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what is 1.54 in concrete | dry volume of concrete | why 1.54 factor in concrete | construction details
what is 1.54 in concrete
1.54 in concrete
what is 1.54 in concrete while calculating quantity of sand cement and aggregate
what is 1.54 in concrete dry volume
what is 1.54 in concrete dry volume
what is 1.54 in concrete calculation
dry volume formula
why is 1.5 concrete dry volume
dry volume of concrete
wet to dry conversion
what is 1.54 in concrete while calculating quantity
why 1.54 factor in concrete
When concrete is mixed, there are voids between the sand and the aggregates (gravel) that are filled with cement paste. However, the actual solid volume of these materials is less than their total volume due to these voids. The factor 1.54 accounts for the increase in volume when the voids are filled with cement paste and water.
To put it simply:
The dry volume includes the volume of all materials before mixing (cement, sand, and aggregates).
The wet volume is the volume of the mixed concrete, which is less due to the voids being filled.
The conversion factor of 1.54 ensures that the correct amount of materials is used to achieve the desired wet volume of concrete. This factor can vary depending on the materials and mix design, but 1.54 is a commonly used value in the industry.
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