00:00On another day, some another guys just someone just came and ruined it. Yes, don't do it. Okay, so these guys are in the woods
00:06They are currently making something
00:08Wow, it's insane. They have wood. They have saws. They have each other
00:12Will they survive? Who knows?
00:15Okay, so they have saw
00:18They have hammers. They have everything a couple of
00:22Repair people could dream of and full of life hacks, I guess in a dream
00:30To go out from the city and live in that tree house. Live in complete solitude where no one judges them for eating roadkill
00:39Okay. Oh
00:41Partly done. Partly done. We got the floor in
00:49Have you ever made a tree house?
00:54Have tried okay, I've tried to make a tree house. It wasn't a good tree house
00:59Why are you trying to go to my friend's house? And at some point they had like the shell of a tree house
01:04okay, so it already had like a
01:07Floor and I was like, okay, why don't we try to finish it?
01:10So we got random pieces of like wood and stuff from around the neighborhood and we were trying to fix it
01:15And all of a sudden I remember we it took the place over like a whole summer
01:19We're trying to make this thing and by the end of it, it was almost done
01:22Okay, I come back the next time and all of the it's completely destroyed. Someone came and just ruined it. Oh
01:29It was really messed up. Yeah, I'm actually it's very sad because I also have the many situation when you make something
01:37It's could be the tree house. It's could be something from the snow, you know
01:41Yeah, and on another day some another guys just someone just came and ruined it. Yes, don't do it
01:47Those people should be arrested from life
01:49Yes, okay
01:51Next time you will be arrested if you want to destroy. Yeah
01:54Maybe he's gonna stop them. That might stop them a little bit. I don't know see what people are
02:00With the environment a little bit. Ooh
02:04They're cutting from the inside. I was like what is happening?
02:08Okay family picture
02:13Okay, bye-bye family
02:17We should wait something yeah, I'm being better
02:27Why have all this money when you can cut it up and make a nice wallpaper turn all of your crap into the worst crap
02:36Now we have a house finally, this is all we get about this is what you have to do in 2023 to get a house
02:45Before you're like 50
02:48That's not gonna be warm inside
02:51Yeah, probably not gonna be warm at all
02:55Oh, no, they started a fire in the kitchen
02:58So guys question of the day. Have you ever had a tree house?
03:00If so, let us know in the comments and like and follow Archie 5