• letzten Monat
Arminia Bielefeld verlor mit 0:1 gegen SV Sandhausen und verzweifelte einige Male an SVS-Keeper David Richter. Für DSC-Stürmer Roberts Uldrikis eine komplett "unglaubliche" Leistung.


00:00Für Roberts Ultrikis, der heute so viele Chancen hatte.
00:03Roberts, that's a game you shouldn't have lost, right?
00:07Ja, I agree with you.
00:09I don't know, I have never seen something like this on a football pitch.
00:14Like when I played, we had so many chances.
00:16I had good chances, my team has had good chances.
00:19They scored one goal out of half a chance and they won 1-0.
00:25You had three really, really great chances.
00:29David Richter, goalkeeper, was outstanding, wasn't he?
00:32Ja, today goalkeeper, I think he played the best game of his life.
00:35It was unbelievable, really.
00:38The saves he made, from my shots, from my teammates' shots, I'm telling you, I have
00:44never seen something like this.
00:46But all in all, it seems you found really fast a good chemistry with your new teammates, right?
00:53Yes, I think I've been here two weeks or three weeks and it's doing good, you know.
01:01I know my teammates, they know me a little bit.
01:03Now we just need to finish the chances and get the points, you know.
01:07Because we need the wins, we need the points to get in a good mood and, you know, compete.
01:14Because today was unacceptable.
01:16Thank you.
01:17Alle Spiele live, nur beim Agentasport.
