• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “L'obiettivo del benessere mentale è diventato parte integrante dello stare bene e questo ha comportato una serie di conseguenze importanti, tra cui una nuova consapevolezza della presenza di disturbi in questo campo, che è in crescita per la parte più giovane della popolazione, nonché lo sdoganamento della richiesta d'aiuto”. Queste le parole di Ketty Vaccaro, responsabile dell’Area Biomedica e Salute del Censis, alla conferenza stampa di presentazione dell’Intergruppo Parlamentare “One Brain - per la tutela delle persone con disturbi mentali e neurologici”. L’obiettivo dell’Intergruppo è sensibilizzare l’azione politica, aumentare l’attenzione e il confronto pubblico per garantire ai pazienti i più alti standard di diagnosi, accesso e cura.


00:00The theme that I would like to emphasize is the new centrality that mental health has acquired in the most comprehensive conception of the health of Italians.
00:13Now, to follow the goal of mental well-being, it has become an integral part of being well.
00:20And this has led to a number of important consequences. First of all, the emergence, the new awareness of the presence of disorders in this field, which is also a growth, especially for the younger part of the population.
00:35The other interesting fact, in my opinion, is the increase in the demand for help. And on this, I would say that we also have an important structural indicator.
00:46In 2024, the demand for the psychological bonus was more than 400,000. And in the interviews we did at the end of 2024 on the 18-34-year-old youth population, almost a third told us that they had sought psychological help.
01:03In addition to this new social awareness for the issues of discomfort and psychological well-being, there is still a gray area, neurological and psychiatric diseases that have remained in limbo.
01:19These are the ones that are out of this, let's say, centrality of prevention, for example. They are the ones on which there is still stigma, they are the ones that have a weaker response to services and those where the family delegate is stronger. And on these, in my opinion, culturally we must aim, taking advantage of the new collective mood.
