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Anna Cathcart has spent the last three years in university, so she’s ready to rely on her educated brain in this episode of “Schooled.” The star of ‘XO, Kitty’ is put to the test to see how well she can ace grammar school subjects, music history, and rom-coms. Watch as she shares the inspiration behind her acting career—those ‘High School Musical’ movies really do make you feel inspired— reveals the BTS song the ‘XO Kitty’ cast loved to listen to, and tries to name all the boys Lara Jean wrote letters to in ‘To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.’

Watch season 2 of 'XO Kitty' on Netflix.

#AnnaCathcart #XOKitty #Schooled #Seventeen


00:00Hi, I'm Rana Cathcart, and today I'm getting schooled with 17.
00:06I'll be put to the test in all different subjects, like English and math, plus a few electives.
00:11I have been in school the last three years at university, so I'm going to lean on my educated brain to see if I can do this.
00:19I'm taking it back to grammar school.
00:24First grade, write the following words in their plural form.
00:28Goose? Geese? I don't think I've ever written that word in my whole life.
00:33Sheep? Sheep.
00:36Ox. Sis. Oxes.
00:40There's so many oxes over there. Look at all the ox. Maybe it's just ox. Is it just ox?
00:46Oxes? That doesn't sound right either. Ox-eye? I don't know.
00:51Oxen? Never. Never in a million years would I know that.
00:54Oxen? Like that? Like O-X-Y-N?
00:58E-N. What? Oxen.
01:02Who has ever written that in their entire life? First grade? You're telling me at six years old you know how to say oxen?
01:08I have never met a six-year-old who knows how to say that. I mean, I've never asked them, but...
01:13Moose. Moose. I think it's just moose. Yes. Okay.
01:18Meese sounds wrong.
01:21Second grade. What is the difference between their, their, and their? We can do this one.
01:26Their, T-H-E-R-E, is like, there you are. Like, there it is. Like a place.
01:32T-H-E-Y apostrophe R-E. The apostrophe is the A.
01:37And their is like, that is their shirt. That person owns that thing. Their store.
01:43That was wonderful.
01:45Third grade. In what year did Canada officially become a country?
01:47Okay. Okay. Um, well, I remember celebrating Canada Day when it was like 150 and everyone was like freaking out about that and I was in high school.
01:57Let's say like eight years ago was that. So, 158 years ago Canada became a country.
02:05You take away the hundred, that brings us to 1925 minus 58.
02:11I would make this into, what would 25, like if this said 25, it'd be so easy because it would just be 1900.
02:18So if we have 1900 and we take away 25 from 58, that is how I, that is how I would get here, which is definitely not functional.
02:2458 minus 25. And I'd be like, okay, well, if it was 50, that'd be so easy because you just have 25 left.
02:28And then you have eight more. So then you have 25 plus eight, which equals 33.
02:33See, I don't even know what that number means anymore. Minus 50. What are we talking about? Why is it 33 what?
02:38This is so humiliating. 1900 minus 33. That's 1867.
02:46That was an insane way to do that. This is why I was always the last person to finish a test because that is how I get things and I can do it right, but it just takes a while.
02:58We're moving on. We must. Fourth grade. Which layer of earth do humans live on? I'm going to go with outer edge.
03:05Outer edge. Awesome. Awesome. Let's say crust. Okay. Second instinct. Fifth grade. Solve the following equation.
03:17We're back to math. Okay. Let's bring up bed mass. Lest we forget. So we start with five times two, which is 10.
03:25So we have three plus seven and then 10 within the brackets, right? Seven times 10. 70. This is feeling like a trap.
03:37Three plus 70 is the answer to this equation. 73.
03:42I'm so good. I hope my old teachers never see this. They'd be so disappointed in me.
03:49Okay. Next up, music history. Number one. What was the first single from Taylor Swift's third album? What? I'm going to go with, was it Speak Now?
04:02No. No. That's too easy. That's too obvious. Sparks Fly. No. Okay. Was it Enchanted? No. Oh my gosh. I'm just going to go through the whole album. Dear John.
04:13Okay. I feel like I have to give up. We're going to be here all day. It's mine. Oh, I love that song. Would probably not have gotten there. So glad you told me.
04:23Do you have a favorite Taylor Swift era? This is embarrassing because I normally would say that Speak Now is my favorite era,
04:29because just there's so many of my favorite songs are on that album. But like, I don't know the details of like when it came out.
04:35I was pretty young and I've only like now loved it as much as I do. So I don't really know the history, but that's just, it's such a good era.
04:43Number two. What was BTS's first number one song on the Billboard Hot 100? Dynamite? Yay! Right. I think they're incredible.
04:57The song Butter. So good. The whole cast loves it. I definitely think that would be one of my favorites.
05:03Okay. Number three. What two songs did Billie Eilish win Academy Awards for? What Was I Made For? from Barbie.
05:10Incredible song. Never gets old. Always emotional. If it comes on by accident and shuffle when I'm like driving,
05:16I feel so sentimental all of a sudden and everything is so dramatic and I love it.
05:20Billie Eilish Academy Award. No, I don't think I'm going to get there.
05:24No Time to Die from No Time to Die. Oh, okay. Yeah, I definitely did not know that. That's so cool.
05:29Number four. What year did Blackpink debut? No chance, but I will guess.
05:362018? 2017? 2016? First try.
05:46Number five. Name three of Troye and Gabriela's duets in the highest musical movies.
05:51Favorite movies ever. These literally raised me and made me want to become an actor and I love them so much.
05:55So, Start of Something New, obviously. What I Was Looking For. That's what it's called.
06:01And then my favorite, Every Day from High School Musical 2.
06:05She comes down the thing and he's like, what's happening? And you see her coming down in her cute little dress. The best.
06:11There's something about it that just makes you feel like inspired to live your life.
06:15Time for my elective. Rom-coms 101.
06:19I definitely wouldn't say I'm an expert on rom-coms, but I do think I know like a decent amount,
06:26but I'm normally very out of it with references. So, we'll see how we'll see how I go.
06:30Number one. In The Princess Diaries, Mia Thermopolis. Am I saying that correctly? Hopefully.
06:35Learns that she is heir to the throne of which country? Wait, wait, wait.
06:40This is like a thing that people say and like Mia of blah, blah, blah. Oh, Genovia.
06:45Okay, amazing. I haven't watched a movie in a long time, but I should.
06:50Okay, number two. Who played Emma Stone's love interest in Easy A? I've never watched Easy A.
06:55I know what the dude looks like. I've seen the trailer a weird amount of times.
07:03Oh, oh, oh. He's like very famous. The lead on you.
07:09Batman is very, very talented. I think he's so cool, but do I know his name?
07:13Hold on. No, no. All I'm thinking of is Joe, and that's his name in you.
07:20Oh, like I wish this was multiple choice.
07:25Number three. Name the boys Lara Jean wrote love letters to and to all the boys I've loved before.
07:30This will be absolutely humiliating if I could not do this. I can do this.
07:34Peter. Easy. John Ambrose. Kenny from Camp. Lucas.
07:40And Josh. Okay. That was scary.
07:45Question four. In Twilight, what nickname does Edward use for Bella when he tells her to hold on tight?
07:52I'm sorry, but I've never watched Twilight. Edward is...
07:58Which one? Nope. No idea.
08:03Spider monkey? That does sound somewhat familiar because I feel like I've heard it before.
08:08That does sound somewhat familiar because I feel like there's like memes about this,
08:12but there's no way that I would have pulled that out of it.
08:15Also, what? What is the context of that?
08:18Maybe if I watched the movie, I'd understand that, but that seems so non-Twilight.
08:21Spider monkey. Maybe I should go watch it.
08:24Number five. In Love, Simon, which actor was Simon Spear having reoccurring dreams about?
08:29Oh, I loved Love, Simon. I thought it was such a good movie.
08:32I watched this a long time ago, though, like when it came out.
08:34I'm going to say it was not Ryan Reynolds, because I feel like I would have remembered that.
08:37I love Ryan Reynolds. Our Wi-Fi password is RyanReynoldsLover in our apartment.
08:42So now you'll know how to get our Wi-Fi if you're ever over.
08:45So it's definitely not him.
08:47Daniel Radcliffe. That feels possible.
08:50I'm going to go with Daniel Radcliffe.
08:52Yes! Yes! Yay!
08:56I think I did decent. I think the When Was Canada founded
09:00was maybe one of the top ten most embarrassing things ever,
09:04and I'm so sorry that you had to watch me figure that out.
09:07Thank you so much for watching. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
09:10I need to go brush up on some facts and some trivia.
09:13You can go watch season two of Exo Kitty now on Netflix.
09:30See you next time.
