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(Adnkronos) - Se i dazi di Trump andassero in porto, dove sarà conveniente investire? Quali saranno i mercati più colpiti e quali quelli avvantaggiati? Ne parla all'Adnkronos Giorgio Vintani, analista e consulente finanziario. (a cura di Andrea Persili)


00:00The war between the Dutch and Trump continues to evolve with the pause of a month granted to Canada and Mexico,
00:06but I am sure that the President will resume the discussion shortly.
00:10In the chaotic day yesterday, we were able to see a trace of the consequences on the markets,
00:16the US dollar very strong and currencies of the nations affected by the Dutch, Canadian dollar,
00:22Mexican peso and Chinese renminbi, under strong pressure.
00:28On the market, the sectors that export a lot are particularly affected
00:32and less those that benefit most from an internal demand.
00:36Under pressure is technology, therefore, affected by the countermeasures
00:41that the nations subject to the Dutch will take against the United States.
00:45Discretionary consumption sectors are also penalized,
00:49as the Dutch will lead to increases in prices for American consumers
00:53and industrials, also penalized by the super dollar.
00:58Better, on the other hand, are the financial sectors, which have benefited from excellent results
01:02and supported by the restrictive monetary policy of the FED,
01:07in addition to energy, although China wants to put tariffs on gas,
01:11and to traditionally defensive sectors such as basic consumer goods, utilities and pharmaceuticals.
01:18I emphasize, however, that the ETFs that invest on the American market, the S&P 500,
01:24have behaved well, as the advance of the dollar has more than compensated the loss of the index.
