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Apple Inc. announced the AirPods Pro, a higher-end version of its popular wireless headphones that add noise-cancellation, water-resistance and a new design.

Scott from Overclocked got his hands on the device to see if it will live up to the hype.
00:00Alright, let's recap.
00:022016, three years ago.
00:04Apple puts out this little product and really kind of shakes everyone up.
00:07It's better than anyone thinks it's going to be, probably even Apple.
00:13It brought up the question back there, who wants to walk around with these things sticking
00:17out of your ear?
00:18Well, the answer for most people was almost everybody.
00:20These would quickly become some of the most popular earphones in the world.
00:24So of course, it was only a matter of time before Apple came out with these.
00:28These are the new AirPod Pros.
00:30The case is a little bit wider and it certainly is a major reconstruction of the old AirPods.
00:39The old ones were straight up and down and didn't go into your ear.
00:43The new ones actually insert directly into your ear and are a little smaller, a little
00:48more balanced, but you get the same battery life out of them.
00:52Now, Apple's decision to actually change to this particular style has actually upset a
00:57lot of people online because a lot of people say, I don't want to stick something directly
01:01in my ear.
01:02One of the most popular things about the old AirPods was that they didn't stick in your
01:08They just sort of sat there outside of it and it fit pretty much for everybody.
01:11But some people don't want these in their ears.
01:15The problem is with these though, is that you really do need to go into the ear canal
01:19if you want better sound because these little plastic tabs on the end actually seal up with
01:25the eardrum and give you better sound quality.
01:27Now, the question at the end of the day is, are these better than the old version?
01:32In terms of sound quality, they're actually much better.
01:36For their size should be the caveat there.
01:38If you want really good sound, if you're an audiophile and you really want to hear every
01:43note and every sound, you're probably better sticking off of Bose or Sony or even Beats.
01:49But for the size that these come in, and this includes anything which comes with the wire,
01:53these have much better sound quality.
01:54Now, they're not perfect.
01:56If you're listening to some bass-heavy music and you put it up as loud as you can go, you'll
02:00start to notice there's some distortion there.
02:02It's not necessarily perfect, but it's still a lot better than these were.
02:05So what makes these so smart?
02:07Well, first of all, there's actually three microphones inside.
02:11Now, one of those microphones is actually so you can talk to the people on the phone.
02:15They can hear you.
02:16But two of the other microphones are actually there to help determine whether or not the
02:20sound you're hearing in your ear is ideal.
02:23Apple has actually put together some software on the phone which, when you do a test, will
02:27tell you whether or not you've got a good seal.
02:30If you don't have a good seal, your ear's too big or your ear's too small, not everyone's
02:34ears are the same size, you can actually take off the plastic tip and replace it with two
02:39others that are bigger or smaller.
02:42And they also fit right back on.
02:43And then you can do that test again to see if they actually fit better than they should.
02:48Apple has also thrown in a few other tricks on the new AirPods.
02:51For starters, it has what's called a transparency mode, which means if you still want to hear
02:56people around you when you talk, you can actually put it on transparency.
03:00It'll still have some active noise cancellation features which may drown out some of the background
03:05noise so you only can hear maybe people or talk or something else.
03:09You can also turn that off entirely if you just want these to be normal earphones where
03:12you can hear everything else going around you.
03:14But it also has a noise cancellation feature where you can put headphones in and you can
03:19basically block out almost everything.
03:21Now these aren't perfect, Apple would like to say they're pretty good on noise cancellation.
03:26Even when I turn the volume way up, I can still hear people talk.
03:29So don't necessarily believe all that, but they're better than most, especially for a
03:32product this size.
03:33A couple of things about these new AirPods, especially for yous who don't like putting
03:38things in your ear.
03:40First of all, Apple has actually put vents on the back of the AirPods.
03:45Why would they put vents here?
03:47So that when you put these things in your ear, you're not building up pressure inside.
03:50Also, because you're putting something in your ear, well, you don't want to be tapping
03:55on something that actually, you know, is right next to your ear canal.
03:59So the old way of controlling the Apple AirPods by tapping them once or tapping them twice
04:04has been gone away with.
04:06Apple has now introduced a new way to control the AirPods.
04:09So you'll be able to control these just by squeezing the bottom once, twice, or three
04:15Now, these are 999 durhams, which is a significant step up from the other AirPods that are out
04:21there, which come in at around 600 durhams.
04:24So you're really going to have to want to listen to better quality stuff.
04:28But then again, it isn't necessarily the greatest audio quality of all time.
04:33Although it's certainly better than any of the wired devices you would have find out
04:37there even last year.
04:39It's a very good audio system.
04:40If you're looking to purchase these, these are on sale today in the Apple Store and around
04:45Hope you enjoy them.