• 2 days ago
00:00Fashion hacks! All right, there's two of them. I thought they were twins, but they're not twins
00:04They're just friends that dress the same or they didn't plan to dress the same and now she's using scissors to cut her pencil skirt
00:12Open but alas
00:14Underneath her pencil skirt. She's actually wearing a full dress
00:18Okay, that happens
00:21Careful with that. Okay, hold it. Hold it. Help me girlfriend
00:30There we go. She's wait. She's literally wearing a skirt underneath
00:34She always had a skirt underneath her skirt we heard you like skirts so we put a skirt in your skirt skirt
00:43All right. All right, that's kind of cute
00:45Again, it's like oh they they didn't talk before so she's wearing pants this time underneath her dress
00:52Cuz that's what you do. You're like, I'm just gonna wear pants underneath my dress, but oh
00:57My gosh, what is happening? This is so silly
01:01Okay, put the scarf as a little blouse and obviously she's when did she get the yellow jacket from what is going on?
01:10All right. She's complete transformation again. They're wearing the same stuff
01:15Come on, mate
01:16Okay, these girls need to like talk again. She's wearing pants underneath her skirt
01:23I'm not even gonna question this
01:25Oh gosh
01:28All right, what's she gonna do with that? She's made into a boob tube
01:33That's it. And some sunglasses and a big hat. I don't know grandma scarf
01:41You're dressed as your grandma. Why would you do that?
01:45All right
01:48We need to do something
01:50What are we gonna do? Let's get some scissors. Let's see if she uses them, correct? Yes, finally
01:55The thumb goes into the thumb hole of the scissors. Good job
02:04Cutting the sleeves off. Why not? It is a nice beautiful summer day. So we need some ventilation in there
02:17It's my grandma's dress, what are you doing? You know what honey we're making it better
02:25Okay, the other one
02:27Come on, get on with it
02:29Chop chop. Hold the front part. I don't want everything to be out. Nothing's gonna be out
02:35It's gonna be full conservative, but we're making a little twist on your grandma's dress
02:44Okay, really taking her time on those sleeves, isn't she?
02:48Okay, so now it's strapless
02:53She's putting it around the jewelry
02:56To get that little support
02:59Okay, and using a hair band a hair clip
03:03That's actually really smart. Okay. Wow
03:06Not bad. Not bad at all
03:10Nice what a transformation I gotta give you that
03:14Nice what a transformation I gotta give you that and she's making it shorter. There we go
03:21It ain't your grandma's dress no more that's for sure
03:27Boom and that's how it's done. Oh, you got it tucked in the back bit
03:36All right, look at that what a transformation it really worked and now she's getting a little side slit
03:45No, no stop stop that's enough perfect Wow kind of reminds me of Wilma from the Flintstones
03:57Why is she cutting the bag that wasn't part of the deal is that bags not her grandma's that's her bag
04:05Huh, I guess it's like a clutch bag now you can't put it over your shoulder
04:09I mean, do we really need that that string around the
04:14The torso am I ready? Oh, she took the glasses off now. She can't see. Why would you take your glasses off?
04:21She looked perfectly fine with the glasses
04:23Oh gosh
04:26All right, look at that what transformation bish bash bosh and she's a different person
04:31Same stuff whoop-dee-doo. I wonder how that happened. They still don't have each other's numbers so they can correspond on what to wear
04:39Okay, she's putting some at least this time she's not wearing them underneath
04:44All right. She's got some yoga pants on
04:47What's she gonna do with the shorts? Nothing. She's just gonna go full sport. All right, I'm gonna go to the gym
04:54Again, they're wearing the same stuff. What a twist
04:58This time I'm gonna cut it on you. I'm enough of destroying my clothes
05:01I'm gonna throw your clothes because I still don't have your number
05:03So we're just gonna be doing this on a daily basis
05:07All right. She made some shorts
05:09Out of her jeans and now she's cutting her jumper. Why are you cutting the jumper mate?
05:14Oh, okay. We're gonna use your
05:17I guess
05:19Oh, no, they're wearing the same things. Not again. Exactly. Not again
05:23At least this is outside. Look at that in the restaurant. The other one's like, oh, what's she gonna do?
05:29What do you think she's gonna do?
05:32What do you think she's gonna do she's got freaking scissors out that's what she's gonna do
05:36She's gonna cut her freaking skirt because she's a nice woman
05:40She's a nice woman and a nice friend because she's like, well, you're wearing the same
05:44So I guess i'm just gonna destroy my clothes so I don't look like you
05:48Oh gosh
05:52All right, she cut the skirt off
05:54And now there's a gap in between to expose the stomach area
06:00All right, she's rolling it in
06:03And she's taking her hairband
06:06To use as a belt, right? Yes. There we go
06:10To get that nice little contour in she needs some help tying it
06:14We've got some surveillance footage
06:16Okay, she tied it nicely
06:23All right, that's actually kind of cute good transformation applause
06:29Or is it not done yet done
06:32Oh more more flowers
06:35She's feeling flowery today
06:38Maybe in the hair. Yes. Why not try it? You can always take it out
06:43There we go
06:45Perfect no more flowers
06:48More cutting. What are you talking about? Why?
06:51Your skirt looks perfectly fine as it is, but I guess it's still too similar to a friend
06:57All right, let's get that cut in
07:01Okay, all right you gotta stop that's a very uh exposing cut
07:08Oh gosh
07:10She's really going for it
07:13A bit of a struggle
07:15But careful don't try this at home because you might nip yourself
07:21Okay, look at that it's like a little cut
07:24All right, that's actually really nice she did a good job she looks completely different to her friend
07:32She actually looks better now
07:37Oh, no, she's got the same skirt
07:43What a twist
07:44Oh gosh
07:46All right. Another one. Obviously they're wearing the same things
07:50All right, these girlfriends really need to like call each other before they go out because this is starting to get too much
07:56Again, she's cutting it off
07:58What's she gonna do this time?
08:00All right. We got a bit of a v-neck going
08:03Okay, there we go. It's already different
08:06What more? Oh, she's gonna cut the sleeves off
08:10Okay, so we got a v-neck and no sleeve. Oh, there's just a little cut on the sleeve. No, she's going full in there
08:17She's using the scissors wrong
08:20They're upside down the thumb's supposed to go in the other side
08:24Someone needs to teach them how to use scissors, maybe you'll make their life more practical
08:34Cut the sleeves dangling sleeves. Ah, they're gonna tie them. All right, that's much neater
08:41Little little bow cutting off all that circulation. Why not and rolled up both
08:48Sleeves, what is she doing now? She's cutting the midsection of the dress
08:54And she's helping her and still using the scissors wrong. I'm speechless
09:02Doing a full 360 cut, okay
09:08Bit of a struggle
09:10But it's okay
09:12We've cut through
09:14What now?
09:16Now we roll it up
09:18yet again
09:20And probably use the hairband
09:23as a belt
09:25Am I correct or am I wrong?
09:28Well, that's that looks kind of cute. You've got a bit more legs completely different to the other
09:35It's nice and there we go. I called it we're using the hairband as a belt
09:41Pop that color in the midsection. Very nice
09:46They should write about this in Elle magazine
09:49Oh, we gotta fix the
09:51The top. Ah, okay
09:53a hairband
09:54Into a little scrunch. Look at that
09:58Wow, I am pleasantly surprised
10:02She looks good, she looks very good nice
