• last month
👉 Alexis Emanuel Cancino, un policía de 33 años que trabajaba como chofer para la aplicación Didi, fue asesinado durante un enfrentamiento con un ladrón que intentó robarle su vehículo en Ingeniero Budge. El incidente ocurrió en la intersección de las calles Blandengues y Chaco. El delincuente también murió a causa de los disparos recibidos durante el intercambio. Este caso se suma a una serie de incidentes similares que involucran a oficiales de policía trabajando para aplicaciones de transporte.

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00:00This was in the town of Ingeniero Budge.
00:07It happened in the last hours when Alexis Emanuel Cancino,
00:12this man that you are watching, who was 33 years old
00:16and was part of the GAD of Lomas, the departmental support group,
00:21died with a shot in the abdomen after a confrontation after an attempted robbery.
00:28We are working live there. Leo Godoy is there. Leo, good morning.
00:33How are you? Good morning, Lu.
00:35Well, a totally shocked neighborhood here in Ingeniero Budge.
00:39This is Blandengues y Chaco.
00:41The artery where this man arrived driving his car.
00:46Until here, look, he worked as a driver with his Corsa
00:54and he got to this corner, to this place where we are now going to arrive.
01:00And there, where you will see that part of the windows of that Corsa car are still there,
01:06is where the confrontation occurs.
01:09Here the car stops and at that moment, when the passenger has to get off,
01:14in reality he was not like that, he was not an ordinary passenger,
01:19he was a criminal, he pulls out a gun trying to steal the vehicle
01:24and that's where this police officer, belonging to the GAD,
01:28also pulls out his gun and they start an exchange of shots.
01:34So much so that the police officer receives a shot in the thorax
01:38and practically ends his life there.
01:41And then the criminal also receives two more shots,
01:46one in the arm and another at the height of the abdomen.
01:49There, this exchange finally ends the life of both the criminal, the thief,
01:56and also of this police officer, who is right in this corner,
02:01a place where he arrived around three in the morning,
02:05more or less is the time when they had asked him for this service
02:09and he got to this place.
02:11Well, and finally here is that situation.
02:14Again, a police officer working with what has to do with driving,
02:20with the apps, and again it ends in the same way.
02:24We have been telling these kinds of stories that are repeated
02:28and well, in this case it was Alexis, this police officer,
02:32who ends up dying here, Lu.
02:35Yes, we are observing his photograph, Leo.
02:38Alexis Emmanuel Cancino, a man who was working,
02:43as well as saying, no, this seems important to me,
02:46because we were also talking about another situation,
02:49also in the last hours with, in this case, an ex-gendarmerie,
02:54that we are going to be reporting that topic again,
02:58but two security personnel, or ex-security personnel,
03:01who work as drivers of cars of application, right?
03:06We were talking, in this case, about the engineer Budge,
03:09of this young man, because he is a young man of 33 years,
03:12who was working to make a difference, surely,
03:16on his day off.
03:18That is, he was not even going to take the day off,
03:21but he had decided to go out to work on that day,
03:26we imagine that with his private car,
03:28and that in this confrontation he ends up dying, Leo.
03:34Exactly, yes.
03:36Police officer of the GATT group of Lomas de Zamora,
03:39who decides, yes, surely, to go out to add some extra money
03:45to be able to survive, and that, well,
03:48in that job is where he finally finds death.
03:52I was telling you, he was coming in his Corsa,
03:54about three in the morning, some of the neighbors told me,
03:57and that's where he gets to this place,
03:59and that's where he gets to this place,
04:01with a passenger, who until then, at least,
04:04normal, but when he had to get off, he pulls out a gun,
04:08it's about the dead criminal,
04:11it's Guillermo Ramón Torres, 40 years old,
04:13a man from here, from the area, also known in the area,
04:16who pulls out his gun, and well,
04:19and there he tries to steal the Corsa from the police officer,
04:23the police officer pulls out his gun,
04:25and a confrontation begins, and I was telling you,
04:27the police officer is injured in the abdomen,
04:30the criminal receives a shot in the shoulder,
04:33and another one in the thorax,
04:34both end up dying in these circumstances,
04:38where the police officer, obviously,
04:40was going to be a victim of a robbery,
04:42and ends up losing his life.
04:44Leo, what could you talk to the neighbors?
04:46We know it's a very complicated area,
04:48and at the level of insecurity, I don't know if you could talk,
04:51you can talk, if there is someone there,
04:53who could tell you something about the daily life of the people,
04:57to get in, to get out of the houses,
04:59well, what we usually talk about, right?
05:02Yes, look, the neighbors, many of them,
05:06prefer not to talk, given the circumstances,
05:10because also, it must be said,
05:13the criminal is from here in the area,
05:15if the dead criminal is from here in the area,
05:17therefore, many, obviously, are afraid.
05:20It is an area that has these characteristics of houses under construction,
05:25here there is a particularity in this whole area,
05:28which has more movement on the days
05:31when the Salada Fair was in operation,
05:35in fact, many of those who live here in the area,
05:38work and live from what happened there at the fair,
05:43that's why those days are the ones with the most movement here in the area.
05:48Then, well, obviously, it has the particularities of a difficult neighborhood,
05:53where many times there is a lack of patrol,
05:56where many times, obviously,
05:58it has the difficulties with the criminals,
06:01and where many neighbors refer,
06:03that listening to shots, listening to shots,
06:06is not uncommon for them,
06:09but it is quite common, so to speak.
06:12Look, let's see, it's going to be important,
06:15this camera is going to be important,
06:17obviously, in these circumstances,
06:20the place is closed,
06:22there is a security camera there,
06:24which is going to contribute a lot,
06:26if it was working,
06:28at that dawn,
06:29and if it had the ability to record,
06:31because it points directly here to the place and to the corner,
06:36there you will be able to see all the circumstances,
06:39how the situation was.
06:42But well, in this case we are also talking
06:44about the fact that the investigation,
06:46obviously, is much simpler,
06:49in the sense that the criminal,
06:51the person who faces the police,
06:54is also dead.
06:56And apparently, up to there,
06:58or at least what is known,
07:00is that he would not be accompanied,
07:02but that it is this single criminal
07:06who was on board the vehicle.
07:08Of course, well, there was this exchange of shots
07:11between the officer of the Bonaerense police
07:13and this criminal,
07:15the 33-year-old officer,
07:17the criminal of 40,
07:19both, unfortunately, are dead,
07:21are deceased.
07:23And again, we have to talk about a police officer
07:25who, well,
07:27in the face of an imminent situation of insecurity,
07:30who seeks to defend himself,
07:32and who opens fire in this case against another person,
07:34who also ends up killing him.
07:36Leo, well, we continue to work there,
07:38of course,
07:39if you need any information,
07:41do not call us.
07:43We continue to observe the situation there in the neighborhood.
07:45You told us that transit is very important
07:48when there are days of fair,
07:50the Salada Fair,
07:51which is, of course, in the vicinity,
07:53and much calmer if you want,
07:55and perhaps sometimes even more favorable,
07:57precisely because of that calm,
07:59to situations related to crime
08:02the rest of the days.
08:04This happened at three in the morning, right?
08:07Yes, exactly.
08:09The area also has a particularity,
08:11obviously, that after a certain time,
08:14public transport begins to be more difficult,
08:16and getting to these places is complicated.
08:18That is why many arrive
08:20from cars of application,
08:22and perhaps this police officer,
08:24understanding that situation,
08:26was that he dared to come to this place
08:30and bring this passenger,
08:32who was not a common passenger,
08:34but a criminal,
08:36who actually had the intention
08:38to steal the vehicle.
08:40Another situation,
08:42and that worries the neighbors a lot,
08:44and that they related it
08:46somehow to what happened,
08:48is the issue of drug trafficking,
08:51obviously, drugs.
08:53It has to do ...
08:54They knew him,
08:55that's why some approached him,
08:57and they know the defendant,
08:59and what they tell us is,
09:01well, here there is a problem
09:03that has to do with drugs,
09:05where many people end up committing crimes
09:07from their addiction,
09:09or from the problems they have with consumption.
09:11Of course, from their own consumption situation.
09:13And that, of course,
09:15and that is very present,
09:17as well as fights between gangs.
09:19Everything that we know,
09:21that many times happens in places
09:23that are half postponed,
09:25and half also without police custody,
09:27without where there is a lot of presence
09:29of the state in this case,
09:31obviously, the neighbors also start
09:33to tell us about those situations
09:35that many times also put them at risk.
09:37That's right.
