• el mes pasado


00:00just told that something arrived i have been waiting for oh my god
00:08about two or three weeks ago when my husband and i were in altadena we went to
00:15a community where all the homes were left in ashes this mom had found a couple things and
00:21as i was talking to her i turned and looked and i saw this young woman and i said oh my gosh how
00:27old are you she's 15 she lived there and her mom shared something with me and said that when they
00:34came back to see their house for the first time which is as we were meeting them that all that
00:40she'd been looking for in her home was the t-shirt from the billy eilish concert that she had just
00:46gone to that she left in the washing machine or the dryer and of course they now see their home
00:51and the washing machine and the dryer are ash they're not there anymore and so i said i don't
00:55know billy eilish i'm gonna figure out how to get you this shirt so i thought of everybody that i
00:59knew and i made a voice note and i was like please can someone get this voice note to billy eilish
01:04here's what i'm asking you guys i don't even know what all this stuff means but it's it's signed
01:11for her is that a thing a lunchbox thing i don't know this is when i feel really old huge thank
01:16you billy eilish this is going to mean so much to her and honestly to adam levine and behati
01:23you guys helped get this over the line to everyone who's showing up for people in big
01:27and small ways to get through what's happened in california just thank you so much i'm gonna
01:33go and email her mom now just wanted to share that with you guys
