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Tekanan dari harga batu bara membuat kinerja ITMG diproyeksi akan mengalami penurunan. Untuk itu, ITMG akan meningkatkan volume produksi batu bara, hal ini didukung oleh kontribusi tambang-tambang barunya yakni Graha Panca Karsa dan Tepian Indah Sukses.


00:00IDX First Session Closing
00:05Still with us at IDX First Session Closing
00:08We bring you information from the capital market
00:10Pressure from the price of coal makes the performance of the ITMG project
00:13will experience a decline
00:15Therefore, ITMG will increase the volume of coal production
00:18This is of course supported by the contribution of its new coal
00:21namely Graha Pancakarsa and Tepian Indah Sukses
00:25The performance of the Indo PT Tambang Raya Mega Tbk is expected to experience a decline
00:32The pressure from the price of coal is the cause
00:34Therefore, ITMG will increase the volume of coal production
00:37This is supported by the contribution of its new coal
00:40namely Graha Pancakarsa and Tepian Indah Sukses
00:43Later, these coals are predicted to add production
00:46each as large as 1.6 million tons and 2 million tons
00:49So that the total production will be around 21.8 million tons in 2025
00:54Although the production has increased
00:55but still be careful as the price of coal has decreased since the beginning of the year
00:59According to Bloomberg data, the price of coal has been corrected by 10% since early 2025
01:03until yesterday, February 5, which was at 115.25 tons
01:08A number of analysts estimate that the increase in production will not have a significant impact
01:11on the growth of the ITMG energy as the price of coal is balanced
01:16Especially the ISP ITMG 2025 can be around 75 to 80 USD per ton
01:21Meanwhile, the realization of CAPEX until Q3 2024 is as large as 36 million USD
01:27A number of analysts predict that the capital expenditure of ITMG is expected to increase
01:32around 60 million USD per year
01:35Various sources, Aidec Channel
