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La serpiente de madera según El Niño Prodigio


00:00Let's talk specifically about the wooden snake.
00:09There is a great fascination with the Chinese horoscope,
00:14the meaning of each of the animals, what it means, what it brings to us.
00:19And when you talk about a snake, you get scared because it's going to bite me, it's going to bite me.
00:24Talk about the meaning of the wooden snake.
00:27No, and also because of everything that comes with Adam and Eve.
00:31It was a snake, the devil.
00:34So we see the snake as a bad animal that crawls and all those things.
00:41But in the end, for Asians, it's totally different.
00:49It means change, transformation.
00:53That change of skin, when that snake moves that skin, it's telling you,
00:58your life is changing, you are transforming.
01:03You already threw away everything, a year also to eliminate.
01:07Gentlemen, if you are listening to me, throw away all that thing that you have not used in a year or two.
01:14Do not accumulate more, nothing.
01:16If you have something in a storage, do not spend your money,
01:19sell what you can sell or give away what you are going to give away and change.
01:24In your house, if you have a piece of furniture,
01:27oh no, I'm saving it to send it to cover.
01:30Forget about that.
01:31Give it to someone else.
01:34And you say, no, when I get back, oh, he's skinny again.
01:37Yes, I have two pounds.
01:39And you, for now, are not going to come back.
01:41When you have to buy your clothes, buy new things.
01:45So those things are taking up space.
01:48That's the law.
01:49In this year of the snake.
01:52Change everything, transform.
01:54Even the house.
01:56It is good to make a transformation.
01:59Changing the furniture of the place.
02:01Painting it, redecorating it.
02:04And it can even be with the same thing that you have in your house.
02:07You just have to move it slowly.
02:10Another thing this year is a year of intelligence.
02:15It is a year that you have to be good at everything new.
02:20At everything you have to learn.
02:23Because even, apart from everything,
02:25you already know that we are entering the age of Aquarius.
02:29That has to do with everything new, with all the technology.
02:32And every time a stage changes, a time,
02:39it brings its consequences.
02:42So everything that has to do with intelligence.
02:45Everything that has to do with learning, with new things.
02:48Gentlemen, give it there.
02:51Because that's where you're going to do well.
02:53That's where everything is.
02:55The internet and all that will continue to be used.
03:00But other things are coming, like bigger, more modern.
03:04This is going to be that you are going to see it and you are not going to believe it.
03:07I'm going to be there because you still know.
03:09I'm not that old.
03:10But in 10 years, gentlemen.
03:12And this is going to stay here.
03:14It's going to be a totally different thing.
03:17It's like you're going to see people on the street
03:20that you don't know if they're human or robots.
03:24For you to know.
03:26How interesting.
03:27Because something that fascinates me about your horoscope,
03:29and I think it makes it different from all the horoscopes out there,
03:33is that you always take technology into account
03:35and how it influences our lives.
03:37A lot of people are going to ask,
03:39what does this have to do with astrology?
03:41And I think it has a lot to do with it.
03:43Because in our lives, technology is almost everything.
03:46And where you tell us things are going,
03:48is that it's going to be even more.
03:50In all aspects of our daily lives.
03:52So why not talk about that?
03:54Everything, everything.
03:56It's just that, gentlemen,
03:58and I'll give you 10 years, maybe less,
04:00but nothing will be the same.
04:04There will be things that will be more,
04:06because it's like a time comes,
04:08I feel and see that it's going to be a time
04:12that it's like the human being is going to be almost obsolete.
04:15That's why it's very important, gentlemen,
04:18to put yourself at the forefront.
04:25Exactly, be ahead.
04:27Because if you got in line
04:29and got behind,
04:31when it's your turn, it's all over.
04:33Get ahead, because you get good things.
