gonna use it
08:19on you that's kind of cool i guess it works it works usually you can put some i don't know the
08:26bottle with the water or some soda on your phone and it will create the same result nice
08:36i love this one more you can adjust it yeah true
08:42straight line all right yeah that's sharp
08:46to bend it like so it's better to bend it so it doesn't hang out i knew this a while before
08:53wow you're so cool oh wow i'm cool
08:59i know about hanging out with screws like
09:05it's okay you have friends now yeah yeah thanks god
09:12i don't know it's too big uh and you have a special tool
09:17that's a weird wrench nice multi-purpose tool nice i'm not multi-purpose just yeah i mean it's
09:25the same purpose for different different sizes yeah just to save place in your pocket exactly
09:34wow okay that's cool it is cool i want i don't know why i need it but i want it now
09:44i want it okay what are we doing here is that it yeah like a screwed which can make the thread
09:54yeah which is that's a normal screw right i feel like that's a normal thing no no no no no yeah