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👉 El hacker ético, Lucas Gallina, nos revela el creciente problema de los robos con inhibidores y como los ladrones utilizan estos dispositivos para bloquear las señales de radiofrecuencia permitiéndoles robar vehículos.
Otro de los robos relevantes de los últimos tiempos son los robos de datos de tarjetas de crédito sin ser detectados.

👉 Seguí en #ArrancaLaTardeEnA24
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00The guy in the back has something in his hand
00:03I don't have the truck
00:04There's a guy stealing with an inhibitor here in the shopping mall
00:08They just took my truck out, literally
00:17Female, dressed in black and white, broken
00:21Apparently she had an inhibitor in her possession
00:26It's the same one that tried to open the vehicle
00:30No one is to blame
00:34We have to do something
00:38We have to do something
00:42We have to do something
00:47This is where the story begins
00:50and it keeps getting worse Marina
00:52Keeps getting worse
00:53There are robberies with inhibitors
00:55that not only reach the vehicles
00:57but they also reach the gates of the buildings,
01:01so you think they close the car, you think they close the gate, but no.
01:05No, and not only do they steal your car, but also your house,
01:09because many times they even find the keys to your house inside the car.
01:13We are with Lupin, or Lupin, I should say, like the famous Frenchman.
01:19He is more oriented to the thief, the thief knight.
01:23Of course, so it's Lupin.
01:25A nickname, because you are, let's see if I say it right,
01:29a good hacker.
01:31An ethical hacker.
01:32Always an ethical hacker.
01:33What does that mean?
01:35A good hacker, let's say, a hacker who doesn't do evil,
01:38doesn't steal, doesn't do, well, this is precisely the issue of thieves.
01:41The word hacker is always heard, it is denominated a good person.
01:46Those who do all this, those who steal from banks and so on,
01:49are cybercriminals.
01:50Well, I'm impressed that you brought two gadgets.
01:53This is a handy, in my time, in my neighborhood it is a handy.
01:56In your neighborhood, in all.
01:58And how does a handy, of course, serve to perpetrate this type of act?
02:02Precisely, a handy has a communication part that has a lot of power.
02:06This one specifically has about 4 watts of real power,
02:09which, if we tune in the frequency of the car keys,
02:15of the garage, as you said, and we emit close,
02:20we can block the signal since we emit a lot of noise,
02:23a lot of noise within what is the radio-electric spectrum.
02:27Ah, you say that with a handy I can emit a signal that is more powerful
02:32than the signal, of course, of closing the car and that works as an inhibitor.
02:36Exactly, it is a practical example, it would be,
02:39if I, for example, now started to scream with all my strength,
02:41and you wanted to talk, you wouldn't hear it.
02:43Of course.
02:44I'm screaming. It works the same.
02:46Obviously, this is not a device intended to steal cars, garages, no.
02:52It is intended for the communication of re-employees.
02:55The problem is that, clearly, being so cheap, they use it for this.
02:59How much does it cost?
03:00The truth is, I think this one is about 30,000, 50,000 pesos in the market.
03:06Can you lend it to me for a minute?
03:07Because you have two elements.
03:09This is the handy, I'm not going to open anything.
03:12I agree that, yes, Mari, it is a handy, let's say, usual.
03:17The little board.
03:18The one we used as a kid to play,
03:19that one would put on one end of the square and the other on the other end.
03:22You use the hook that it has to put it on or hook it on.
03:25This is analog, right?
03:27Ah, it's analog.
03:28If a policeman sees me with this on the street, it's a crime.
03:31Technically, let's talk well.
03:34If we have a license as a re-employee, technically nothing should happen.
03:38Now, if we don't have a license and we use it to emit,
03:41we are in a problem there.
03:43Because it is a restricted space that we clearly have to have a permit.
03:47And always in what is the re-employment,
03:50it is tried not to step on the important communications,
03:53such as police,
03:54that there are still some who use this kind of handys
03:57instead of those that are digital like Motorola.
03:59Sorry, Lupín, and you have another element that is a flipper.
04:03Because what we are showing now, it would be good to put on the screen
04:06some example so that it is understood.
04:08You park the car at the door of a shopping mall,
04:11at the door of your house,
04:12or you leave your house,
04:14you close the gate and you think it is closing.
04:18But there is a way to paralyze that action with these elements, right?
04:23Yes and no.
04:24Let's see.
04:25We have two attacks in what is the sniffing,
04:28or the capture of the key of the key.
04:30We have what is the normal capture,
04:32that this can be done in garages,
04:34in cars that have common keys.
04:36The common key can be acquired, for example,
04:38by a mechanic who installs an external weapon,
04:41what is self-original.
04:42This one has only a code.
04:44So with a flipper or something similar,
04:45for example a Hacker F1,
04:46which is a device specialized for frequencies of 1 MHz to 6 GHz,
04:51we can capture it and replicate it.
04:53I understand.
04:54Now we have the other method, which is the rolljam attack,
04:58which is a little more complicated.
05:00Now, but let's focus on this one, which is the flipper 0.
05:02Yes, flipper.
05:03Now grab it, grab it.
05:04Can it also be bought anywhere?
05:05If I go to Mercado Libre in Los Ganchos?
05:07This is a little more complicated to buy.
05:08Here it does not arrive.
05:09A friend of mine was selling them to the community of what is
05:12Ecoparty, Gfin, Evilsec, Exec,
05:14which are communities in which I belong.
05:16I was selling them at the time,
05:17but hey, it was complicated to bring them.
05:19Did you look at the materials?
05:20Of course.
05:21Did you look at the materials?
05:22Let's see, put them on the board.
05:23This is how the flipper 0 works.
05:24To be able to clone car keys,
05:25change the price of gasoline in the electronics
05:28or control the bracelets of Taylor Swift's concerts.
05:32This little device, at first glance.
05:34There they are doing a tutorial of what this little device called
05:38known as flipper 0 means.
05:40What happens to that?
05:41I mean, if it is used for a crossroads,
05:44one, of course, is not fine,
05:46but if it is used for crime, it is a problem.
05:48Because it even raises a barrier
05:50from anywhere I tried to put that limit
05:55so that no one can enter.
05:56Or this happens.
05:58You can hack an access with an electronic key.
06:02There are many buildings that have it.
06:04Right, Lupin?
06:06What if not ...
06:08For example, the issue of the bar.
06:10We can't lift it because yes.
06:12Obviously it was that the signal was previously captured.
06:15And in the case that, as I said before,
06:17if it was just a key, a code,
06:19I can lie to it as many times as I want.
06:20Now, if it has what is the rolling code,
06:22which are the ones that have the cars of the 90, 2000 and on,
06:24with the original key,
06:26this is a little more complicated,
06:28since they are codes that vary.
06:30Therefore, if we capture one and we want to replicate it,
06:32it will not work.
06:33In the case that happened to a friend
06:34when he bought a SKYCRAFT F1,
06:35which is something similar to the Flipper,
06:37his car's key was blocked.
06:39For trying to replicate it.
06:40So, what is done with the roll call attack?
06:42A handy or a hammer is used
06:44to prevent the signal from the key from reaching the car,
06:48capture it and then we send it.
06:50Yes, now, the complicated thing about this is that it can,
06:52on the one hand, inhibit the car's door closure,
06:55but on the other hand, up to there.
06:57Up to there, it has a very low power.
06:58Ah, it has to be very close.
07:00Yes, it has to be very close or with a module.
07:02In fact, if you look at the part up here.
07:04Yes, show me.
07:05In the part up here, we can see that it has some pins.
07:09These pins are GPIO communication,
07:11which are special pins to be able to ...
07:13There it is, there it is, perfect.
07:15They are special pins to put modules,
07:17as you saw in the video,
07:18and in those modules you can assemble, for example,
07:20what are ...
07:23power supplies or external power modules.
07:25Ah, and that way the signal becomes more powerful
07:27and there you can avoid closing the car with the key.
07:30I can also inhibit the car's alarm, of course,
07:33because it goes with the closure,
07:34but what about my house alarm, for example?
07:36Yes, it is a radio frequency alarm, yes.
07:39Here in Argentina and I think it is also in Europe and ...
07:43not in the United States, but I think in European countries,
07:46they use what is the frequency of 433.920 MHz.
07:50It is the typical one that we all have.
07:51The basic one, let's say.
07:52In the United States, Japan and others use another frequency,
07:55but hey, they are a range.
07:56I want to prepare, I want to prepare again
07:59that police video that we saw from Balvanera in a little while,
08:02because ...
08:03Yes, we have another now to tell you.
08:04There you can see the crime in action and there is another.
08:06There is another video.
08:07Where did this happen?
08:08I remember the robbery of Karina Masocco.
08:09You will see the price change at the door of the channel.
08:12Ah, do you remember?
08:13Well, you were that witness of the robbery with inhibitors
08:15to Karina Masocco.
08:16It was a couple, they parked near Masocco's car
08:21and they just waited for her to close the car
08:24and they were, let's say, neutralizing it.
08:28There, the police, the guard who was in front of the channel,
08:32realized the maneuver and arrested them
08:34and discovered that they had tried it.
08:36Because to obstruct all this, to use the inhibitors,
08:40you have to be at what distance, more or less?
08:42It depends a lot on how far.
08:43There it is.
08:44What do you have?
08:45You describe this Karina, with her hat down,
08:48and she enters the channel.
08:49She enters the channel.
08:52And that's when...
08:53The car is the white one, right?
08:54No, the Mini.
08:55Ah, the Mini, the Mini.
08:56The Mini Cooper.
08:57There it is, let's say, who, theoretically,
09:00did the inhibition of the signal,
09:03waiting for Karina to enter,
09:06thinking that no one would notice, right?
09:09Look at the distance, did you see?
09:11The distance.
09:12Yes, yes.
09:13Very short.
09:14They turn their backs.
09:15They turn their backs.
09:16They get distracted.
09:17As if...
09:20You see?
09:22Look, she stops there.
09:24It must be said that the doors of the channels, of the radios,
09:26are usually very busy, Marina.
09:29But now there is the security gate, there, close to Karina's car.
09:31That draws attention, that there is security,
09:33there are security cameras.
09:35In front of the police.
09:36In front of the police.
09:37In front of the police.
09:38They don't care about anything.
09:40There she simulates, I don't know if she is with a cell phone,
09:43or with a key, or with what,
09:46and she goes to the trunk, if I remember correctly.
09:48Yes, the trunk.
09:51There we are seeing it, she keeps checking
09:54that there is no one monitoring her,
09:57her merodeo.
10:00She looks.
10:01She looks inside.
10:02She visualizes if there is someone, something to handle.
10:04She notices that there was nothing.
10:05There was nothing.
10:06She goes to the trunk.
10:07She goes to the trunk,
10:08where, well, one always has something, Ventura.
10:11Yes, and there, I at least leave things in there, in the trunk.
10:14There it is.
10:15Look, look, look, look how she supports herself, look how she supports herself.
10:17I tell you, if you are distracted, you lost, but for sure.
10:22You have no doubt there, look.
10:24There it is.
10:25By then, does he already know that he inhibited the closing of the car?
10:29Does he already know or does he have to check it?
10:31He has to check it.
10:32He has to check it.
10:33There it is.
10:34And he got in.
10:35And he got in.
10:38He noticed that…
10:39Does he get something out?
10:40Does he get something out?
10:41Well, there was a quick reaction of the security guys.
10:43There is the policeman.
10:44Who is it? Alexis?
10:45Yes, yes.
10:46Ale, of course.
10:47One of the security guys who works…
10:48And who was looking through the camera.
10:50Look, look, look, look, look.
10:53Tremendous, huh?
10:54They take out his backpack.
10:55He prefers to leave his backpack and leave, for obvious reasons.
10:59And maybe he had content of another fight, right?
11:01Yes, yes.
11:02Of course.
11:03That's why he leaves.
11:04Of course.
11:05By inhibition.
11:06Was this done with one of these?
11:08No, probably with a Handy.
11:10With a Handy.
11:11We have another case.
11:12Let's see.
11:13We have another case, which is the one you were talking about, Facundo.
11:14We share it.
11:15Let's go.
11:17Listen to it.
11:18David Calafan has come up.
11:19Female, dressed in black and white.
11:22Apparently, he would have an inhibitor in his belongings.
11:26He's even grabbing the person.
11:29The female tries to open a vehicle,
11:32turning inside.
11:35500 meters, ma'am.
11:37Up there.
11:39Captured, sir.
11:41For the motorcycle staff, it's the female.
11:44The female is with the female.
11:46The female is with the female.
11:48It would be that female who would be identifying him.
11:52It's the same one who tried to open the vehicle.
11:56Well, this could also be debunked.
11:58Look, there's the Handy, which is the same as yours.
12:00Stop the image.
12:01Let's see if we can go back a minute.
12:03It's the same.
12:04Let's see if we can go back a minute.
12:06It doesn't matter.
12:07But notice that it has the same Handy
12:10that Lupin just showed us here.
12:12The model is practically the same.
12:14What changes is that this one has a double frequency
12:16and that one has a button.
12:18But in practice, it's the same.
12:19There it is, look.
12:20There it is.
12:21And this could also be detected by the monitoring
12:23of security cameras in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires.
12:27But if not, it happens.
12:28It's a crime trend that is growing more and more.
12:31Because before they were isolated.
12:33Of course, there were some stories.
12:35But now there are many scams that are made
12:38where devices like this one appear.
12:40Or the operatives that are made,
12:42such as this one in Balvanera.
12:48Let's see if we have it.
12:49Let's go to Balvanera.
12:50There it is, let's see.
12:52Now, yes.
12:53Sir, today you are generating a letter to Corinthia Escuenega.
12:56Two males, one of them,
12:57apparently, would have an inhibition apartment.
13:00A 40-year-old male,
13:02he has a black vest,
13:04a belt below, black color,
13:06blue jeans, brown shoes.
13:09The second male, green shirt,
13:10backpack placed on his back, black color,
13:12jeans, dark shoes with white soles,
13:14with glasses.
13:16QSL, QSL.
13:17Perceived, you are entering the place.
13:21Captured, go to 321.
13:23There, we proceed to the detention and inspection of these males.
13:27Monitoring, are those two, right?
13:29Affirmative, sir.
13:30The male in the vest,
13:31would have inside the vest,
13:33the apparent device, sir.
13:36Well, captured.
13:38There is the person.
13:39There it is.
13:40Well, it's always the device
13:41that ends up confirming the criminal action, right?
13:44You say, if you are not a radio amateur
13:46and you are accredited to carry the handy,
13:48you are in the oven because there is no other reason
13:51to have it other than crying.
13:54There are many the same,
13:55those that are in the constructions, for example, that are used.
13:57They do not use these models,
13:58they use those that are of channels,
14:00that give them the frequency.
14:01Of course.
14:02Those cannot be, as such,
14:03as this one, put the frequency,
14:05although you can pre-program it.
14:07The problem is that the sale of this is very free,
14:11which in part is fine,
14:12because it is not something for,
14:14it's like I,
14:15but I was going to the knife sale,
14:17because I can kill someone.
14:18Yes, it is clear.
14:19It is the same.
14:20It is clear, it is not the end.
14:21If you think we are going to share the case of Filiol,
14:23the world champion in 78,
14:26which is a fact,
14:27let's say it's like manual,
14:29because they inhibit the signal of the car,
14:31they steal the keys to the house
14:33and then they enter the house.
14:36We have the first part to share,
14:38which are the security cameras.
14:39Let's see.
14:42Of course, the duck had gone to eat with his wife,
14:44I think they were celebrating a birthday,
14:46if I remember correctly.
14:47Yes, a birthday.
14:48And that's where they open the car,
14:52they steal the vehicle,
14:54they steal the key to the house
14:57and they are going to stop at the duck's house.
15:00And now I'm going to remember with Leo
15:02something that they steal,
15:03very precious to the dear duck,
15:05which is the world champion medal.
15:06The world champion medal,
15:08a medal that I understand
15:09that he was able to recover over time,
15:11but that had been,
15:13maybe for the duck,
15:14the most valuable thing they had stolen
15:17for what it meant,
15:19for having been his moment of splendor
15:21at a football level
15:22and the medal he was able to recover
15:24with the passage of time.
15:25Yes, if you agree,
15:26we remember how he asked for the return of the medal.
15:28Very good duck, right?
15:30Poor duck.
15:31A huge kiss from here to the dear duck.
15:32Of course, yes.
15:33Great archer, great archer.
15:35River and Racing had it.
15:36Poor you.
15:37Yes, of course.
15:38Yes, of course,
15:39and we also had it a bit.
15:40We all had it.
15:41Ah, that's also true.
15:42That too.
15:43He was the archer of the team.
15:44Well, that's how the duck complained,
15:45Mari, not when they stole the medal.
15:46Yes, and he asked for the restitution.
15:48I'm here to leave you a message,
15:50it's not something nice,
15:51but a message at the end,
15:52that will make me feel good,
15:54if it is carried out.
15:56I have decided to communicate to those
15:58who took the medal from me
16:00when I died in 1978,
16:02and many medals from my sporting career,
16:05which represent my sporting life,
16:07to give you a reward.
16:11to you,
16:12this is of no use.
16:14For me, it's life.
16:15For me, it's life.
16:16It's my sporting life.
16:18It's the life of my children,
16:20of my family.
16:21So I decided to give you a reward.
16:24Absolute silence,
16:26and you can go to all my networks,
16:30and also to Dr. Fernando Burlando,
16:35who put himself in my position,
16:36thank you very much.
16:38And also to him,
16:39at BurlandoFernando.com
16:44And well, from there,
16:46the reward will be given
16:48with the objects brought back.
16:52So, well,
16:53I would like you to disseminate it.
16:55They are broken there, of course.
16:56We appeal to this archive at this moment,
16:58because we are obviously realizing
17:00how Marina proliferates
17:02the thefts with inhibitors.
17:03Yes, the question is,
17:04how do we take care of this?
17:06How do we take care?
17:07What can we do to prevent
17:09the signal from being inhibited,
17:10beyond the obvious,
17:11which is to check again
17:12that the door is closed, right?
17:13It's complicated, really.
17:14It's complicated because,
17:15as it is radiofrequency,
17:16it is something that is like air,
17:18it is difficult to try to block that.
17:21As you said,
17:22the best way is to prove
17:23that the door is closed,
17:25or as you have a friend,
17:26do not have an alarm.
17:28Ah, ok.
17:29Lupín, I have a question.
17:30In Europe they sell you
17:31a kind of card holder
17:34to inhibit that they steal you,
17:38that someone approaches you
17:39in public transport,
17:40you go on the street,
17:41and that they steal you
17:42by putting the postnet on your wallet.
17:44It's like a special technology, right?
17:46I mean, how do you inhibit it?
17:47Or how do you do it?
17:48That special technology
17:49is literally aluminum foil.
17:51It's the famous Faraday cage.
17:54It's basically an aluminum foil
17:56with the shape of a card
17:57or a card holder
17:58made of aluminum
17:59with protection inside
18:00that, when you put the card in,
18:01blocks those that are
18:02in the radiofrequency signal,
18:04both outside and inside.
18:05I mean,
18:06just by approaching you,
18:07for example,
18:08in a subway,
18:09or in a bus,
18:10if they approach you
18:11to steal your card data.
18:13For example,
18:14with the flipper
18:15we can see a couple of data
18:16of the card,
18:17not all of them,
18:18but we can capture a couple.
18:19And not only with the flipper,
18:20but even with the phone
18:21we can do that.
18:22But wait,
18:23if I have a postnet,
18:25no, no,
18:26what Horacio said
18:27scared me.
18:28I have a postnet,
18:29I put that
18:30you made a purchase
18:31and you have to pay me
18:32160,000 pesos.
18:33Did you see that
18:34when you support the card
18:35nobody asks you for anything?
18:37They don't even ask you
18:38for your ID,
18:41So if I approach
18:42your wallet
18:43and you have a
18:44contactless card,
18:45can I generate a payment?
18:48The way to avoid it
18:49is with the card holder,
18:50the covers,
18:51which is the Faraday cage.
18:53Aluminum, of course.
18:54Or wrap it in aluminum paper,
18:55the debit card.
18:57now they are sold
18:58by Mercado Libre and everything,
18:59they are sold in wallets
19:00that have the card holder part.
19:01Some cards
19:03approach you
19:04with a flipper,
19:05a phone,
19:06a postnet,
19:08cannot be read.
19:10it's a consequence
19:11in terms of creativity.
19:12It was shocking.
19:13Of course,
19:14how they build technology
19:15to inevitably
19:16realize this.
19:17And you also know
19:18that I was thinking,
19:19going over some testimonies
19:20of victims
19:21of these events,
19:22a man
19:23to whom they had
19:24entered the car,
19:25they stole his house key,
19:26the same as the duck.
19:27He said that they had
19:29that the key
19:30to the gate of his house
19:31also be wrapped
19:32in aluminum paper.
19:33But what do we have to do, Marina?
19:35And leave it
19:36as far away as possible
19:37from the window
19:38so that it does not
19:39tend to have
19:40a sort of
19:42or furniture
19:43at the entrance
19:44that will leave it
19:45far from the entrance,
19:46as far as possible
19:47at the other end of the house
19:48and wrapped
19:49in aluminum paper.
19:50It depends a lot on that.
19:51If the key
19:52he uses
19:53is close by,
19:54that is,
19:55it has some
19:56Bluetooth technology
19:57or something
19:59being close,
20:00like modern cars,
20:01when it is close,
20:02it opens automatically,
20:03there it is.
20:04There is an attack method
20:05that you have probably seen
20:06that has a giant antenna
20:07and that technology
20:08is by proximity
20:09to, for example,
20:10the Tesla.
20:11I did not see that.
20:12What is the antenna?
20:13It is a repeater.
20:14It is an antenna
20:15that is a little tuned.
20:16It repeats the signal.
20:18They approach the window
20:19where they suppose
20:20they have the key,
20:21which can be a
20:22common car key
20:23that opens the car
20:24by proximity,
20:25simply not by the button
20:26or something,
20:27and when they approach it
20:28with that giant antenna,
20:29they repeat the signal
20:30and when they are close,
20:31they open it.
20:32And with your own key
20:33they speak to you in the car,
20:34even if it is closed,
20:35even if you have closed it well.
20:36How long can it take
20:37to say,
20:38I go shopping,
20:39I leave the car,
20:40I park,
20:41I close the car?
20:42How long does it take?
20:43Is there a time period
20:44so that they can open it
20:45or can they open it
20:46at any time?
20:47Of the tests I did
20:48that I upload on Instagram
20:49and YouTube,
20:50it was understood, right?
20:51It was understood,
20:54if there is a time window
20:55for them to enter the car
20:56and after that it closes
20:57or not?
20:58Of the tests I did
20:59that are on YouTube,
21:00on Instagram,
21:01on my social networks
21:02and I did it
21:03in the communities
21:04like the ones
21:05in the communities
21:06like Ecoparty,
21:07as soon as they capture
21:08the signal
21:09of the key,
21:10they can enter you
21:11whenever they want.
21:12At any time?
21:13If you, for example,
21:14So it doesn't make sense
21:15for example,
21:16to close
21:17and wait.
21:18Wait, I don't know,
21:19five minutes
21:20and recheck
21:21that it is closed
21:22or check manually?
21:23The problem is
21:24that if you have
21:25what is the
21:26rolling code,
21:27which are several codes,
21:28the original alarm,
21:29or you have
21:30what are more modern
21:32which is generation
21:33by cryptographic key,
21:34if we go to the test
21:35that is closed
21:36and it doesn't open,
21:37that's it.
21:38That's it.
21:39It's rolling code,
21:40change the code.
21:41Unless you have
21:42a repeater
21:43and your key is close.
21:44Unless the fox
21:45goes with the antenna.
21:46If you have a car
21:47as modern as that
21:48but it has to be
21:49at a very close distance.
21:50Very close.
21:51Very, very close.
21:52The most common thing
21:53here in Argentina
21:54is that they use devices
21:55like the flipper
21:56to capture that signal
21:57but being the cars
21:58that 90%
21:59have what is
22:00the rolling code,
22:01it is very complicated
22:02because they have to
22:03capture it
22:04and then send it.
22:05And there you realize
22:06that the car opens.
22:08do they hire you
22:09as a consortium,
22:10for example,
22:11to prevent this
22:12from happening
22:13with electric keys,
22:14with gates?
22:15I have my job
22:16in Mercado Libre,
22:17in the part of
22:18cyber security,
22:19right in the part
22:20of Postnet,
22:21but before
22:22entering there,
22:24they talked to me
22:25a lot to see
22:26what could be done
22:27and do a couple
22:28of tests,
22:29always more
22:30in the communities
22:31like Ecoparty,
22:32I don't know,
22:33I don't know
22:34if they have
22:35a website
22:36or something like that,
22:37but they
22:38talked to me
22:39a lot to see
22:40what could be
22:42and do a couple
22:43of tests,
22:44always more
22:45in the community
22:46like Ecoparty,
22:47but before
22:48entering there,
22:50they talked to me
22:51a lot to see
22:52what could be
22:54and do a couple
22:55of tests,
22:56always more
22:57in the community
22:58like Ecoparty,
22:59but before
23:00entering there,
23:01I don't know
23:02if they have
23:03a website
23:04or something like
23:06but before
23:07entering there,
23:09they talked to me
23:10a lot to see
23:11what could be
23:13and do a couple
23:14of tests,
23:15always more
23:16in the community
23:17like Ecoparty,
23:18but before
23:19entering there,
23:21they talked to me
23:22a lot to see
23:23what could be
23:25and do a couple
23:26of tests,
23:27always more
23:28in the community
23:29like Ecoparty,
23:30but before
23:31entering there,
23:33they talked to me
23:34a lot to see
23:35what could be
23:37and do a couple
23:38of tests,
23:39always more
23:40in the community
23:41like Ecoparty,
23:42but before
23:43entering there,
23:45they talked to me
23:46a lot to see
23:47what could be
23:49and do a couple
23:50of tests,
23:51always more
23:52in the community
23:53like Ecoparty,
23:54but before
23:55entering there,
23:57they talked to me
23:58a lot to see
23:59what could be
24:01and do a couple
24:02of tests,
24:03always more
24:04in the community
24:05like Ecoparty,
24:06but before
24:07entering there,
24:09they talked to me
24:10a lot to see
24:11what could be
24:13and do a couple
24:14of tests,
24:15always more
24:16in the community
24:17like Ecoparty,
24:18but before
24:19entering there,
24:21they talked to me
24:22a lot to see
24:23what could be
24:25and do a couple
24:26of tests,
24:27always more
24:28in the community
24:29like Ecoparty,
24:30but before
24:31entering there,
24:33they talked to me
24:34a lot to see
24:35what could be
24:37and do a couple
24:38of tests,
24:39always more
24:40in the community
24:41like Ecoparty,
24:42but before
24:43entering there,
24:45they talked to me
24:46a lot to see
24:47what could be
24:49and do a couple
24:50of tests,
24:51always more
24:52in the community
24:53like Ecoparty,
24:54but before
24:55entering there,
24:57they talked to me
24:58a lot to see
24:59what could be
25:01and do a couple
25:02of tests,
25:03always more
25:04in the community
25:05like Ecoparty,
25:06but before
25:07entering there,
25:09they talked to me
25:10a lot to see
25:11what could be
25:13and do a couple
25:14of tests,
25:15always more
25:16in the community
25:17like Ecoparty,
25:18but before
25:19entering there,
25:21they talked to me
25:22a lot to see
25:23what could be
25:25and do a couple
25:26of tests,
25:27always more
25:28in the community
25:29like Ecoparty,
25:30but before
25:31entering there,
25:33they talked to me
25:34a lot to see
25:35what could be
25:37and do a couple
25:38of tests,
25:39always more
25:40in the community
25:41like Ecoparty,
25:42but before
25:43entering there,
25:45they talked to me
25:46a lot to see
25:47what could be
25:49and do a couple
25:50of tests,
25:51always more
25:52in the community
25:53like Ecoparty,
25:54but before
25:55entering there,
25:57they talked to me
25:58a lot to see
25:59what could be
26:01and do a couple
26:02of tests,
26:03always more
26:04in the community
26:05like Ecoparty,
26:06but before
26:07entering there,
26:09they talked to me
26:10a lot to see
26:11what could be
26:13and do a couple
26:14of tests,
26:15always more
26:16in the community
26:17like Ecoparty,
26:18but before
26:19entering there,
26:21they talked to me
26:22a lot to see
26:23what could be
26:25and do a couple
26:26of tests,
26:27always more
26:28in the community
26:29like Ecoparty,
26:30but before
26:31entering there,
26:33they talked to me
26:34a lot to see
26:35what could be
26:37and do a couple
26:38of tests,
26:39always more
26:40in the community
26:41like Ecoparty,
26:42but before
26:43entering there,
26:45they talked to me
26:46a lot to see
26:47what could be
26:49and do a couple
26:50of tests,
26:51always more
26:52in the community
