Story Introduction :
Voiceover : Vikram was a famous painter. He could even capture the hidden emotions in someone's eyes on his canvas. The desires of someone's heart, unfulfilled dreams or any other emotion, seemed to come alive on the canvas through Vikram's brush.
Voiceover : Vikram's fame as a modern artist or a painter of today had spread all over the country. His paintings used to sell out instantly in exhibitions. There was no dearth of money. Despite having all the comforts of the world, Vikram also had a big weakness and that was addiction to alcohol. A few days ago, family doctor Sonali had warned him after seeing his medical report.
Dr. Sonali : Painter sahab, be careful. You have grade three fatty liver. Either quit drinking or reduce the consumption of alcohol.
Vikram : What Dr. Sonali, you too! Hey, I am an artist. Alcohol helps in my creativity.
Dr. Sonali: You are under a big misunderstanding. But being a doctor it is my duty to explain it to you.
Vikram: Your duty is over and I will complete my duty by paying your fees. Thank you.
Aakriti Advertising Present Kahaniyan Zindagi Se
Produced by Chaman Gupta
Written By : Savitri Balooni
Background Music : Nand Kishore
Sound Engineer : Vinita Banerjee
Video Editor : Dalvir Singh
Voice : Suchitra Gupta & Neeraj Sharma
Co-ordinator : Ms. Ritu Kumari
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दोस्तो, हमारी ज़िन्दगी से नित नई कहानियां पैदा होती हैं। यदि आपकी ज़िन्दगी की भी कोई संवेदनषील कहानी या अनुभव है और आप चाहते हैं कि उसे लोगों तक पहुंचना चाहिए तो अपना concept यानी संकल्पना अधिक्तम दो सौ(200) शब्दों में लिख कर हमें भेजें। पसंद आने पर आपके concept का कहानी रूपांतरण कहानियां ज़िन्दगी ’में शामिल किया जाएगा आपके नाम के साथ।
हमारा ई.मेल आई डी है : (E-mail I'd) :
Subscribe: @kahaniyanzindagise
#hindistories #viralstory #kahaniyanzindagise #cartoon #cartoonvideo #metro #metrolife #knowledge #viralstories #murdermystery #murdernews #reallife #storiesinhindi
Voiceover : Vikram was a famous painter. He could even capture the hidden emotions in someone's eyes on his canvas. The desires of someone's heart, unfulfilled dreams or any other emotion, seemed to come alive on the canvas through Vikram's brush.
Voiceover : Vikram's fame as a modern artist or a painter of today had spread all over the country. His paintings used to sell out instantly in exhibitions. There was no dearth of money. Despite having all the comforts of the world, Vikram also had a big weakness and that was addiction to alcohol. A few days ago, family doctor Sonali had warned him after seeing his medical report.
Dr. Sonali : Painter sahab, be careful. You have grade three fatty liver. Either quit drinking or reduce the consumption of alcohol.
Vikram : What Dr. Sonali, you too! Hey, I am an artist. Alcohol helps in my creativity.
Dr. Sonali: You are under a big misunderstanding. But being a doctor it is my duty to explain it to you.
Vikram: Your duty is over and I will complete my duty by paying your fees. Thank you.
Aakriti Advertising Present Kahaniyan Zindagi Se
Produced by Chaman Gupta
Written By : Savitri Balooni
Background Music : Nand Kishore
Sound Engineer : Vinita Banerjee
Video Editor : Dalvir Singh
Voice : Suchitra Gupta & Neeraj Sharma
Co-ordinator : Ms. Ritu Kumari
Comment your best part of the story
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दोस्तो, हमारी ज़िन्दगी से नित नई कहानियां पैदा होती हैं। यदि आपकी ज़िन्दगी की भी कोई संवेदनषील कहानी या अनुभव है और आप चाहते हैं कि उसे लोगों तक पहुंचना चाहिए तो अपना concept यानी संकल्पना अधिक्तम दो सौ(200) शब्दों में लिख कर हमें भेजें। पसंद आने पर आपके concept का कहानी रूपांतरण कहानियां ज़िन्दगी ’में शामिल किया जाएगा आपके नाम के साथ।
हमारा ई.मेल आई डी है : (E-mail I'd) :
Subscribe: @kahaniyanzindagise
#hindistories #viralstory #kahaniyanzindagise #cartoon #cartoonvideo #metro #metrolife #knowledge #viralstories #murdermystery #murdernews #reallife #storiesinhindi