Full Video: Do Attractive Girls Get More Love?
00:00The fellow comes to you and says you are just great, you are the moon, you are the sea, you are the waves, you are the flowers
00:08You are everything, beautiful under the sun
00:11And then it requires a really wise woman to laugh at such a person in the face
00:18That's the biggest act of compassion, that's the biggest service you can do to that man
00:23Laugh at him, it's the curse
00:25Everything that comes to you by virtue of your physical beauty is something that you must avoid like poison
00:32Because it will entrap you deeper and deeper
00:35And it will close all doors of inner upliftment or fulfilment
00:42First of all you need to have that value, that understanding
00:45That understanding comes from life education, it comes from a spiritual core
00:50Without a spiritual core, your physical attractiveness is such a curse