• 2 months ago
👉 Dos albañiles que trabajaban en Bernal se convirtieron en héroes inesperados al intervenir en un intento de robo. Los obreros, no dudaron en correr tras los delincuentes y lograron evitar el robo. La víctima, identificada como Nicolás, a pesar de ser golpeado, no sufrió daños mayores gracias a la rápida acción de estos trabajadores.

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00:00Sometimes it comes out, that is, if he had been there, he would have given him a hand, he would have helped, he would have tried to prevent it from happening to him, and especially sometimes it is issues linked to a robbery.
00:12Look at what these two Albañiles did in Bernal, which just, I'm not saying they turned into heroes, but more or less.
00:50Look, he defends the victim, who is called Nicolás, as he can, with what he has, with his fists, and from afar there he comes, look, he literally tackles this criminal, the partner runs him and they end up leaving on those motorcycles that had arrived.
01:09And the accomplices also escape with the motorcycle, the four of them, the two came on the motorcycles, you see that the motorcycles stop, waiting for him to finish stealing to be able to escape from there, from the area, and there he is.
01:22Because you notice that there are the three that are acting together.
01:26Of course, yes, yes, yes.
01:27That one who falls, not the one who comes running, the one who falls is one of the criminals.
01:30Of course, of course.
01:31That there he is running.
01:32That he is running, of course, they look surprised.
01:34Nicolás was going to the neighborhood club, Deportivo Juventud de Bernal, where his son started his colony, he had left work before, yes, on a holiday, but to be able to accompany his son for a little while, he did not have much in his power other than that backpack.
01:55They were sitting, look, you will see now when the video begins, they were sitting, you see in the left margin of the screen, you will see, there where there is a second post, there they are, you see?
02:06The albañiles.
02:07Ah, the albañiles.
02:08Do you see that they are there on the side?
02:10There, the motorcycle has already passed, back there.
02:12Of course, they see the movement, one of them will later be seen, the sequence is cut, which is incorporated there, and there comes the other one, who comes in the race and is thrown over him.
02:22But what an instinct, right? He ran out, when he saw the injustice, he ran out.
02:26The fear that they are armed.
02:29But you see, sometimes you don't think about those things, but you act directly and luckily it goes well.
02:33Diego de Nicolás is on the phone, Diego.
02:37How are you Javi, good morning. Yes, this is the place of Bernal, look at this street that sometimes becomes a place with few people, with little traffic, why? Because here is the club you referred to.
02:51So it's a long wall, you see that when there are long walls, sometimes the criminals take advantage of these circumstances to, well, appear as a surprise.
03:00On this side, yes, there are houses, but perhaps the most striking thing is that there in the background is the road, the road of the rock, here in Bernal.
03:08So this little street becomes almost like a little street with little traffic.
03:12So when there is a little street with little traffic, the criminals take advantage of it to do these things.
03:19But of course, the criminals did not count, because the boys were working here on the sidewalk of the club to, well, try to help and defend the victim.
03:29And these two are the heroes of this situation, and the two are called César.
03:34And well, they are not only kind, but also brave, who managed to participate in this.
03:39How are you César?
03:40Good morning.
03:41How are you?
03:44Working under the sun, nothing happens, but also activating when you have to activate when a neighbor, a friend is in trouble, right?
03:52Yes, exactly.
03:54How did you realize that they were robbing you?
03:57First I realized that they were fighting, and then when I asked for help, I recognized Nico's voice and face.
04:06And then I realized that they were robbing him, and I went to attack him anyway.
04:13Look, you were here at the door of the club, right? Or were you further away?
04:16I was a little further away.
04:17A little further away.
04:18Come on, let's walk a little.
04:20How far did you walk? Because you had to run several meters, right?
04:24I ran here, and here I see him, he raises his face and asks for help.
04:33He is lying here where this car is, more or less.
04:36Here, in this ...
04:38This is his blood.
04:39This is his blood. That is, not only did they hit him, but they hurt him a lot.
04:43Yes, they hurt him a lot. They kicked him, they hit him in the eye, they left his eye closed.
04:50How cool.
04:51Yes, but ...
04:52How is he now?
04:53He is much better, he is much better, he is recovering.
04:57Now, many times there are some neighbors in these circumstances, they have a certain fear of getting involved,
05:04because maybe the criminals are armed. How did you react in that way?
05:09No, the neighbors also thought it was a fight, and then they also realized it was a robbery.
05:17And then they come to help them too.
05:19Well, and you thought, let's say, that the best way to act was throwing yourself with all your body on him.
05:25Yes, exactly, because he was bigger than me.
05:28He was bigger than you.
05:29And with a kick, I don't think anything happened.
05:34No, I wasn't going to get him down or anything.
05:38And then he decides to get on the motorcycle and go.
05:41And as I saw the video, he hits me a little and he goes out through the curb and then he gets on.
05:52To the motorcycle that was more forward.
05:54Now, you didn't even think about it.
05:55No, to the one that was here.
05:56It was instinctive, right?
05:57Now, of course, you directly tell me, here my partner tells me, you didn't even think about it, it was instinctive to throw yourself like that.
06:04No, I didn't think about it, I directly went to rescue a fight and then it was a robbery.
06:13Ah, first you thought it was a fight, of course, and that's when you warned that it was a more serious situation, more complicated.
06:19Yes, exactly.
06:22Did they come to steal something from Nico?
06:24No, unfortunately not. I think you were able to get the things out of him.
06:28Yes, I got everything out of him.
06:29Ah, he got everything back.
06:31Yes, because I told the big guy that he wanted to get everything out of him, he left me everything on the floor.
06:42He took it by surprise and then he let go of the things.
06:47He took some things out of him.
06:49Yes, yes, yes.
06:50I got everything out of him.
06:53When I throw him, I get everything back, I mean, directly.
06:57Because I throw him and he lets go because of the impact that he falls to the floor, because he also hits the floor.
07:06Yes, Javi, you wanted to ask me.
07:08The friend who is also big, because look at the arms he has.
07:11Yes, look.
07:14The criminal is also big.
07:16He is big.
07:17In fact, I tell you, the criminal, now we are going to show you an image.
07:20The criminal also falls, but then tries to resist and realizes that he has to go and runs away with both of them on the motorcycle.
07:29Yes, yes, that's why Cesar says here, as you can see, the criminal is big.
07:36You are corpulent.
07:38Then he says.
07:39He was bigger.
07:40That's why.
07:41The best way is to throw yourself up.
07:43Yes, directly.
07:44Because with a kick nothing was going to happen anyway.
07:48Were you armed?
07:49No, I didn't see.
07:51Actually, I didn't even get to see if they had weapons or other accomplices.
07:56I didn't even see the third one.
07:59I saw the one on the motorcycle that was standing here and the other one that was hitting him.
08:03And the victim, could you see him later?
08:06Did you talk to the victim?
08:08Did he give you something?
08:09I don't know, I don't know.
08:11Yes, actually, the victim, who is called Nico, is known to them because he is from the area, from the neighborhood.
08:18Then, of course, he works in the place.
08:21Swimming teacher.
08:22Swimming teacher.
08:23Yes, yes.
08:25And well, you guys talked in the last few hours, you tell me it's better.
08:28Yes, yes.
08:29You have to pay for a barbecue at least, right, Diego?
08:31Thank God, all that.
08:33And you're going to pay for a barbecue.
08:36Some chorizitos.
08:38But no, no, no.
08:39We didn't do it for the barbecue.
08:41Of course we did.
08:42Of course we did.
08:43In fact, I tell you, when I saw him, I thought it was just any person.
08:48I managed to recognize him when I turned him around, after they had left.
08:53I turned him around and recognized him.
08:55I said, Nico, and it was him.
08:57I never recognized him at any time.
09:00And is the neighborhood brave, guys?
09:02Is the neighborhood brave?
09:03There are a lot of robberies.
09:05Is the neighborhood brave or how is it?
09:07Do you know of similar events?
09:09Look, people say that they are robbing Calambre around here,
09:14but maybe yes, maybe not.
09:17Yesterday I went to buy a kiosk and they robbed the bakery.
09:23That's it.
09:24They emptied the house.
09:26And the next day?
09:27And this was the next day?
09:29Yes, the next day.
09:30Well, every day goes by.
09:32Every day goes by.
09:33We don't know how it is.
09:35Well, guys, I thank you.
09:36I don't want to delay you any longer because the cement is going to break and you're going to have to throw it away.
09:40We haven't thrown it away yet.
09:43You're going to have to stay with us.
09:45They're making the sidewalk.
09:46You don't know how the sidewalk is going to look.
09:47I can imagine.
09:48I can imagine.
09:49Well, look, Diego.
09:50There is a fact that, Diego, look.
09:52I was just looking in detail.
09:55This is when the delinquent arrives, the pinch that he gives the victim.
09:59Yes, it's crazy.
10:00You'll see.
10:01You'll see how he arrives.
10:02And almost with the shipment, he gives him a blowjob.
10:05That's why one of the Albanians said he left his eye closed.
10:09Because they are surprised.
10:10These cowards, in addition to being delinquents, deserve the worst.
10:14Look, look, there he goes.
10:17Did you see the blowjob he gave him?
10:19In the eye.
10:20Almost knocked out.
10:21It could have been.
10:22If it were boxing, it would have been.
10:24They do it to stun you and not give you the reaction.
10:27Let's say, right?
10:28But they also hit betrayal.
10:30Because the man is about to close the door of the car.
10:34He's half back, of course.
10:36He is surprised by the blowjob.
10:38Then they throw him on the floor and he is lying there.
10:40He can't move.
10:41Of the pain.
10:42No, no.
10:43He was lying.
10:45He didn't see him.
10:46I always say the same thing.
10:47These guys who pretend to be brave or pretend to be alive.
10:49When they end up in prison, they end up crying a lot.
10:51Because they don't take them to far places.
10:53Because of the mother, because of the father, because of the son.
10:56Because of whatever.
10:57You have to take them far away and let them learn at once.
11:01And it's over.
11:02But the Maldives stole piranhas waiting for the person.
11:05The other two motorbikes ahead so that they get on quickly and go with the motorcycle.
11:09That blow, you say.
11:10Of course.
11:12The pineapple, the pineapple they give him there.
11:13It's a direct pineapple.
11:15And he was rescued by two men who were putting their shoulders, working.
11:49Well, it is the idea.
11:51Work is what, beyond dignifying one, what it does, do you know what?
11:55Be good people.
11:56Because with your perspiration, you earn the salary.
12:00And so you live and take the money home.
12:03Not stealing from others.
12:04Like this shit.
12:05A swimming teacher.
12:06Who came from work and went down there.
12:10Go see your son, to the colony.
12:15that fight will have risen so early to finish that path, to give an example
12:20also to his family, to his children. Also this is Argentina, right? Of so many people,
12:24working soul, good people. Sure, on one side and on the other. The two sides of the coin, right?
12:30The crap and the people we want. Thank you, Diego.
12:39And this is last minute news and we share images that really impact.
12:49A man who saves himself from a miracle. Pay attention to this motorcycle that comes in La Plata.
12:59Avenida 530, Avenida Circulando. Look, the motorcycle got stuck in the front of the car.
13:04Exactly. What happens is that almost arriving at the intersection with 175, the traffic light changes.
13:11That's why he slows down, trying to stop at that traffic light in red.
13:16And the driver who comes in the Ford Ka behind him does not perceive that change of light.
13:23And he takes it literally, drags it. As in a second, it can take your life. Injuries, of course.
13:32Besides, it's a blow from behind. You don't expect it. You don't expect it. The waist, the back, the cervix, everything.
13:39And besides, he takes it flying, ends up hitting the asphalt. Luckily he had a helmet.
13:45Look, there it goes again. Let's see how it was exactly. The traffic light.
13:51Look, it just cut us off. There, let's see.
13:54It's that motorcycle that comes in La Piatonal.
13:58And it doesn't stop.
14:00At least 40, 50 meters that drags him.
14:04In a distraction, obviously, from the driver. It may have come with the cell phone.
14:09He never put the brake.
14:11He never put the brake. He approaches. I think he can't even believe it.
14:16No, I can't believe it.
14:18He's sitting there on the curb.
14:20He could have killed her.
14:22He gets to medical assistance. He had mild injuries.
14:27It ends up being a miracle.
14:29A miracle.
14:30Of course, it's not that he hit the brakes on the motorcycle.
14:33Besides, if you run over the one in front, because he brakes, it's always your fault.
14:38Not the one who braked.
14:42He was decelerating the motorcycle. And the car didn't.
14:45What would he be doing?
14:47Notice that the rest of the cars, even the motorcycle behind, do brake at the red light.
14:52Yes, of course.
14:53No, he kept going straight.
14:55He never perceived the change of light. He never saw it.
14:57Exactly. Look how he walks.
15:00I don't know how he survived this.
15:02Well, the helmet is fundamental.
15:05In yesterday's case, we saw the motorcycle of the woman who ends up dead up there on the roof.
15:10She didn't have a helmet.
15:11In Lomas de Zamora.
15:12In Lomas de Zamora.
15:14I think Antonella trusted that he was going to a block and a half from the house.
15:20And even if he goes a block and a half, the helmet.
15:22Yes, the helmet is fundamental.
15:23Because if you don't kill yourself, you end up with brain damage or body damage.
15:29For the cervical, the head, obviously a major neurological damage.
15:34The helmet saves you from a lot of things.
15:37It seems not, but yes, it's like that.
15:40It's tremendous.
15:41He accelerated.
15:42Because you see, when you are about to arrive, instead of slowing down, the speed increases.
15:46Yes, yes.
15:47It's like he was looking the other way.
15:51Because that's what it looked like.
15:52The man falls on top of the hood, from behind.
15:54He turns around in the air.
15:56He falls on the hood and almost runs him over.
15:58You see? He almost runs him over.
16:01And luckily what is stuck under the car is the motorcycle.
16:04It's the motorcycle.
16:05That ends up dragging him.
16:06Maybe that also saves him, right?
16:08Unlike, for example, in this case, the Brazilian.
16:12He was run over by the car and was left under the vehicle.
16:15Well, a motorcyclist who was saved, exactly, by a miracle.
16:19After a ferocious crash there in La Plata.
