• last month
Jake Lacy stars in Miss Sloane as Robert Ford, a handsome, oft-shirtless male escort, unlawfully hired to fulfill Sloane’s needs. In one scene, Ford confronts Sloane for treating him as less than human, but a rare moment of vulnerability is swiftly discarded, as the film refuses to bow to Hollywood’s need for bleeding heart sentimentality See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv


00:00For me, I really responded to Ford, my play, Robert Ford, existing by choice on the outskirts
00:17of this society and then still having his own personal code of ethics and he has a sense
00:26of right and wrong that maybe the rest of DC does not, even though he is not above board
00:34in a lot of ways.
00:41I think a lot of films have a forced romantic element, male-led or female-led, but often
00:47in both cases the burden is put on the female, you know what I mean, like if it's a male
00:52driven thing, you have a woman who's playing a role that is one-dimensional and you're
00:56like, boy, that sucks man, that sucks that that's the role that has been written for
01:03you essentially, or in a case where a woman is the lead, then it's sort of like, we have
01:09to have a man complete your story, so just find a way to make this work, you know, like
01:12again the burden is put on the woman.
01:16I think it's again a credit to Jessica's performance, to Johnny the writer, to John as the director
01:22that we really do follow this character, Miss Sloane, through her world, on her terms
01:32and that that is the defining element of this film and of this story, that it's not cluttered
01:38with sort of Hollywood tropes.
01:47Well yes, I mean the answer for me is that those nerves exist.
01:50They exist because they come out of fear and self-obsession and as soon as they're
01:58addressed in those terms, in my experience, they're gone and you can get that needless
02:05cluttered garbage out of the way and actually be present with another person and work on
02:11the material and so every time I start a project I always get very, a week before I'm like
02:19I'm just like ornery and kind of salty and my wife is like, here we go, like it's gonna
02:25be fine, you're gonna be good, you're gonna be this, you're gonna be that, you know, and
02:29at some point I recognize that it's just fear and that goes away and you dig in.
02:36Also the fear is that no one's gonna like you, that people are gonna be mean and you
02:40wind up on set and 99% of the time people are gracious and prepared and kind and you
02:46know what I mean?
02:47The number of people I've worked with where I was like, oh boy, it's so, so few and you
02:53see that those people, that's their problem.
03:01I'm at a loss even to how to describe it, disappointed, embarrassed that that's the
03:14person who represents our country to the rest of the world, complete disagreement with
03:21almost every stance that he's taken, every opinion he's expressed, every action that
03:26he's taken, every tweet he's sent out, like I just am absolutely ashamed that that's what
03:33our country has decided, you know, that the majority of our population was behind this.
