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Seal Reacts to Son Henry’s Fashion Week Debut: ‘I Encourage Them to Follow What They Love’


00:00Henry made his Fashion Week debut at Paris Fashion Week.
00:03What was it like seeing that as a dad?
00:05Listen, I am proud of anything they do, you know, anything.
00:09If Henry was sweeping the streets,
00:13but he was passionate about it,
00:16I would be just as proud as seeing him
00:18walk down a catwalk.
00:21The thing that I always tell them
00:23is that the point of life is to be happy.
00:26Find something you love and do it with all your heart.
00:31And if it makes you happy, then do it.
00:33And again, if that is sweeping the streets,
00:36and I mean that literally, you know,
00:38if that's what made him happy,
00:40I would wake up each morning to see him do it.
00:44So you encourage them to follow in your entertainment footsteps,
00:46but like you said, kind of anything that they really want to do.
00:49I encourage them to follow what they love.
00:54Whether it's in my footsteps,
00:56I mean, you know, I don't have that ego like that.
00:58I have to see my kids do, you know,
01:00follow in my footsteps, you know,
01:02or their mother's footsteps.
01:04That's not the point of it.
01:06The point is to find what they love
01:10and do it with everything that they,
01:13with every cell of their body.
01:15That's what I did with music.
01:17You know, I wasn't following in anyone's footsteps.
01:19I just happened to find this thing that I loved
01:22that I couldn't live without.
01:24And then the success was a byproduct of that.
