• last month
00:00All right patriots offense for next year based on points per game. That's how we usually look at it
00:04We're like this team is the best and this team is the the worst
00:07Like josh mcdaniel's with the rams was the worst. Um
00:10What sort of best case like realistic best case scenario where they rank and then what is like realistic worst case scenario?
00:17rank for points per game
00:20I mean middle of the pack. See I think they could be higher. I I think would you say 10th? Yeah
00:25Yeah, that may be I mean the mac jones here. They were like seventh somehow
00:28Weren't they like really high like yeah, you can kind of spike it in a couple of weeks
00:31They had like some jeremy swayman style games in there where they pop like 50 against the jaguars that really changed the overall number
00:37but it still counts at the end like I think 10 is a
00:41Optimistic yet
00:43Okay, somewhat realistic goal to set out for the absolute ceiling. Is there the 10th highest scoring offensive football?
00:48I think yeah, I might go a little lower than that, but fine. I'll go to 10 fine floor
00:54Yeah, I mean low 22
00:57Somewhere in there the floor is low
00:59So most likely we're thinking middle of the pack offense in year one
01:02Which is a you got to start somewhere like they certainly weren't uh middle of the pack offense last year
01:06I'm doing air quotes here if you're watching along on twitch.tv. You see them. Yeah, but you can hear them too. It's on the radio
01:12if you're going to
01:1415 or 16 points a game that is
01:17That's not where you want them. That's not a finished product, but that would represent real progress
01:20They were 30th this year offense. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's not good. They were 31st the year before. Yeah
01:26So hopefully they're not 29th, you know, we're not going to be here all day
01:29Do you agree with the caller that wolf needs to grow a pair?
01:31I don't I don't know that's how i'd phrase it in terms of going out and spending in free agency
01:35Kinds kind of sexist
01:37If anything else, I don't think that's really what you need to be a good gfc
01:42You're thinking uh, you're thinking like it's biden's america still now keep it's trump's america. You can talk you can talk
01:46Yeah, hell you want you can say whatever it is. You want? Uh, no, I don't
01:50I don't think elliot wolf
01:53I don't think he has a huge say this. Yeah, like i'm subscribing to the oh kraft's money, but then rabel and cowden's
02:00Yeah, well that that's fine. I I don't look at it and go
02:03The reason the patriots didn't have any players is elliot wolf needs to grow a pair last year
02:07I don't look at it that way. I go kraft needs to spend well not to defend wolf
02:10But wasn't he offering the most money for brandon? Iuke wasn't he in?
02:14Well, i'm not gonna play that game. I will say kraft was willing to sign off on that
