• yesterday
PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (WSKT) baru saja menyelesaikan proyek Bendungan Rukoh di Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh. Proyek senilai Rp1,7 triliun itu memiliki kapasitas tampung sebanyak 128 juta meter kubik (m3).

Corporate Secretary Waskita Karya Ermy Puspa Yunita mengatakan, Bendungan Rukoh dapat mendukung pasokan air irigasi yang mengairi lahan pertanian seluas 12.194 hektare (ha).


00:00Back with us at IDX First Session Closing, we go to the information of the Indonesian Capital Market Commission.
00:10PT Waskidah Karya Persero TBK, a co-chair of the USKT stock exchange, has just completed the project of the Ruko dam in the PD Aceh regency.
00:19The project worth 1.7 trillion rupiah has a capacity of 128 million cubic meters
00:26and can support irrigation water supply that irrigates agricultural land more than 12,000 hectares.
00:36PT Waskidah Karya Persero TBK, a co-chair of the USKT stock exchange, has just completed the project of the Ruko dam in the PD Aceh regency.
00:45The project worth 1.7 trillion rupiah has a capacity of 128 million cubic meters.
00:53Waskidah Karya's corporate secretary, Ermi Puspa Yunita, said that the Ruko dam can support irrigation water supply that irrigates 12,194 hectares of agricultural land.
01:05Currently, the Ruko dam is already in the process of filling water or impounding so that it can flow to the irrigation land.
01:12The dam, which has an area of 687 hectares, is also capable of reducing flooding by 51 hectares or covering three districts, namely Titu, Gomala, and Sakti.
01:24The company hopes that the Ruko dam can provide a multiplier effect for the people of Aceh, especially around the PD regency.
01:32The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing projected that the existence of the Ruko dam will make the total agricultural production this year reach 6 tons per hectare.
01:39With the planting season being targeted three times a year.
