• 2 weeks ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il Manifesto sociale è un documento messo a punto per sensibilizzare gli stakeholders della sanità italiana, che orbitano intorno alle malattie rare in oftalmologia, affinché si possa prendere coscienza di una malattia, la Cheratite da Acanthamoeba, che fino ad oggi non ha avuto la possibilità di essere trattata farmacologicamente in maniera efficace e che se non trattata adeguatamente, può portare anche alla cecità. Pertanto, lo scopo di questo manifesto è quello di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica, in particolare gli operatori sanitari, ma anche i cittadini”. Sono le parole di Filippo Drago, professore di Farmacologia clinica dell’università degli studi di Catania, intervistato dall’Adnkronos in occasione del Dialogue Meeting , promosso dalla rivista di politica sanitaria Italian Health Policy Brief e organizzato in collaborazione  con l’Alleanza per l’Equità di Accesso alle Cure per le Malattie Oculari, con il quale si è voluta diffondere consapevolezza sull’importanza della prevenzione, della diagnosi precoce e dell’impiego della nuova terapia mirata a base di polihexanide per il trattamento della Cheratite da Acanthamoeba, una grave infezione oculare parassitaria.


00:00The Social Manifesto is a document that was put in place to raise awareness of the stakeholders
00:11of Italian health, which are orbiting around ophthalmology, in particular rare diseases
00:18in ophthalmology, so that we can become aware of a disease, keratitis canthamoeba, an ultra-rare
00:27disease that until today has not had the possibility of being treated pharmacologically
00:34effectively, which can, if not treated adequately, also lead to blindness.
00:40The purpose of this manifesto is precisely to raise awareness of public opinion, in particular
00:46health workers, but also citizens, because this disease, and this is commendable, I mean,
00:52for those who have made, who have conceived this manifesto, this disease can be prevented,
00:58not only cured with this new medicine, this polyhexanide, which was put in place by
01:05an Italian pharmaceutical company, but it can be prevented, so prevention is also the
01:11objective of this manifesto, to spread the way in which this disease can be prevented.
01:17Being an ultra-rare pathology, it meets the prevalence criterion that was established
01:26by the European Pharmaceutical Agency for ultra-rare diseases, that is, less than one
01:31subject every 10,000 inhabitants, so very few individuals in Italy.
01:36The need is precisely to know the disease from a clinical point of view, prevent it,
01:46and prevention is carried out simply with a series of, how to say, hygiene attitudes
01:57towards contact lenses, because these are the ways in which the infection manifests itself.
02:08Contact lenses that are now being used by many people, especially young people,
02:14who, in fact, not observing normal hygiene practices, can run into this infection.
