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As Gulf News turns 41, we spoke to readers about the impact the newspaper has had in their life, and how Gulf News has reflected the changing times. Visit gulfnews.com for more. #gulfnews #news
00:00Storytelling is an art, whether it's a political story, or a social story, or a human story.
00:20And largely stories work because the narrative works, and that's exactly the reason my beautiful
00:28relationship with Gulf News for all these years.
00:31And so for me, personally, Gulf News has been this beautiful window to the world out there.
00:37And I've seen Gulf News also evolving, just like the city of Dubai has beautifully evolved
00:43over the years in terms of style, technology, and content.
00:48So I wish Gulf News continues to tell more stories, more beautiful stories, and make
00:55our existence in UAE a beautiful experience.
00:58Hi, my name is Adeep, and I study in Grade 12.
01:03Gulf News has helped me a lot.
01:06I used to read the newspaper ever since I was a little child.
01:10And I went through the newspaper, not for reading articles, or not for obtaining knowledge,
01:16but just to get the pictures of one of the best cars in town that would feature in the
01:22But as time went by, my bond with the newspaper grew, and I started to read the newspaper
01:28this time to obtain knowledge and information about how the world was and is.
01:35And I'm thankful from the depth of my heart on how Gulf News has actually helped me shape
01:41my opinion and views about how the world is.
