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(Adnkronos) - “Dal punto di vista geopolitico, è evidente che in questa fase, in cui si assiste in diversi Paesi d’Europa ad una stasi politica - la Germania voterà a breve mentre la Francia ha una situazione di impasse da dopo le elezioni europee - la stabilità del governo italiano può essere sicuramente uno dei migliori indicatori economici, perché questo dà fiducia agli investitori internazionali che, tradizionalmente, spesso e volentieri sono mancati al nostro Paese”. Così Tommaso Foti, ministro per gli affari europei, le politiche di coesione e il Pnrr, intervistato dall’AdnKronos.


00:00The picture you have outlined is a picture that is evidently recent of a geopolitical situation in the movement and also and above all of some crises that have invested some European countries in the past had the role of locomotive.
00:30For example, Germany today has a situation that reverberates also in Italy, because we know well that the first manufacturing industry in Europe, that is, Germany, has a correspondence of loving senses and productions that interest Italy, which is no coincidence the second manufacturing power in Europe.
00:57After that, we must also try to live a little less by the day, in the sense that it is evident that in this phase, which is also a moment of political stasis, Germany will vote soon and France has a situation of impasse after the European elections.
01:20In this context, I can say that the stability of the Italian government can be, in my opinion, certainly one of the best economic indicators, because this gives confidence to international investors, who are those investors who traditionally, often and willingly, are missing in our country.
