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Dubai is almost ready to welcome the world for Expo 2020. The UAE Pavilion is closely located to Wasl Plaza. It has four storeys totalling 15,000 sqm, a dedicated hospitality space on the top floor and will be full of exhibitions showcasing Emirati culture and achievements.

#Expo2020 #Tour #GreatestShow
00:00Hello everybody this is Yusra Zaki reporting for Gulf News. We are here at
00:04the Volunteer Center at the Expo 2020 site and we've just done a tour. It's
00:09coming up really well. If you look around you'll see like so many of the
00:13inventions that came up during World Expos and we've seen and tried out a few
00:18of them. So we're here on the Expo 2020 sort of a tour and I wanted to ask you
00:41like how's it looking? What's the progress like? It's fantastic. I mean
00:45these tours are organized as a way of outreaching to the community because a
00:49lot of people ask us questions about what is an Expo, what exactly happens at
00:52an Expo and what we tell people is not only you've got to know what happens at
00:56an Expo as a visitor but as a nation we have a collective responsibility to
01:00invite what we call 192 countries coming to us or 25 million visitors who will
01:05visit us in the next six months starting October of this year and it's really
01:10our responsibility to come together as a nation. It's our opportunity to shine
01:14and tell our story. So this bus tours are part of what we are as outreach
01:18program. We invite members of community to come in and experience these tours
01:21and clearly see for themselves the scale and the size of the Expo. So we're
01:26heading to the main site shortly for a hardhat tour so we'll be walking around
01:30the construction site. Obviously we'll be very protected with headgear, the
01:34correct footwear and safety vests. So stick with us and we'll be walking
01:51So we are on the site at Expo 2020. We are actually right at the center of the
01:58Expo site at the Wessel Dome which has actually been completed and lifted into
02:03place. The dome is sort of designed to look like the logo of Expo 2020 and it
02:09will be a very very big attraction during the October to April months of
02:162020 to 2021. During Expo 2020 the Wessel Dome is going to be the largest 360
02:23degrees projection surface in the entire world. So this is the end of our Expo
02:282020 Dubai site. We are really looking forward to seeing the greatest show on
02:33earth in October 2020 so stay with us. This is Yusra reporting for Gulf News.
