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Captain Jason On His Health Scare and Parenting


00:00You had melanoma. How are you feeling now?
00:03Good. It was an anxious wait. I found out in Bali.
00:07I flew here to America and got the news,
00:10and then I had to go back and see a specialist in Sydney,
00:14someone that actually kind of had a little bit more knowledge across it.
00:17And they said that without the specimen that they've got
00:20and reading the report, that it would have to go to the next stage.
00:23So the other option was to try and get the specimen sent over from Indonesia,
00:27which took some time.
00:29So I had this whole wait over Christmas.
00:31And I found out on Christmas Eve that I have to go back for one more incision or excision,
00:37and then I'll be fine. It's a 5% chance of returning.
00:41But the things I learnt over that period,
00:43and the people that reached out to me with some pretty unfortunate outcomes,
00:47I was really surprised at how probably ignorant I was
00:51about not getting my skin checked every year.
00:53Especially someone like myself in the sun all the time.
00:57And now it's a dermatologist every year, if not more.
01:03Look, it was about as big as my little pinky fingernail.
01:07It was just a little brown dot that changed a little bit in colour.
01:11But my intuition and my gut told me there was something there.
01:14And you never know if I didn't follow that.
01:17And it's the most aggressive spread in cancer.
01:19You give it another month or two, you never know.
01:23If you read up on this thing, it can get you in six months.
01:27That's crazy. I'm glad you're doing so much better.
01:29That's fantastic.
01:30But you're so right.
01:31You put off those appointments.
01:33You're like, oh, this is no big deal, this can't happen to me.
01:35But it's great that you were proactive and went there.
01:39I don't think this is something you can put off.
01:41And it's something I ignored for quite some time.
01:43And I'm just lucky.
01:45I know that you said to us in an interview
01:47that this all happened at a time where you were also going through some other personal things in your life.
01:51Wow, yeah.
01:52The end of the year was a huge one.
01:54Mum had triple bypass.
01:56Then broke a hip.
01:58Dad's Alzheimer's came on strong.
02:00Then he had a stroke.
02:01Then my best mate passed away.
02:03And I had this melanoma.
02:05It was a lot to take on.
02:07But I took it on with a lot of positivity.
02:11And this year I'm really tackling 2025
02:13with a strong mental health aspect towards my life going forward.
02:19And then physical health as well.
02:22I dip into breathworks and a lot of things for health all the time.
02:29But I really want to put the throttle down this year.
02:33And really go the extra mile.
02:35Yeah, I hope your parents are OK.
02:37Yeah, look, the Alzheimer's has taught me something too.
02:41I'm reading a lot about cognitive health as well.
02:45What we can eat and foods we can look out for.
02:47And diets to try and prevent it or prolong it.
02:51Even training, even a game of chess is even good for you.
02:55Me and my daughter are playing chess a lot now too.
02:57I love that.
02:58Do you feel like you've found that good balance now
03:00between being a dad and being able to handle the job too?
03:04Yeah, definitely.
03:05Look, we moved our daughter to Bali.
03:07So that was a new beginning, a new chapter for us all.
03:10So I'm more in Bali now.
03:12So this 2025, I get these little things in order.
03:16And then I'll give myself a bit of a base.
03:20And then maybe I can meet someone and I can start bringing someone else into my life.
03:23I was going to say, that's always the million dollar question.
03:25Are you single? Are you taken? Where are we at?
03:28I haven't had time.
03:29Between everything that's going on and with my daughter.
03:32I don't want to have to share that time.
03:35However, as we all know, as kids get older.
03:39Even the other day she said to me when I gave her a kiss goodnight to bed.
03:42She goes, Papa, I think we need to talk about some boundaries.
03:45I'm like, what's that?
03:46She goes, no more kissing goodnight.
03:48But I rolled over and she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the ear and goodnight straight away.
03:54So she's going through that stage there too.
04:01I'm not allowed to see her in the shower and things like that.
04:03So she's becoming a teen very quickly.
04:05So I think it's time for me to be able to look after myself a bit now.
04:10Not just care about her.
04:12Her mother does a wonderful job of being a mother.
04:16The reason why she is who she is is because of the life we've given her.
04:20And definitely her mother.
04:22So you're open to it.
04:23That's what you say.
04:25I love that so much.
04:27It's the year of you.
04:28I love it.
04:30It's me.
