• last month
00:00If you are just tuning in, hello, welcome.
00:03It's Willard and Dibbs.
00:04Kevin Durant says, hell no, I don't wanna go.
00:08And Anthony Slater, our guy, Slates,
00:11who was awesome on the roast this morning
00:14and thought as of, I think I was driving around
00:17about 8, 8.30 this morning,
00:18and he's like, I think it's 50-50 on Kevin Durant.
00:21He just released an article a half hour ago,
00:23says Warriors are moving on.
00:24Oh boy.
00:25So Kevin Durant is not coming.
00:27Where the Warriors go next, stay right here.
00:29It literally could break in our show
00:31as we lead up to Warriors and Jazz tonight
00:34at six o'clock, Warriors Live at five.
00:36So there's plenty going on.
00:39It changes by the hour.
00:41But for me, Dibbs, there's absolutely no way around this.
00:46Today is an absolute gut punch.
00:48Today is a wake-up call to the Warriors organization
00:52that have to admit that maybe we are not the destination
00:55that we thought we were.
00:58And I've gotta think that today
01:00has Steph Curry rubbing his temples
01:03because Steph Curry has everybody's attention.
01:08LeBron would love to play with Steph Curry.
01:10Giannis would love to play with Steph Curry.
01:13But it sort of feels today
01:14like they'd love to play with Steph Curry,
01:15but maybe not here.
01:18And that's the scary part to me
01:20for the Golden State Warrior franchise.
01:21Well, and that leads me to the big question,
01:23which would be why?
01:24Why would they not wanna play with Steph here?
01:27And I agree that Draymond, or Kevin Durant rather,
01:30and LeBron would wanna play with Steph.
01:32They sure seem to have fun with him at the Olympics
01:34and things are great and KD won with him here
01:37and all the rest of it.
01:38But what would lead that to be the case
01:41this time for Kevin Durant?
01:42Is it going back to a place where you chased a championship
01:46and you don't wanna be scrutinized again?
01:48Is it going back to be a teammate with Draymond Green
01:51who it didn't really end great with
01:54from a standpoint of you two getting along
01:57or a coach that you didn't always see eye-to-eye with
02:00or maybe an owner who is more overreaching
02:03than what you want?
02:04Why would Kevin Durant come out today, reportedly,
02:07and say, nah, I'm good on Golden State?
02:10Well, the list could be any or all of those things.
02:13And we will constantly be guessing,
02:15even though I know a lot of people will decide
02:17they know exactly why Kevin Durant was all for Draymond.
02:20I actually, if it were my guess, it would be many things.
02:24It would be many things.
02:25I mean, listen to the words of Mark Spears
02:28on NBA Today, on ESPN.
02:31I mean, it all broke from all the reporters all at once.
02:34So somebody sent a text to somebody and said,
02:37hey, Durant's not coming.
02:40But listen to the way Mark says it,
02:42because Mark almost makes it sound like
02:44he never was coming, even though his agent,
02:47Rich Kleiman, sat with Joe Lakeham Friday night
02:50at Chase Center talking stuff out.
02:51Here's Mark on ESPN.
02:53I was there that last year in Golden State,
02:55saw a lot of those games and saw this unhappiness,
02:58no matter what their success was.
03:00Was it Draymond?
03:00Was it Joe Lakeham behind the scenes?
03:02Was it Kerr?
03:03There were a lot of things there.
03:05And I was told that a couple days ago,
03:06and Kevin heard about this Warriors rumbling.
03:09He was like, what?
03:11No, I don't want to go back there.
03:13I was pretty adamant.
03:14I think he approached the Suns to get some clarity on it.
03:18And can you work with me to find a place somewhere else?
03:22You know, from what I hear right now,
03:23I just got a text that it's dead.
03:25I mean, two things.
03:26The Warriors deal is dead for Kevin Durant.
03:28Like they're moving on, it sounds like.
03:30Okay, so.
03:31I just got a text, it's dead.
03:32Well, I want, like, the intricacies.
03:35Like he checks his phone and it's just, it's dead.
03:38I mean, it's pretty, pretty succinct, right?
03:42With a little flatline gif.
03:44The intricacies of what he just said.
03:46First of all, two observations.
03:47Number one, when I reached out to Kevin
03:49and talked to him about this, his reaction was,
03:52did you hear the tone?
03:54It wasn't, no, I don't want to go there.
03:55It was, what?
03:58Like, grossed out by the idea.
04:02And then, peep this.
04:04You hear what Mark Spears just said Kevin did next?
04:07He went to the Suns and said, can you work with me?
04:12Which tells me, Kevin is willing to leave.
04:17Just not here.
04:20I'm sorry.
04:21There's no way around this.
04:24This is a really, really tough gut punch
04:28for the Golden State Warriors who fancy themselves
04:31as the place, the spot, the player,
04:35oh man, chase center, rings,
04:39all of these things.
04:40Like, face the facts.
04:42How many different people have you chased
04:45in the last year and a half
04:47that have been like, nah, I'm good?
04:51And this wasn't even like a,
04:52It's a lot of people.
04:53This was not even a reaction of like,
04:55oh, that's interesting, let me sit with this.
04:57Let me get my piece of paper out.
05:00You know when you have a hard choice to make in your life
05:02and you lift the pros on the left
05:03and the cons on the right,
05:04or maybe you go the other way
05:06and you start jotting it down, jotting it down,
05:08and you get to the end, it's like,
05:09I got 11 pros and 10 cons, and the pros have it.
05:13He didn't even have time to get out his piece of paper.
05:15His reaction was, wait, what?
05:18No, we're not even, no.
05:19We're not even gonna entertain that.
05:21Roast out by the idea.
05:23And then,
05:23That's the way I hear it.
05:24Right, but the follow-up is,
05:26hey, sons, let's put that aside
05:29because that's not happening,
05:30but while we're having this conversation,
05:33work with me,
05:33because I know someone's gonna go,
05:35and Bradley's got the no trade,
05:37and you want Jimmy,
05:38which means either me or Bradley has to go,
05:41and Bradley can decide to stay,
05:42so it's gonna be me,
05:43so work with me, Phoenix.
05:45Work with me, Ishbia.
05:47Where do you wanna send me?
05:48Where do I wanna send?
05:49In other words, I don't wanna go,
05:52but if you're thinking about sending me there,
05:55I'll work with you so that you can send me somewhere else
05:59just so I don't have to go there.
06:01It's just stunning.
06:03It's a stunner,
06:04because he was here.
06:05He won here,
06:06and whatever him and Draymond went through,
06:09they had a podcast,
06:10and they seemed to clear the air,
06:12and we've talked to a number of different people,
06:14most of whom thought,
06:15yeah, they could probably get back together.
06:17They could probably make this work,
06:18and yet, Kevin Durant reportedly
06:20wouldn't even entertain the notion,
06:23and so here we are,
06:2421 hours and 40 minutes away from a deadline,
06:28and one by one,
06:30the targets that everyone's been looking at
06:32among the big game hunting,
06:35pew, pew, pew,
06:36they're all,
06:37they're not getting green check marks.
06:38They're getting red Xs.
06:39Red Xs, which are tough, man.
06:42When your phone's got a bunch of red Xs on it,
06:44that ain't good.
06:46So listen, we see y'all.
06:47I wanna shout out everybody.
06:48The text line is flying.
06:50We got over 1,300 people on YouTube right now.
06:53Glad I cut my hair.
06:54Our lines, you look great.
06:56Our lines are completely packed,
06:57and we are largely wide open for you.
07:00Om Youngmasik, NBA reporter for ESPN,
07:03is on the scene in Utah with the Warriors,
07:07and he will join us in an hour and a half at four o'clock,
07:10but outside of that,
07:13the question is simply an easy one,
07:15and that is,
07:17this news that Kevin Durant is like,
07:20hell no.
07:22How does that hit you,
07:24and what does this mean for the larger now,
07:27next move for the Golden State Warriors?
07:30Because, Dibbs, I'll tell you where my mind goes.
07:32I firmly believe they're gonna make a move,
07:36but whatever that move is,
07:38it's not gonna land the way that,
07:40now they're gonna make a move
07:41because they know they have to make a move,
07:42and if it's Nikola Vujovic from the Bulls,
07:45that's gonna feel like a settle.
07:47If it's Brandon Ingram from the Pelicans,
07:49who for a year and a half they didn't want,
07:52and now they get him,
07:53that's gonna ring to me,
07:54dude, you traded for someone
07:55just because you needed to trade for someone,
07:58not because you think that it's the right move.
08:01So now, I'm getting to a point
08:03where I really question the motives of the Warriors
08:07as they make a deal,
08:08because I now think we've moved to,
08:11it's not about basketball,
08:12it's more about PR.
08:13A little bit,
08:13and you can throw out other names,
08:15whether it's Zion Williamson,
08:17another one who would still, to me,
08:19feel like a settle,
08:21It feels a little different.
08:23That one's kind of intriguing and weird.
08:24It's intriguing, but I'm out.
08:26I'm out on Brandon Ingram,
08:27I'm out on Zion,
08:28and really, if you wanna talk about Vujovic or Cam Johnson,
08:32yeah, those are nice incremental moves,
08:34you do get better,
08:36they're not headline snatching,
08:37they're not sexy moves,
08:38and even Valanchunas,
08:40who, during the crossover,
08:42Stiney reported that he is on the move to Sacramento,
08:45that is a kind of player
08:47that I would have loved the Warriors to acquire,
08:49a real good, versatile big man.
08:51So yeah, it feels like if they do make a move,
08:54and I agree with you,
08:55they will make some sort of a move, I believe,
08:58but what will that move be,
09:00and will it kind of feel a little bit like a letdown
09:02after all the hype from KD?
09:04There's no question.
09:05Like, how do you recover from Kevin Durant?
09:09Place has been running around for 24 hours
09:10thinking we were getting Kevin Durant.
09:13There's no match for that,
09:15even if it's Jimmy Butler.
09:16I think that's gonna be met
09:17with a little bit of controversy,
09:19and I'll predict this,
09:21and I'm wide open for people who say this,
09:25this news is gonna make a lot of Warrior fans say,
09:28you know what, forget it, forget it.
09:32Play the kids and get a pick.
09:36And I don't think that's crazy talk.
09:39I think I bet a lot of people feel that way right now.
09:41I'm seeing it on the YouTube chat right now.
09:43Omar Vergara, tank for flag.
09:46I mean, that's a great idea,
09:47but it'd be tough to get up into the lottery
09:49unless you win the lottery.
09:51Yeah, exactly.
09:52But the top three have the great chance
09:53to get the number one,
09:54and he sure looks like the real deal,
09:56but I don't even think you're in a spot now
09:58where you could tank and have it net
10:01what you would want it to net.
10:03You're just kind of stuck,
10:04and you're stuck.
10:05If you don't make a trade,
10:06or maybe you make a smaller deal,
10:08then you're just hoping against hope
10:09that you can get in the play-in,
10:11maybe go on a little bit of run,
10:13give Steph some momentum,
10:14because what you said off the top
10:16about this being maybe the first brick in the wall
10:19towards Steph getting disgruntled,
10:21and I think it's speculative.
10:23I think that you've put the horse way ahead of the cart.
10:26It totally is, it totally is.
10:27But this development is something
10:29that if I'm in Steph's shoes,
10:32and you have KD, one of your good friends in basketball,
10:35say, nah, I'm good,
10:37that tells me that you've got to take a step back
10:39and really look at the last two or three years
10:41of your career and figure out
10:43if this team is ever going to be able
10:45to attract another big name.
10:47My guess is Steph, for a while,
10:48has had no problem knowing
10:50that the organization had his back,
10:52and they do everything possible.
10:54But if he gets to a point
10:55where he sees the organization
10:57as no longer able to do what he needs them to do,
11:03then what's his next move?
11:04And that's my concern.
11:05That's my concern today.
11:07Let's go to Nene in Arizona.
11:09We want to get to as many of you as possible.
11:11A lot of you want to weigh in.
11:12Hey, Nene, what's going on?
11:15Hi, guys, how are you guys doing?
11:16What's up?
11:17We're good.
11:19So my thing is, honestly,
11:21I just, I feel like Draymond's kind of a little overrated,
11:25not in a sense where he wasn't a good player.
11:27And I think, I still think he's a really good player,
11:30but his best attribute, even when back then,
11:34was because he was just the only 6'7", 6'6", guy
11:38who could actually handle the ball and defend
11:40and be able to run an offense.
11:42But the NBA kind of has evolved.
11:44There's literally basically half the NBA is that.
11:48You have almost, like, you even have seven foot guys
11:53being able to handle the ball
11:54and being able to make the calls and pass.
11:56So I feel like he's overrated
11:58and I feel like they should come off of him
12:00so that they can maybe get a little momentum.
12:02And I actually disagree with her
12:05when he says we have a lot of depth.
12:07No, you just have a lot of players
12:10that are good at just one thing at a time.
12:13No, seriously, like, Moody can shoot and he can-
12:17I'm chuckling because I agree with you, Nene.
12:19I'm chuckling because you got a point.
12:21You really don't have depth.
12:23You lack depth, if anything.
12:25I think your problem is not the lack of a star player,
12:28it's the lack of players that have versatility.
12:31Nene, it's a good call.
12:32Thank you very much.
12:34To her point, you have depth, but as I've said,
12:36you've got a bunch of 7th, 8th, and 9th men.
12:38That's your depth.
12:39Well, and the Draymond point,
12:41I like that she's putting it more about basketball
12:44than about the emotional side of Draymond,
12:46although I think you could argue
12:48that both of them right now
12:50are working a little bit against the Warriors
12:53and acquiring someone.