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00:00Honestly, while filming, even I didn't know where Bella begun and Ananya ended, honestly,
00:05because I was really, really into it. You know, because I think also it's a series. So it gave us
00:10the opportunity to really dive into the character. You know, a lot of prep went into it as well,
00:16even though it may seem really easy, it was actually very tough, because there's comedy
00:20and there's timing and there's all these, you know, long monologue dialogues that she's saying
00:25super fast. So there was a lot of prep involved in it.
00:34Good evening, this is Manjusha Radhakrishnan and I'm the entertainment editor for Gulf News Dubai.
00:38And today we have a very interesting and a promising talent from Bollywood called Ananya
00:44Pandey. And today I just finished watching actually her series called Call Me Bae.
00:50You finished? How much did you see?
00:52I saw the whole thing. We got the screeners. This is one series where I kept watching it and
00:57you did a fabulous job. Let me tell you, wait for my review. And it's so interesting to see a
01:03series. I'm done with dark series dramas. It's so good to see something like Legally Blonde meets
01:09Schitt's Creek meets Clueless. Perhaps you should tell us Ananya, was it as much fun to play?
01:14Yes, as you said, you know, I'm also a huge fan of this genre. I've grown up watching these kind
01:19of films and it's been my comfort, you know, it's a comfort food. I always go back to it if I'm
01:23having a bad day, or if I just want to just sit in bed and eat a tub of ice cream. These are the
01:27kind of films that I go back to. And honestly, personally, I can never have enough of the genre.
01:33And I feel like, as you said, constantly, at least right now, things have been slightly dark,
01:38the kind of content we've been seeing. And I'm a fan of that as well. But sometimes you need like,
01:42you know, a breath of fresh air and a ray of sunshine and just a feel good thing to watch,
01:48which sometimes also leaves you with a message, but not in a very, you know, sort of pushy way.
01:54So yeah, it was as much fun, if not more fun to actually play the part. And, you know, when you
01:59watch the series, I had a great, great time because the characters super up her energy,
02:05and she's upbeat and happy and positive and all things lovely. And even if as Ananya, I was not
02:10having the best day, when I became Bay in those 12 hours, I couldn't think of anything else but
02:16Bay's world. So honestly, she saved me in a lot of times.
02:19I have to say Bella Chaudhary at many points, I was like, is that Ananya Pandey? Or is that Bella
02:25Chaudhary? There were so many instances where I feel even you are you come from a privileged
02:29background, which you have accepted in the past. But I was wondering, where does Bella Chaudhary
02:35start? And where does Ananya Pandey end? Did that come across to you?
02:39Honestly, I think Bella and I are more different than we're similar. Because even though I
02:43come from a privileged film family, my family life and upbringing has been very different from
02:48hers, you know, she's uber, uber privileged, like she's literally born with a golden spoon. And
02:53she's from South Delhi. And, you know, she's had a kind of life where her mother prepared her to
02:58be the perfect daughter, and then the perfect wife, and you know, everything was planned out
03:02for her. And in that way, my life was very different, because my parents always wanted me to
03:06be whatever I want, you know, I've grown up in a very liberal home with all working women, you
03:11know, in the house. So I've always been a hustler in that sense. But with Bella, you know, she was
03:17treated very differently, because she's a girl. And you know, her brother being a boy was given
03:20a lot more opportunities than her. So there are more differences, I would say, even the journey
03:25that she goes through in terms of coming to Bombay, meeting all these people, finding her purpose.
03:31And then there are also, of course, some similarities, in terms of I think, her kind
03:35personality, or her people pleasing personality, or the way she uses humor often, I think those
03:40things are similar with me and her. But honestly, while filming, even I didn't know where Bella
03:46begun and Ananya ended, honestly, because I was really, really into it. You know, because I think
03:51also, it's a series. So it gave us the opportunity to really dive into the character. You know, a
03:57lot of prep went into it as well, even though it may seem really easy, it was actually very tough,
04:02because there's comedy, and there's timing, and there's all these, you know, long monologuey
04:06dialogues that she's saying super fast. So there was a lot of prep involved in it.
04:11It is a very well written, very smartly written show. And those are very rare. I mean,
04:18comedy is so difficult as well. And also it had a pulse on what's happening in the world today.
04:23It talks about me too, as well, which is, I mean, art is imitating life and vice versa, I feel.
04:28Did you feel like, you know, this is one show where there's also a sense of purpose is not just
04:33about your clothes, but at some point, there's activism in it?
04:37Yeah, for sure. I think that's the beauty of the show that even though it starts off,
04:40and it always maintains its light and, you know, breezy tone, it's still really at the end of the
04:45day is saying something and it's standing for something. And I feel like, as a young actor,
04:49sometimes I feel helpless, because I don't know, you know, what to do, I don't know
04:54where and how exactly to use my voice. But then when I'm able to do that through my work,
04:58if I leave behind work that actually, you know, aligns with my personal beliefs,
05:03for me, that's like a win-win situation. It's killing two birds with one stone, literally for
05:06me. So that's how I felt about the show. More importantly, I'd want to talk to you about the
05:11sister code that exists in this show. It is so beautiful to see so many young women come together
05:17and they're not warring with each other. There's no pettiness, you know, that tends to happen when
05:22girls get together. There's no cattiness, you know, it's more like, let's work together. Let's
05:28get through together. It's not easy in this world. Did you find that very refreshing as well?
05:34Enduring towards you guys?
05:35I did. I did. Because I feel like whenever they show, you know, women in films,
05:39they're always serving as a prop to the man or they're always talk, if they're two girls in a
05:44scene, and they're always discussing a man or fighting over a man, or talking about a man,
05:49you know, it's always about servicing the man. And I felt what was really different about this
05:55was that it wasn't like that they were actually just girls supporting each other. And honestly,
05:59in real life, I have only seen the most beautiful female friendships. So then to actually have
06:04something like that portrayed on screen, I think that's a really good example to set and to show
06:09because it's real and honest. And that's how it is today. You know, and it's always been like this,
06:13but we haven't seen it enough on screen. Yeah, it's the girls are, you know, supporting each
06:18other and giving each other tips. And you know, no one's fighting for space, they all create their
06:22own beautiful space. Yeah, I feel each character needs an offshoot, you know, it can go in tangents
06:28as well. Even though the show is called Call Me Bae, I think it's a proper ensemble show,
06:32you know, every character has its own arc and their own journey and their own subplots going
06:36and I don't think Bae would be Bae without the people around her. Right. Other than Bae,
06:41even I feel the men are not bashed. This is marketed as a very fun thing, but it also deals
06:48with a very grim subject. Do you think, you know, at any point where you're telling the makers as
06:53well, we have to be very sensitive about how we deal with the twists that come later on in the
06:58series. I think it was all actually there in the script. I didn't have to make anyone aware of
07:03that because I feel like with Dharmatik and with Colin and Karan and Apoorva Sir and just Prime
07:08Video also honestly, with everyone involved, all the stakeholders, they're just the right people,
07:13I think, to tell this kind of story because they all have that sensitive bone in them and they know
07:16how to kind of deal with a topic like this. Probably the reason we haven't been discussing
07:21it in promotions is because the show unfolds like a mystery. So I think it would come across
07:26more of a spoiler and that's why we're not talking about it as much. But I think the way
07:30that it's dealt with in the show is probably the best explanation that we can give.
07:35Right. I have to ask you, did you feel very safe being on a set? I ask every woman this,
07:41did you feel safe? Was it a very conducive environment where you went to work feeling
07:47protected? I did, I did because you know in our contracts there are a lot of clauses in place
07:53which you know protect women and even on our call sheet there was always a helpline number
07:58if anyone wanted to complain anonymously against anyone if they were feeling uncomfortable in any
08:03situation. I want to speak about Veer Das, you know he's such a gentleman, even Varun Sood,
08:09you know I'm talking about specific scenes but Veer Das had a scene with Lisa in the show where
08:13he had to just hold her arms but he was very very polite and he kept asking her if she's okay with
08:19you know with him holding her shoulder. He was really good about that and I think that's really
08:24important you know for men and women, honestly for people to respect other people's personal
08:30space and just you know consent basically is very important and I also had a scene with Varun
08:35Sood where he kept making sure I was comfortable. So seeing more of that on set it gives you hope
08:41as a young actress. I have seen you grow as an actress, I think I've spoken to you for every
08:46release and what I love is your performances, I have to say you have there's been leaps and
08:52bounds. I mean you can do comedy now, well done you and I'm really saying this from like a good
08:57place where I think you are doing right, you're doing well. Was that tough as well because there
09:03are many memes done etc about Ananya, can she act? Yes, she can act and then people apologizing
09:10for actually asking you whether she can act. It's been a cycle. Finally, do you feel that people are
09:15finally taking you seriously and with this I think they will but I hope so. I mean I think first I
09:21used to feel very bogged down by it and I used to constantly feel like I should say something but
09:25now I've realized that your work speaks louder than anything and I felt that more than ever after
09:30with the love and the appreciation that I got and I'm hoping the same thing happens with they you
09:35know. I really challenge myself here because as you said I've done the comedy in this one
09:39whereas in Dream Girl 2 and Pati Patni Aur Wo, I was mainly reacting to the comedy you know
09:44in this one I have my own punches and my own comic timing that I've sort of figured out
09:49so I hope people enjoy that as well. Let's talk about the fashion of course, love, love the
09:53clothes. I think the stylist I want to raid her closet. Do you get to keep the wardrobe?
09:57Are you going to auction the pieces? Like tell me more about the fashion.
10:02I actually think by creating like a bay line or something that's what I heard. I think people
10:06will be able to get their hands on these pieces. I know Anaida Shroff and her entire team you
10:12know Sabina everyone has done such a great job at you know thrifting and you know getting all
10:16these vintage old classic brands. There was a lot of reading of Karan Johar's closet also.
10:22What my favorite part about the like and when I talk about fashion I'm also seeing the hair and
10:26makeup department because all of them you know make the look with Nidhi doing my hair and Shraddha
10:30doing my makeup. It was all a complete teamwork when it comes to that but what I like about the
10:35fashion in this show is it starts off a certain way you know when Bella's in Delhi she's in these
10:40plaid sets those typical Blair Waldorf looks with the hair. And then when you see her
10:46move to Mumbai she actually becomes a lot more experimental with her fashion. You know she takes
10:50things from her friends from Mumbai, people at the hostel and you know her roommates and everything
10:55and she kind of finds her own personality with her clothes because when she was growing up her
11:00mom probably dressed her every single day and told her she needs to look perfect but you know when
11:06she gets to Mumbai everything becomes bolder, her hair and her eye makeup and her accessories.
11:11So actually her clothes are also going on a journey with her. Excellent, excellent. I have to ask you
11:16this. Do you have a great rapport with all your co-stars or do you need to have a rapport with
11:20your co-stars where you guys are spending so much time together? I'm assuming you guys look like
11:25family but do you need to be family to have a great scene? I don't think it's a necessity but I
11:30think the person that I am it invariably it happens with me you know because I'm going to be on set
11:35with the same people for so many days I just end up becoming friends but especially on this show
11:40I think more than ever. I think Kogai Hum Kahaan was also similar in that way where we all actually
11:44became friends and I also think on this series we all actually became friends to the point where
11:50Colin had to like separate us and make us sit in different rooms because we couldn't stop laughing
11:54and we couldn't stop talking to each other and even now whenever we're promoting even though
11:59we're with each other for so many hours even in the lunch break we still sit together and we make
12:03plans to go out so I didn't think we'd all bond so well but we've actually ended up bonding. I know
12:08you grew up on a staple of gossip girl, clueless etc. Who is that one character that kind of defined
12:13you and when you were wanting to be an actress you're like you know for me it's always Clueless,
12:17Alicia Silverstone I think was it? Yeah, Alicia Silverstone, Cher and Clueless. For me I think
12:23it's Geet from Jab We Met. Love, love, love that performance. It's such an underrated performance
12:29also especially in the second half of that film the more vulnerable side of hers you know when
12:35that song that aao ge jab tum saaj na I think she just looks stunning and beautiful so yeah I would
12:40say Geet from Jab We Met. You are one of the few I think actresses have done really remarkably
12:45remarkably well. Do you think that I mean when you look back you started with student of the year
12:50two now it's like life has come full circle with Karan Johar again etc. Do you look back on your
12:55own journey? Do you assess your growth? I don't consciously you know look back too much but
13:00sometimes you'll see something on Instagram someone will post like some video from student
13:05of the year and suddenly I'm like oh my god I was such a baby you know but I'm really grateful for
13:09my journey and everything that's happened on the way. I don't think that I would be the person or
13:13the actress I am today if you know everything didn't go the way that it went. I wouldn't want
13:17to change the journey for anything else and honestly I feel like I'm in a new chapter now as
13:23an actor because I feel like I'm doing a lot more meaningful parts now. I'm doing a lot more
13:27challenging parts and you know as a young actress to be headlining a show is a huge huge deal and
13:33then I have Vikram Aditya Mohan sir's film Control coming out again where you know I'm playing the
13:38titular character so for me these challenges right now doing meaningful work is very
13:43gratifying as an experience. I love the fact that you make fun of yourself as well the trailer has
13:47already revealed it where perhaps something that you had said about privilege became a meme.
13:54Well done you for taking one for yourself I guess. I don't know is this your way of just saying listen
13:59just everybody calm down. I honestly agreed to it because I felt like it went really well with
14:05Bella as a character and it fit really well in the scene and generally in the show also
14:10there are lots of pop culture references and there's a lot of you know the show is very
14:14self-referential and self-aware. It seems so seamless for me I'm like this came to you naturally
14:20this is what you do for a living. It's a great sign for an actor if you believe it if you think
14:26that person. I think finding the humanity in her I wouldn't say was challenging but it was
14:31the most complex part you know doing because she's obviously doing really out of these
14:37this world stuff and you know you may term it as ridiculous but I as Ananya could never judge
14:42her for that. I couldn't ever you know make fun of her. I had to completely believe that okay she's
14:47a girl that talks to her bags and she talks to her fridge but how do you make her real and likable
14:51within that so even though that was a challenge it was also I think the best part of the character.
14:56I think you've done a fabulous job with the series. Thank you so much. You headlined it well and I can't
15:00wait for the second season. Is there anything on the works? Do you guys get feelers? How does it work?
15:06I mean the way the show ends when you watch it is on quite a stiff hanger so hopefully I think
15:11we're all hoping for it because I know me and all the characters would love to come back because
15:16you know we've not finished, we're not done, we're all missing our characters and being on that set
15:20so we hope that people love it enough and want a season two. It's great talking to you and it's
15:25also great to see you grow. Thank you. Thank you so much.
