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Dive into the wild world of "South Park" as we uncover the most mind-blowing secrets and hidden gems that even the most dedicated fans might have missed. From alien Easter eggs to celebrity cameos, get ready for a hilarious journey through the show's most obscure and fascinating details!
00:00And here's the cut-out versions of you guys.
00:04Look, he made Stan all fat! That's not me, that's you!
00:07Welcome to WatchMojo!
00:09And today we're counting down our picks for the most obscure facts and Easter eggs that are sure to surprise even the most dedicated South Park fans.
00:18How dare you mock our faith, you little punk! You'll be hearing from our lawyers tomorrow!
00:25Number 10. Minor Celebrity Cameos
00:28Any fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone knows they marched to the beat of their own drum.
00:33Well, uh, that's all really. So if anyone is interested in seeing the rainforest and joining our choir, I'll leave information packets up front.
00:40Oh, that's good. We need some more toilet paper.
00:42Alright, that does it!
00:44Unlike other major animated shows packed with guest stars, the makers of South Park have consistently given celebrities minimal and often hilariously random roles since the first season.
00:56For example, George Clooney voiced Stan's dog Sparky, whose only lines were barks.
01:02While Jay Leno contributed meows for Mr. Kitty in another episode.
01:06No, Kitty, this is my corned beef cabbage!
01:09No, Kitty, that's a bad kitty!
01:12Jerry Seinfeld once requested a guest star, but opted out after learning they wanted him to be a turkey.
01:18It's all part of the show's cheeky charm.
01:21Oh, darling, look. Thanksgiving turkeys.
01:23Oh, they're so beautiful.
01:26Not as beautiful as you.
01:28Look at the way they foam at the mouth, like beautiful sets of beer.
01:34Number 9. Hidden Visitors
01:37If you've ever thought you spotted an alien in South Park, you weren't imagining things.
01:42Uh, man, this sucks.
01:44How come the visitors aren't coming for him?
01:46I think we have to signal them somehow.
01:48The visitors first appeared prominently in the pilot episode, but they've been hidden in dozens of episodes ever since,
01:54inserted cleverly into the background of various scenes.
01:58These gangly, gray extraterrestrials can pop up anywhere,
02:02and spotting them has become a fun challenge for eagle-eyed fans, much like Disney's Hidden Mickeys.
02:08Great to see you out here. My name is Thumper, and I'm going to be your cool ski instructor.
02:12His name is Thumper?
02:13We're going to take it slow, take it easy, make sure everybody has a good time.
02:16Whether it's one peeking through a window or blending into a mob of townsfolk,
02:21the visitors are a testament to the show's love for subtle, bizarre details and long-running gags.
02:28Lots of us fellas came here for that reason.
02:31Number 8. The They Who Killed Kenny
02:34Even casual fans of South Park are familiar with one of the show's oldest and most iconic jokes,
02:40Kenny meeting a grisly end, followed by Stan and Kyle delivering their famous joint catchphrase.
02:46Oh my God, they killed Kenny!
02:48You bastards!
02:50Over the years, Kenny's constant demises have become such a staple of the series
02:54that they've been woven into major plotlines,
02:57including a deeper exploration as to why Kenny can't seem to stay dead.
03:02But here's a detail you might not know.
03:04Matt and Trey have revealed that Stan and Kyle's dialogue in these moments is actually aimed at the writers.
03:11We should have never gone to that stupid cult meeting.
03:14These clever fourth-wall breaks turn the show's creators into the bastards in question,
03:19playfully mocking their own absurd decision to kill Kenny in so many early episodes.
03:25Oh my God, we killed Kenny.
03:27We killed Kenny?
03:28We killed Kenny, we're bastards.
03:29Number 7. Chewbacca
03:31This fun nod to the gentle giant from Star Wars began in Pink Eye, the show's first Halloween special.
03:38I'm Raggedy Andy.
03:39Why the hell did you dress up like Raggedy Andy, dude?
03:42Wendy's going as Raggedy Ann, and she said this way we'd win the costume contest for sure.
03:46No way, dude. I'm gonna win the costume contest with this sweet Chewbacca costume.
03:50Here, almost every kid dresses as Chewbacca, ruining Stan's plans to match with his girlfriend, Wendy.
03:56Chewbacca references have continued sporadically throughout the series' run,
04:00from characters wearing chewy Halloween masks, to the Chewbacca defense in Chef Aid,
04:05to the Member Berries mention of the Wookiee at the start of Season 20.
04:10Remember Chewbacca again?
04:12Oh, I love to remember Chewbacca.
04:14Matt and Trey even paid tribute to the character with their band DVD-A song, I Am Chewbacca.
04:20Granted, if you're going to pay homage to any Star Wars character, the lovable Wookiee is an excellent choice.
04:27I am Chewbacca! I have no home! My home is where my spirit goes!
04:34Number 6. The producers' cameo as a nun.
04:38Behind the scenes, South Park is a close-knit crew, with team members often appearing in supporting roles.
04:44Hello, children. I'm Sister Ann, and I'll be teaching you so that you can all receive your first communion.
04:49Are we gonna go to hell?
04:50Well, hopefully not. That's why you're gonna need to receive communion.
04:54In Season 4's two-parter, Do the Handicapped Go to Hell? and Probably,
04:59co-executive producer Ann Garofino portrays Sister Ann,
05:02an open-minded nun who helps the kids in town through a theological crisis.
05:07Jesus was made of crackers?
05:10But crackers are his body.
05:13According to Trey and Matt, they cast Garofino, who was, at the time, the only actual Catholic they knew,
05:20as a nun in reference to her faith.
05:22A true showperson, Ann has worked diligently as a producer since South Park's earliest days.
05:29And considering some of the stabs the show has taken at Catholicism,
05:33it's clear she has an excellent sense of humor. God bless you, Ann.
05:36Alright, kids. It's time to go. It's time for this to stop.
05:40Sister Ann is a blasphemer!
05:43I know you won't listen to me. That's why I brought somebody else.
05:50Number 5. Pseudonyms in Pilots
05:54Despite the eventual success of South Park,
05:57its creators knew their irreverent humor might not land with everyone.
06:01Ready, Ike? Kick the baby!
06:03Don't kick the baby.
06:04Kick the baby!
06:05That's why, in the original pilot episode,
06:08Trey Parker and Matt Stone used the pseudonyms Tupac Schwartz and MC Goldstein in the credits.
06:14A move that perfectly set the tone for the show's edgy comedy.
06:18While they used their real names in later episodes,
06:21it's easy to see why Stone and Parker kind of hesitated at first.
06:25You children watch that fat boy now. He could be under alien control.
06:29Associating your name with excessive profanity, baby kicking,
06:33and alien experiments on eight-year-olds might raise a few eyebrows.
06:37Still, this interesting choice highlights their fearless approach to comedy right from the start.
06:43What? How do you know she has a cat?
06:52Number 4. Trey Parker's phone number
06:55Season 23's Basic Cable spotlighted diabetic fourth-grader Scott Malkinson,
07:00giving him his own show within a show for its duration.
07:04What is it, Scott?
07:05Yankee math.
07:06Okay, great.
07:07At the end of the episode, sharp-eyed viewers noticed a phone number
07:11recognizing streaming rights for the fictional Scott Malkinson show.
07:19The number, tied to co-creator Trey Parker, was real,
07:22and fans who called it were treated to a recorded message.
07:25Parker listing absurdly expensive purchasing options for fake series
07:30like The Scott Malkinson Show, Integrity Farms, and PC Babies,
07:34all featured in the season.
07:36Hey, it's Trey. I can't come to the phone right now.
07:39If you're calling about the streaming rights to our new and exciting shows,
07:42then listen closely to the following menu.
07:44This clever Easter egg was a tongue-in-cheek nod to South Park's $500 million streaming deal,
07:50which saw its rights moved from Hulu to HBO Max.
07:54Number 3. Gnome de Plume
07:56Season 9's Trapped in the Closet is South Park at its funniest and gutsiest.
08:01We've been looking for your son for a long time, Mr. Marsh.
08:04He is the reincarnation of our church's most sacred prophet.
08:10Its writers absolutely skewer the Church of Scientology,
08:13tackling its practices with sharp satire and unflinching honesty.
08:18After years of ruffling feathers,
08:20Trey Parker and Matt Stone knew exactly how to handle groups prone to backlash,
08:25especially one with a reputation for suing its critics.
08:28We are gonna sue you!
08:31Yeah, you think you can say our religion is a lie? We'll sue you, buddy!
08:35To sidestep any legal drama,
08:37they credited everyone involved in the episode as either John Smith or Jane Smith.
08:42This sly move not only protected the crew from potential lawsuits,
08:46but also added one final jab at the Church's reputation,
08:50cementing the episode's place in South Park's rebellious history.
08:55Well, go on then! Sue me!
08:57We're going to!
08:58Okay, good! Do it! I'm not scared of you! Sue me!
09:032. Eric Meyers' Narration
09:06One spring break, the main four boys decide to go ziplining,
09:10and to make a long story short, disaster ensues.
09:13Four young boys in Colorado are on a trip from hell.
09:17I can't take it! Somebody help us!
09:22Trapped in an unforgiving mountain wilderness with no way out.
09:26Appropriately titled, I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining,
09:29this 2012 episode sees Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny subjected to excruciating boredom,
09:36unbearable patheticness, and plenty of fresh gnar-gnar, whatever that is.
09:41I should be about 45 minutes to the freshest gnar-gnar.
09:45Why don't we go around the van and get to know each other a little bit?
09:48Uh, that's okay.
09:49To heighten both the absurdity and the quote-unquote stakes,
09:53the creators enlisted the voiceover talents of Eric Meyers,
09:56who was involved with I Shouldn't Be Alive,
09:59the very documentary television series that the episode parodies.
10:03Meyers' deep, overly serious tone turns every mundane setback,
10:07like being stuck with talkative strangers or trapped on a slow boat,
10:12into a life-or-death crisis.
10:14For four elementary school boys,
10:16an already tragic day becomes a descent into madness on
10:21I Should Have Never Got on a Goddamn Boat.
10:25Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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10:41Number 1. Meta Christmas Episode
10:44South Park doesn't dip into the world of meta as often as some other modern cartoons.
10:50We're looking at you, Rick and Morty.
10:52Yeah, you're right, Morty.
10:53We got all that meta canon shit out of the way and now we can just be ourselves.
10:56But Season 4's A Very Crappy Christmas is far more than a holiday special.
11:01It's a love letter to the scrappy origins of the show from the creators themselves.
11:06The episode revolves around the boys trying to lift the town's spirits
11:10by making their own animated Christmas shorts.
11:13That's it! Oh my God, that's totally it! It's so simple!
11:16What, dude?
11:17We can get everyone back into the Christmas spirit
11:19by making our very own animated Christmas special
11:21and showing it to everybody in town!
11:23This, of course, mirrors Trey Parker and Matt Stone's
11:26real-life experience making The Spirit of Christmas,
11:29the crude short that ultimately launched South Park.
11:33It's a self-referential masterpiece that brings the show full circle.
11:37All that hard work!
11:39Well, thanks a lot, kids. Great idea you had there.
11:41Did any of this South Park trivia catch you off guard?
11:44Share your thoughts in the comments.
11:46God's feeling good on a Wednesday
11:48Giving me the hope, giving, giving me the hope to go on
11:54What I need is a little bit of shelter
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