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why 35% dry volume | 35% dry volume mortar | .35 dry volume | Construction Details
Why 35% dry volume used in brickwork
why 35% dry volume Brickwork
why 35% dry volume
35% dry volume
.35 dry volume
.35 dry volume mortar
35% dry volume mortar
estimating and costing
engineering calculation
How 35% dry Mortar are used in brick work.
Let, Work Area = 100 CFT
Mortar With brick Volume = 10'' x 5'' x 3'' = 0.0875 CFT
Without Mortar brick Volume = 9.5'' x 4.5'' x 2.75'' = 0.0679 CFT
Total Brick = 100 / 0.0875 = 1,143 Nos of brick
Mortar Volume = 100 - (1,143 x 0.0679) = 22.3 cft
5% Westage Add = 22.3 + 1.11 = 23.41 Cft
Dry Volume = 23.41 x 1.5 = 35.11 ~ 35% (proved)
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